26 Jul
26 Jul
9:20 a.m.
Marshall Clow
We will be “closing” the release branch late Monday night (Pacific Daylight time) in preparation for building a 1.56.0 release candidate on Tuesday morning.
[ Actually, we’re just going to stop the automatic merging to the super-project, but … ]
Hi, seems like automerging is indeed already stopped. I request that the following commit to flyweight master: https://github.com/boostorg/flyweight/commit/ eaa5f56b9b16b894541b93ad50718f5bdf3cd6b2 be merged into supermaster. It is a change in testing code, not in the lib itself, and has already cycled through 90% of the test runners in develop. Thank you, Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica