boost serialization and new archive types

I'm here at C++Now and some have approached me about some enhancements to the serialization library. Specifically there is interest in moving the implementation of XML serialization to the latest C++11 of boost. I've gone them one better - While they're at it, how about including JSON and YAML as well? I would be happy to meet with anyone and everyone interested in this while here at the conference. I'm commited to all the operations meetings 12:45 so that time would be out - I'm flexible. Robert Ramey

On 05/12/2015 04:16 PM, Robert Ramey wrote:
I've gone them one better - While they're at it, how about including JSON and YAML as well?
Prompted by a recent discussion about JSON, I started to "boostify" my JSON parser. This is still work-in-progress (mostly lacking on the documentation side), but the (input and output) archives are working just fine. I am considering proposing this as part of a Boost.Protocol component, that besides the JSON stuff also can serve as a home for other wire or file protocols, such as MessagePack, CBOR, and s-expressions. There should be Boost.Serialization archives (and possibly Boost.Fusion support) for all protocols.
participants (2)
Bjorn Reese
Robert Ramey