On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 7:22 AM, Niall Douglas
The GSoC ideas page lists many precanned GSoC projects written for students by potential mentors. If none of those interest you, then it is YOU who must write a suitable GSoC project proposal and ideally it is YOU who must try to find a potential mentor here willing to mentor you.
I started this thread to discuss a possible project based on the algorithms idea written at the bottom of the page. I assumed that the best way to know which mentors would be interested in guiding me would be starting a thread. Please let me know if I was wrong. No one will write a proposal for you - if they did, that proposal would
already be on the GSoC idea page.
Yes, this thread was just an introductory thread so that I could get things started. Is this not a good way to introduce? I would definitely go on to write a proposal after some discussion, but if I was supposed to write a proposal in the introductory thread itself, I'm sorry, I'll do that soon. I am new to this thread and the list in general and usually the norm is to introduce yourself first, get some reflection from the organization and go about working on your idea. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong here. Please let me know if I did. I'll also start looking into the ideas on the ideas page and re-evaluate what projects I can do, and post another thread about one of the ideas from the ideas list if they interest me. Thanks, -- Tejas Nikumbh, Fourth Year Undergraduate, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay.