[Better Enums] Maps between enums and other types

Hello, In past exchanges on this list, several people expressed a desire for bidirectional maps on enums. I've made a simple implementation [1] that relies on constexpr functions containing a switch. The switch forces case exhaustiveness checking. This method therefore requires C++14 to be truly useful. Usage is: ENUM(Channel, int, Red, Green, Blue) constexpr const char* describe(Channel channel) { switch(channel) { case Channel::Red: return "the red channel"; case Channel::Green: return "the green channel"; case Channel::Blue: return "the blue channel"; } } constexpr auto descriptions = better_enums::make_map(describe); int main() { std::cout << descriptions.from_enum(Channel::Red) << std::endl; std::cout << descriptions.to_enum("the green channel") << std::endl; } This prints the red channel Green In principle, make_map should enumerate the function by passing every possible value of Channel, and use the results to build up some lookup data structure. I am not doing that right now because I haven't found a compile-time data structure with fast enough generation to be practical. I suppose with reflective information, there are other ways to check for exhaustiveness besides using a switch. The implementation is currently inefficient (it uses a linear scan to do the reverse mapping). There is also no support for multimaps or partial maps. I could probably support the latter easily by having the function return an option type. I am not sure multimaps are a good idea at all. The only point of them would be to do a reverse mapping from multiple values to the same enum. Interested to hear any opinions. Anton [1] http://aantron.github.io/better-enums/tutorial/Maps.html
participants (1)
Anton Bachin