9 Apr
9 Apr
6:13 p.m.
AMDG On 04/09/2014 10:46 AM, Alexandra Alva Oliva wrote:
I install build-essential and rerun b2, this is the result:
....then a lot of this errors/ warning c.hpp for lack of /usr/local/include/boost... ...skipped
mpl/vector/aux_/preprocessed/no_ctps/vector40_c.hpp for lack of /usr/local/include/boost... <snip> The folder stage/lib with the library was not created.
This means that you ran ./b2 install but lacked permission to write to /usr/local. If you want to build the libraries in stage/lib, use ./b2 or ./b2 stage. In Christ, Steven Watanabe P.S. The appropriate forum for questions like this is boost-users.