We're responsible for that too - it's part of our customisation layer - if it's old fashioned, it's because it was written a long time ago and no one has touched it since!
Are you sure? It appears to be admon.xsl:graphical.admonition template in base Docbook XSLT layer, with BoostBook doing minor tweaks only. Anyway, I could switch to non-graphical admonitions to get HTML structure I could style, also live at above URL.
OK, my mistake, yes admonishments get transformed into tables, if this is a problem I suggest you raise it with the Docbook guys - they've been quite helpful to us in the past as I recall.
Personally I like the PDF's *of individual libraries* not the whole thing - they're easier to search and often to navigate than the HTML. BTW printing HTML looses a lot of the structural information that docbook contains, for example you don't get the document outline in the left pane.
Fair enough. On the other hand, HTML produced by BoostBook/DocBook is not quite perfect either and aging, and nobody's working on improving it.
Are you sure? It's always seemed to me that docbook (and associated stylesheets) is rather well maintained, albeit they're under-resourced (like everyone!) John.