AMDG On 10/27/2018 03:05 PM, James E. King III wrote:
On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 4:53 PM Steven Watanabe via Boost <> wrote:
<snip> I find it both amazing and scary that Boost.Build has an interactive debugger. In any case, if you use the docker container in the pull request in boostorg/boost you would probably be able to reproduce this because it pulls in dependencies of many of the repositories. For example the docker container is using Python 3.6.
(might I suggest aliasing "bt" for "backtrace" in the Boost.Build debugger?)
That's reasonable, but I'd actually like to match gdb's command alias/abbreviations systematically rather than adding individual aliases on an ad-hoc basis.
``` <snip> #10 in class@main-target.generate ( object(property-set)@73156 ) at /boost/tools/build/src/build/targets.jam:784 <snip> ```
so: ``` (b2db) print [ object(typed-target)@73156.location ] (builtin):1: in errors.error ERROR: rule "object(typed-target)@73156.location" unknown in module "errors".
Well, that shows a clear deficiency in the debugger. @73156 is a property-set (hence the error) and the id of the object that you need is not shown anywhere. In Christ, Steven Watanabe