Hi All, I have had highly variable results with Boost.Python mostly due to linker errors or failures of Python to find DLLs. Python is not great at reporting why it fails, for example not naming failures to load dependent DLLs on Windows which does not make this a joyous experience. I have never managed to get any Boost.Python example - mine or otherwise - working on Windows and have had limited success on Linux. It is little surprise that all the examples on Stackoverflow avoid Bjam for builds. For my genetics library, I have an example that has a single source file and the Jamfile reads thus: python-extension genetics : bindings.cpp : <toolset>gcc:<cxxflags>-std=c++11 ; with: using python : 2.7 ; in ~/boost-config.jam ie. as minimal as possible. This builds well on linux (I am adding a library to the head of modular boost). When I run: python -c "import genetics" with appropriate PYTHONPATH I get a run-time symbol search error: ImportError: <...>/genetics.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK5boost6python7objects21py_function_impl_base9max_arityEv My guess would be that rather than this one symbol, Python is failing to load the shared lib: ~/modular-boost/bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-4.8/debug/libboost_python.so.1.59.0 As a postscript, It would be lovely if there were no static or dynamic libraries to link with when compiling with Boost.Python and a unity build would be a nice option as this would bypass linker and runtime related errors. It would probably compile faster in my long experience with such projects. Any help would be welcome. Andy. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. http://www.avast.com