On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Francisco José Tapia
the code and the documentation are finished
All is in https://github.com/fjtapia/sort_parallel
Please, if you see any error, mistake or something to correct, say me in
order to change as soon as possible
Please fix your int_array type; I still see unnecessary calls in it.
Here's what I suggest:
struct int_array
{ uint64_t M[NN];
template <class generator >
static int_array<NN> generate (generator &gen)
int_array<NN> result;
for ( uint32_t i =0 ; i < NN ; ++i)
result.M[i] = gen();
return result;
uint64_t counter ( void) const
{ uint64_t Acc =0 ;
for ( uint32_t i =0 ; i < NN ; Acc += M[i++]) ;
return Acc ;
bool operator < ( const int_array &R) const
{ return ( counter() < R.counter());
There is no need to pass an int_array to the generate method. If you
want, I can send you a pull request.
With the int_array corrected, I see a case in which the introsort is
useful too; I think we can keep it all (depending on how Windows
testing goes), but please fix the int_array.
If you'd prefer, I can send a pull request with the changes, though
you'll need to make minor test fixes to accommodate it.