[text] [review] Text formal review result

Many thanks to Zach for submitting his third library, Text, for Boost formal review. And thank you to the Boost community for participating. You can jump to result at the end of this email. The review period ran from June 11 to June 20 and we received a total of four reviews (three within the period). I won't summarise individual points, all reviews are accessible in the Boost list archives. 1. Emil Dotchevski submitted an early review, on June 3. He voted to accept the entire library with no conditions. 2. Rainer Deyke submitted a review on June 12. He voted to accept only the Unicode algorithms. 3. Phil Endecott submitted a review on June 18. He voted to accept only the UTF transcoding algorithms, and accept the Unicode layer providing the license issue is resolved. 4. JeanHeyd Meneide submitted a review after the review period ended, on June 21. He voted to accept the Unicode layer, and require that the text layer (if accepted) use std::string instead. I received no private reviews, but one email expressing concern about the copyright issue and eligibility for review. My thanks to Emil, Rainer, Phil, and JeanHeyd for your reviews. Thanks also to Gavin Lambert, Vinnie Falco, Alexander Grund, Villie Voutilainen, and everyone who participated in the discussion. The following points had the most weight in the review result that follows: 1. No desire for the string layer The bar for a custom string type is high. On a minor note presents incompatibilities with interfaces using std::string. On a major note a string replacement should give users things they currently depend on in std::basic_string. One of these is the ability to control dynamic allocations. Another is working with strings larger than 2GB. Allocators are not only about performance; i.e. the argument that supporting custom allocators would compromise the performance of the implementation is not enough to justify their absence. Users have the need to choose which area of dynamic memory their objects live in. In some cases users have a requirement that all dynamic allocations go through a custom (and stateful) allocator. JeanHeyd mentioned the now-deprecated wstring_convert functions which, despite their shortcomings, were usable. I filed LWG 2226 (http://wg21.link/lwg2226) years ago while at Microsoft because we had to reject its use in such a project where every dynamic allocation had to support stateful allocators, and wstring_convert did not. The end result was the developer reimplementing the functionality with proper support for stateful allocators. Supporting customizing allocation doesn't necessarily have to involve the current allocator model that containers or other standard library allocator-aware facilities support. As long as it provides the user with a similar level of control. 2. No strong acceptance for the text layer I won't repeat the points here. There was no strong desire expressed to have the text layer in Boost. The compromise to have it backed by std::string was still expressed in light of several shortcomings. 3. Portions of the library under a non-BSL license Phil identified three cases where the library did not have appropriate licensing. One was a simple omission, another has been resolved by the relevant code being relicensed under the BSL, but the other is still pending. We have a strict requirement for Boost licensing of code and data in our libraries that ship in the Boost distribution, and we cannot compromise on this. Zach understands this (he's authored two successful Boost libraries) and I'm confident he will address this. 4. A strong desire to have the Unicode layer in Boost Especially the encoding transcoding, the Unicode algorithms part of the library was well received. The reviews - though small in number - have convinced me of the value of accepting this layer of the library, provided the submission in question (all code and data) is licensed entirely under the BSL. A minor issue: 1. For a library of this size (all three layers are of non-trivial implementation size), I hoped for more reviews and participation. Rather than extend the review period by an additional week, the feedback received above lead me to believe that for Boost's and Zach's benefit, the result below and the prescribed course of action would be better: The result of this review is to reject the Text library in its current form, but to ask Zach to submit a subset of the library containing only the Unicode layer for mini-review, incorporating the feedback pertaining to it in this review. Where all of the code and data is licensed only under the BSL. The review wizard has the ability to grant a 5-day mini-review instead of a full 10-day review, and I've petitioned Mateusz to grant that Zach have this opportunity if he chooses for a second review of a library with just the Unicode layer. The text layer (backed by std::string, but ideally designed one that does not inhibit use of custom allocators ) could be reviewed as a separate library, to improve the chances of getting the Unicode algorithms in the hands of Boost users. My thanks once again to Zach for submitting his Text library for a review, and I hope that the second time's the charm. Glen

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 11:10 PM Glen Fernandes via Boost
Thanks, Glen, for managing the review, and thanks to all the reviewers. [snip]
I intend to do so. The Unicode layer is the most important part to me as well, since I want to standardize something like the interfaces there for C++23. I may therefore change the name to Boost.Unicode, too. Zach

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 10:43 AM Zach Laine via Boost
I want to standardize something like the interfaces there for C++23
Why are you targeting a particular release date? Is your development strategy going to be different because you want to "get something in to C++23" versus "I want to standardize something after it has achieved sufficient field experience and maturity?" Thanks

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 11:03 AM Vinnie Falco via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
I was going to ask the same question. Nothing should be standardized that isn't already the defacto standard. It isn't likely that between what's left of 2020 and 2023 this library or any other will become the defacto standard. I know this fails on deaf ears but it needs to be said.

Many Boost developers, including Zach (we've talked), share that view. But the thing is most library authors are choosing to go straight to the committee instead of coming through Boost these days. It's already going to take them several years of effort if they bypass Boost -- so you can see the rationale for going around if coming through Boost could delay or derail. Seems to me that Zach is taking a parallel track -- getting the proposal into the committee and the study unicode group, but then bringing it back to Boost for review and shakedown as well to ensure quality and usage experience. And while it's clear that a bunch of members want to improve unicode asap -- it's not necessarily a high priority: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2019/p0592r4.html And now I'll say some fairly radical things. To me this just says that as an organization we should consider alternate paths to boost adoption. For example, perhaps if a library is proposed for the standard it should automatically be allowed to become a boost 'experimental library' that would ship with releases. The library might not be maintained by the paper authors, but maybe we could coax more authors into realizing there's a benefit to shipping here in the form of massive user exposure. And we could still have a review -- but maybe the experimental acceptance wouldn't hinge on the results. Jeff On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 3:22 PM Emil Dotchevski via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 6:05 PM Jeff Garland via Boost
I don't know how this would work exactly, and I find it concerning that we would essentially have a lower bar for stuff that is targeting the standard, where it will eventually be chiseled into stone. However, where we might improve would be in lowering the bar to entry required just to submit a library for review. These hurdles currently exist: - This list is not very welcoming. One committee proposal I know of that is exactly the right kind of thing for Boost did not submit to Boost because they felt this list was rude and combative. I don't know the details, so I don't know if this particular complaint is warranted. More generally, this list is hard for outsiders to penetrate; pretty good evidence for this is the fact that we have posts here mostly from the usual suspects, and new voices don't appear very often. I have no suggested fixes for this, unfortunately. - It can be hard to figure out how to submit to Boost, and once you do, the process is pretty involved. We've addressed part of this by having a list of names of Boosters who have volunteered to act as review managers for stuff targeting the standard. Having yet more people volunteer to walk people through the process, and/or better document the process, would help here. As one example, is getting endorsements actually necessary? The submission process page says that it is, but that step seems to be skipped pretty often from what I can tell. Maybe I'm just not paying enough attention. - The build system and other infrastructure is unlike anything anywhere else, and super obscure, because it is not documented well enough to do anything but copy/paste from an existing Boost lib. We could of course use something that is used more widely. I want to see more std lib proposals come through Boost first, and I think a lot of you do, too. However, for that to happen at a larger scale than what we're seeing today (which is me alone as far as I can tell), we would need to sand off those rough edges I mentioned. The status quo is that it's simply so much easier to submit straight to LEWG that only a crazy person would do otherwise (again, that would be me). I'm not willing to do this work. I have too many irons in the fire as it is working on committee stuff and Boost libs. Perhaps someone here will be sufficiently motivated to address some of these things. Zach

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 9:02 PM Zach Laine via Boost
Not sure how many times it's been mentioned.. But build system integration is not required, or expected, for the review.
I want to see more std lib proposals come through Boost first, and I think a lot of you do, too.
I want less libs submitted to the standard. Which is not the same :-)
I'm truly questioning myself if I should go on a rant now :-\ -- -- René Ferdinand Rivera Morell -- Don't Assume Anything -- No Supone Nada -- Robot Dreams - http://robot-dreams.net

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 7:02 PM Zach Laine via Boost
I don't know how this would work exactly, and I find it concerning
I don't either, but I think we should ponder it. At a basic level maybe some folks would volunteer to help an author 'boostify' a library. Maybe summer of code projects.
that we would essentially have a lower bar for stuff that is targeting the standard, where it will eventually be chiseled into stone.
As you know, that is exactly the opposite of what I think -- if anything we should raise the bar. Part of that is on the committee itself to learn how to reject. And yet, it's clear that Ranges and Format aren't some half baked idea -- and yet not via Boost. Of course, Networking will likely be the next big addition from Boost -- let's see adopted int Boost 1.36. We're running out of decade+ old libraries to influence the standard.
Yes, this is unfortunate, and I likewise have no solution. - It can be hard to figure out how to submit to Boost, and once you
idk if this is the main issue, but certainly might play a role.
There seems to be in progress at some level toward cmake -- but really it's not that hard to adapt.
I want to see more std lib proposals come through Boost first, and I think a lot of you do, too.
Not a question in my mind on that.
I'm afraid you are correct, which is why I brought it up. Maybe I'm channeling Dave A and Beman here -- but I think self reflection is in order. I'm not willing to do this work. I have too many irons in the fire as
it is working on committee stuff and Boost libs. Perhaps someone here will be sufficiently motivated to address some of these things.
I agree -- you're one of the few doing it right. I'm only opening a discussion here so that maybe the dynamic can change. Jeff

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 7:02 PM Zach Laine via Boost
Yes well this is what happens when you encourage everyone to play the part of victim. Its a larger problem and not one that is specific for Boost to solve.
I agree. I think the mailing-list format is an anachronism. I would like to rebrand Boost and the website to be a more comprehensive social media site with an emphasis on C++. Instead of a mailing list, it should have a forum. And reviews would take place there. For example each reviewed library would be its own sub-forum to hold the review (and subsequent discussion and support if the library is accepted), using a threaded discussion format. Thanks

On 2020-06-27 07:27, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
IMHO, forums are much less convenient and interactive. All you need to use an ML (or multiple MLs) is an email client with a decent filtering system (which may also be implemented on the server). Whereas a forum is project-specific (meaning if you have 5 forums, you go to 5 different places, each having its own auth, UI, etc.), and you need to actively check it in a browser from time to time. (Email notifications exist, but they are not equivalent to a ML as they are less interactive and don't notify of new topics.) I don't mind having a forum as an additional communication platform, if there is demand, but it should not replace the ML.

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 12:40 PM Andrey Semashev via Boost
I don't mind having a forum as an additional communication platform, if there is demand, but it should not replace the ML.
Mailing list sucks. People that are not subscribed can't search through messages, and even people who are subscribed do not have access to messages from before they subscribed. Google doesn't index the mailing list, unless there is a mirror. In the case of Boost, the mirror is controlled by third parties and cannot be leveraged to generate traffic for boost.org and raise interest. The barrier for joining a mailing list just to ask one question is high. Right from the beginning you have to wait to get approved, and then you need to wait for approval to post. In a forum, you can post a message, get the URL of the message you just posted, and then share that with your friends out-of-band (for example, on Slack or in a reddit post) and get attention with possible replies right away. You can't do that with a mailing list. With a forum, information can be grouped in a top down fashion for everyone. For example, we could create a subforum for each library being reviews, have the review take place entirely in the forum, and the forum is then locked and archived, available permanently through boost.org (and associated with the library as part of its social media history). At any point in the future someone could look through the original review for the library including everyone's questions and comments. They can share a link to the review subforum with their friends. Someone can write a blog post years later about the review and describe their experience, or lessons learned, or tout the great value of the Boost Review Process, and so on. These things are not possible with a mailing list. We absolutely should move to a forum on boost.org for all things, import as much as we can from the mailing list (as far back as possible) into the forum, and then cease the use of the mailing list forever. Anyone who emails the list should get an automated reply that says "Please register for the wonderful forums at boost.org" etc Thanks

On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 at 20:57, Vinnie Falco via Boost
I use Boost but extremely rarely participate on the mailing lists. I strongly agree that mailing lists suck. Boost should've moved to a forum ages ago. I would find it easier to participate if Boost discussions were in a forum. So many things are easier in forum format. I would love to separate Boost communications from my email. Pete

On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 at 22:57, Vinnie Falco via Boost
Link to the archive once the first message gets through?
Same thing, link to the archive.
Not that this is my concern really, I'm not a boost regular, but I have an email system that beats the living daylights out of any forum that has ever been suggested to me. While I can't search the messages that were there before I subscribed, for the ones that are in my mail folders post-subscription the search I have is vastly superior to any forum. So are the filtering and other things. Forums may be an attractive option. But they don't hold a candle to some existing email systems.

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 10:08 PM Ville Voutilainen via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
[...] I have an email system that beats the living daylights
out of any forum that has ever been suggested to me. [...]
FWIW, SQLite has moved to a forum in the past few months. Lots of resistance of course (including mine), but like most tooling around SQLite, that forum was home-grown into Fossil, SQLite's also homegrown SCM / Ticket / Wiki / etc... system, and turns out to "not suck" :). I've used Discourse in the past, and liked it. But Fossil-based forums are way lighter weight, fast, and "feels" almost like a ML. Supports email notifications so you can still lurk as with an ML, and search is based on SQLite's own FTS of course. Anonymous posting is also possible. Like everything SQLite, that forum is minimalist, and fast. The main drawback may be that it's relatively new, and keeps evolving, with SQLite using the head/master of Fossil typically. FWIW. --DD SQLite Forum: https://sqlite.org/forum/forummain Fossil Forum: https://fossil-scm.org/forum/forum

On 2020-06-27 22:56, Vinnie Falco wrote:
There is an archive: https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/ I can't say it is as easy to search as Google, but there is no reason to believe a forum search would be better. Many forums I've seen simply don't have search at all.
I'm not sure why boost.org traffic needs to be increased. But then again, I probably don't know enough about how Internet works these days.
Well, you can, with an archive, but I admit this is probably easier with a forum.
As I said earlier, as a participant I would prefer to keep using the ML as it is simply more convenient for me.

On 6/26/2020 10:02 PM, Zach Laine via Boost wrote:
You have raised a bunch of hackles here. The LEWG, along with all other C++ standard committees, seems to me so much less open to debate than Boost is that it is hard to know what to say about your assertion that "This list is not very welcoming". Nor can anything ever be found out from the C++ standards committee why such and such was accepted or rejected, or what the arguments were about after the fact. Finally the poobahs of the C++ standard committee I have often found to be largely unfriendly and closed in their determination that only they really know what is good or not for C++.

On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 at 18:48, Edward Diener via Boost
Have you tried asking a committee member, or just asking on std-discussion? It also seems to me that there tends to be a multitude of meeting trip reports that cover why such and such was accepted or rejected.
Sure; some of them need a fairly strong rationale to be convinced otherwise. :)

On 2020-06-27 20:55, Ville Voutilainen via Boost wrote:
Asking a committee member requires personal interaction, and you have to know who to ask in the first place. Personal interaction is understandably a strong barrier for some. Asking on std-discussion or std-proposals is a possibility. I have tried that a few times, with mixed success. I suspect, a lot of proposal authors don't actively monitor these lists for questions or comments regarding proposals beyond the initial discussion phase, and committee members are either too busy, or not involved in the proposal, or don't reply for any other reason. As someone who haven't attended the committee meetings personally, but prepared a proposal with a representative, I can say that even obtaining the results of discussion of your own proposal is difficult. It is a very reasonable request to have a public searchable access to the result of review and discussion of a given proposal, if only to be able to learn from it or point to when another person comes up with a similar proposal. It may be difficult to implement, but the demand is there.
It also seems to me that there tends to be a multitude of meeting trip reports that cover why such and such was accepted or rejected.
Trip reports do not provide that information beyond the general results of the most prominent proposals. They do not contain the discussion results on every proposal. Besides, a trip report is a perspective of a single person, who may have not even participated in the proposal you're interested in. You'd have to search multiple personal blogs to find such reports, among other posts, from multiple persons, with no certainty you'll find the information you need in the first place.

On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 at 23:06, Andrey Semashev via Boost
Well, for future reference, I am happy to entertain reasonable requests for "why was this thing accepted/rejected, can you outline the discussion and the arguments?".
The signal/noise ratio of those discussion forums is unfortunately not very good.
That's unfortunate; you should be able to get that information from the representative. I can slap^Whelpfully guide them what their job as proposal champions is, if you wish.
It's not a question of implementation difficulty, it's more a question of how visible the comments made in a discussion are. There's a difference in discussing technical matters with an open crowd, and with a less open crowd.
Fair enough. I merely wonder whether "nor can anything be found" is an accurate/correct statement to make. I am all in favor of improving the communication of feedback to proposal authors. To the general public, I find it non-obvious that there should necessarily be more openness about it. P.S. I'm a Free Software developer, I contribute to GCC and libstdc++ on a fairly regular basis. The virtues of open collaboration are not foreign to me. They aren't necessarily virtues in all situations.

On 2020-06-27 23:18, Ville Voutilainen wrote:
No, I didn't mean to complain about the champion. I'm just saying that this information should be easily accessible as an open resource, like a bug tracker or something, rather than asking the champion or a random committee member. And besides, Internet has better memory than most people. :)
Well, you don't have to discuss it with the crowd. Just making the discussion results public would be helpful already.

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 1:55 PM Andrey Semashev via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
So ISO has rules about the attribution of comments to people that we have to follow. This is intended to allow for candid discussion amongst participants. So there are notes and resources about discussions that are not open to the public -- you have to have attended a meeting to get access. Same applies to some committee mailing lists. Note that you can attend a meeting for free and participate in the technical discussion without 'joining the committee'. But yes, this is all the more reason for public reviews on boost first as much as possible. All that aside, we try to be as open as possible. As an author of a proposal you should be getting all the feedback, hopefully from the chairs of the groups doing the review. And we have now cleared the point where direction votes are recorded on Github (one issue per paper).

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 4:19 PM Vinnie Falco
No I'm not -- it's ISO's rule/theory not mine. I really doubt the committee benefits from that rule, but it's not up for negotiation. That being said, I've submitted private reviews to the author and review manager -- and yes you can do that. So the assumption that all the conversation about boost is public isn't true either. Why did I do that? Mostly because I had an opinion about a library and not enough time to fully review and post. Or maybe I'm using the library in a production system and I'd like it in Boost, but maybe I'm not free to share that publicly. Jeff

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 4:54 PM Jeff Garland
That being said, I've submitted private reviews to the author and review manager -- and yes you can do that.
Private reviews for a Boost library are entirely different than private committee discussions for changing the C++ standard. In the Boost case usage of the library collection is entirely opt-in. And usage of individual libraries is similarly opt-in. A newly added Boost library does not create additional work or obligate users. Compare this with the standard, which is not a collection of libraries or even a collection of code, but an ever-changing specification which vendors must implement in order to have a conforming system. Changes to the standard create obligations for everyone, not just vendors but the entire C++ community at the very least because programmers will have to learn and understand changes to the language itself in order to understand code. Thanks

On 6/27/2020 7:10 PM, Jeff Garland via Boost wrote:
Proposal xxxx was rejected in year nnnn. Please tell me where I can find the C++ standards committee discussion of proposal xxxx, and the differing opinions and comments of those discussing the proposal, as well as the current contact information for those discussing the proposal who are still members of a C++ standards committee. Finally I should not need to be the author of proposal xxxx to have that information since I may well be someone who is interested in xxxx and has something important to say about it. In Boost you can do all that without being anybody special. For the C++ standards committee, you can not do any of that, probably even if you are a C++ standards committee member much less an outsider. Therefore I vastly prefer Boost over the C++ standards committee when it comes to discussing or promoting C++ ideas, C++ libraries, or library design.

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 1:19 PM Ville Voutilainen via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Agree Ville. Andrey you're having a conversation with committee members now -- although I suppose that's not obvious. Zach, Glen, Ville, J. Wakely will pop in here as well. You know where to get a hold of me -- I'd be happy to answer any questions I can. Of course the problem is that we all can't possibly now track all the proposals and discussions of the committee. And therein lies part the problem -- I'd like more of the smart people on this list looking at stuff before the committee is spending time on it. Oh, and thank you for your many contributions to my library :) Jeff

On 6/27/2020 1:55 PM, Ville Voutilainen via Boost wrote:
I do not find that the reasons why a proposal is accepted or rejected, as well as the differing opinions of those reviewing the proposal, are available for C++ Standard committees. Yet anyone can search Boost archives for discussions regarding a library submitted to Boost, since they are all part of the Boost developer mailing list. Therefore while I respect the expertise of those on the various C++ standard committees, and while I understand that those who are on the various C++ standard committees change over time, the lack of historical information regarding proposals is a huge negative IMO. I am not against experts making decisions in any field, but I am always against those decisions not being open so that other people can see the reasons, even after the fact, for decisions being made. This is especially true in our age, where digital records can provide information much more easily than libraries of printed information could in the past. I believe everyone has a right to protect personal information, but at the same time I believe public information should be open to anyone.
I think it is more like some of them are too egotistical to even listen to others who do not have their own reputation. But that is true in any field and while I have encountered some who were like that I have also dealt with some others who were pretty open to technical arguments. Nonetheless I find that even if the debates in Boost get fairly contentious sometimes, it is always better to have the debate rather than avoid argumentation out of some preconceived notion of "niceness".

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 9:22 PM Edward Diener via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
archives for discussions regarding a library submitted to Boost, since
I guess I don't see this as generally the case wrt specific proposals. Most papers, tend to maintain a running history of relevant decisions and that's usually the best source of what transpired. Look at one of mine -- on page 2 there there's a summary related to LEWGI and SG10 feedback. Section 6 goes into more detail on a number of these. Authors do this to help remind themselves and help committee members (meaning cut down rediscussion of already hashed thru points) that aren't able to be in every single discussion of the paper. To me this is actually better than trying to search the mailing list. http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2019/p1750r1.pdf
98% of it is. Of course it just won't have the fidelity of have 'been in the room'...
If these people exist, I haven't met them yet. And I've spent an unhealthy amount of time participating....
'Contentious debate' over things that should be non-issues is a feature of our current broader context. To give a Boost example, though, I find all review comments of the form "this doesn't solve my use case so I won't use the library - I vote to reject" hostile and not helpful. The fact that a library doesn't solve your use case is one 'data point' -- good, supply that as a fact. The question at hand in a review is if the library solves a need for many users. If you would vote against something that others might find useful that lessons the value of your opinion in my book. Jeff

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 9:16 AM Jeff Garland via Boost
there's a summary related to LEWGI and SG10 feedback.
I think the entire ISO process is wasteful, inefficient, and loaded with bureaucracy and politics. Meaningful discussion should take place in durable, electronic, archived, and eternally available form visible to the public. Mailing lists sort of work but forums are better (using whatever software). Face to face discussions where valuable decisions and knowledge evaporate into the atmosphere, leaving behind only a stutteringly imperfect and incomplete record by a beleaguered note-taker do not give the proper respect that the C++ standard and its attendant community deserve. Thanks

On 6/28/2020 12:16 PM, Jeff Garland via Boost wrote:
My point is that the history of what is said about a proposal by those either voting to accept or reject a proposal is not available in any form unless it is added to the proposal itself by someone. In your link I do not see the discussion about acceptance or rejection of the proposal by anyone, and if I look up most any given proposal, going back nnnn years ago I see nothing in the proposal itself explaining why it was accepted or rejected. Is it really too much to ask that the C++ standards committee keep a record of the discussion for a given proposal which tells why a proposal is accepted to rejected ? I became concerned about this not as just a theoretical problem because an idea I had which I thought would improve C++ was proposed in an even better way 17 years ago and rejected, and yet there is zero information why the proposal was rejected. But I am trying not to focus on my idea but on the general issue that the reasons a proposal are accepted or rejected by the C++ standards committee is completely lost to anyone who was not there at the time when the proposal was "debated". I found this very poor in an age of digital information.

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 9:46 AM Edward Diener via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
It's a proposal that is under revision and not complete. It's a newer development in the committee process, but for this paper you can see most of the relevant vote history on github: https://github.com/cplusplus/papers/issues/511
If you want something more than the votes, then that might fall into the 2% that needs a committee member to answer. And hopefully from this discussion, you know who to ask.

On 2020-06-27 05:02, Zach Laine via Boost wrote:
Personally, I like Boost ML very much, compared to some other mailing lists I'm subscribed to. It has been very professional, technical and helpful over the years that I'm participating, with remarkably little spam, politics, rudeness and personal attacks. I can see it could be intimidating for newcomers to join because of the level of technical scrutiny this list exercises. But that scrutiny ultimately leads to better libraries, which I think is a good thing.
It is true that ML activity has reduced lately, but I suspect that some amount of discussions have simply migrated to other platforms, like GitHub and Slack. Specifically on GitHub, I'll note that some of the bad reputation of Boost comes from the lack of support of some libraries. People create issues and PRs that are left unattended for years, which gives a bad impression of Boost as a whole.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020, 5:22 PM Emil Dotchevski via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Unicode is an actual standard. The std::ranges library is too. Not de facto standards, actual standards. The Unicode layer of the proposed Boost.Text packages the Unicode algorithms into a std::ranges-style API. There is very little invention going on here. The text layer is a different matter. That *is* an invention. It is also controversial, as the review demonstrated. That is precisely why I was not going to attempt to standardize any of it in the C++23 timeframe, even when my plan was still to get it into Boost right away. It needs time for evaluation and revision -- perhaps several years. I understand the concerns you have both raised, and I share them. I'm one of the few people in LEWG consistently asking "How many users does this have?" and "Why didn't this go into Boost first?". If I thought that either the Unicode standard or the std::ranges work were not fully baked, I might have reservations about the Unicode layer of Boost.Text. The only thing that might need baking is the exact subset of Unicode algorithms that one needs to do useful work. The review has pointed out some weak spots, but if you look at the review, you'll notice that they're all additive. I expect all future changes to be additive, too, because there are not variations of the Unicode algorithms. There's a fixed set of them. If we were to standardize the existing Unicode layer today, we'd be able to use it for a very, very long time. You cannot say that with any certainty about most proposals to the standard library, but then most such proposals are not based on an existing international standard. That's why the Unicode layer (and *only* the Unicode layer) should be standardized in the C++23 timeframe. Zach

On Fri, 26 Jun 2020 at 06:10, Glen Fernandes via Boost
I have updated the review schedule with the results
Speaking on behalf of myself and John Phillips (notified), we are happy to grant the mini-review whenever it suits you. Thank you Zach, Glen and the reviewers. Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

Glen, thanks for managing the review. Glen Fernandes wrote:
1. For a library of this size (all three layers are of non-trivial implementation size), I hoped for more reviews and participation.
Yes, I found this rather dispiriting. And predictably, we are now seeing more words being written contemplating what has gone wrong than were written during the review itself. To the people who want to suggest how to improve things, I think the most useful thing you could tell us is why you individually did not submit a review. While preparing my review I looked at the mailing list archive from the time of the Boost.Locale review, and it is striking how much quieter this list is now than a few years ago. Perhaps this is simply because std::C++ now has things like shared_ptr and tuple and optional etc. which a decade ago required Boost - if fewer people now need to use Boost then there are fewer people here to submit reviews. Which is a good thing, maybe. Does anyone know if the number of list subscribers has declined over the years? Zach Laine wrote:
I'm surprised by the suggestion that it's easier to work with the standards committees than with Boost. For a start, literally anyone can subscribe to this list and engage with discussions free of charge. According to isocpp.org/std/meetings-and-participation, the policy for access to the WG21 email lists is they are open to: * Any member of a national body that participates in WG21, including any employee of a company that is already a member of a national body. [Cost: $1,950 per year in the US.] * Any person who has already attended a face-to-face meeting in the past. This requirement helps preserve the signal-to-noise ratio by limiting access to people who have demonstrated they're serious about participating. ["Serious about participating", or "rich and like intercontinental travel and don't believe in climate change"?] * (new) For a Study Group email list, the SG chair may also at their own discretion add any new expert who wants to participate. In particular, SGs are especially designed to be open and inclusive to experts in their field. [So if I were an "expert" in Unicode - which I'm not! - I could ask the Unicode SG chair to add me, which they may or may not do at their discretion.] I really don't see how that could possibly be easier, or (in reference to another part of Zach's message) more welcoming than Boost! Regards, Phil.

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 7:58 AM Phil Endecott via Boost
the most useful thing you could tell us is why you individually did not submit a review.
I suck at writing reviews. I look at other people's reviews and they are amazing, well thought out, and demonstrate a deep understanding of library design and C++. While I have a short attention span and lack the patience to evaluate someone else's library. As such it is my preference simply to remain silent, unless there is a very narrow topic that I am confident speaking about (such as allocator support in string containers). I try to make up for it by encouraging my co-workers to submit reviews. However no one was knowledgeable in Unicode.
I think it is because there is no one tasked with promoting Boost and doing public relations work. Thanks

I chair the WG21 SG16 Unicode and text study group. SG16 is open to any collaborators. No demonstration of expertise is required. In fact, we need non-expert participation to ensure that what we design will be usable and adopted; otherwise we risk creating expert-only features. The SG16 mailing list, Slack channel, telecon information, meeting summaries, and proposal status details are all publicly available at https://github.com/sg16-unicode/sg16. We are very welcoming! Within the ISO, the term “expert” has connotations that probably differ from what you would colloquially consider an expert; it often simply refers to the representative of some organization. That person may or may not be an expert in any particular topic. Tom.
participants (15)
Andrey Semashev
Dominique Devienne
Edward Diener
Emil Dotchevski
Glen Fernandes
Jeff Garland
Mateusz Loskot
Peter Barker
Phil Endecott
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
Sergey Popov
Tom Honermann
Ville Voutilainen
Vinnie Falco
Zach Laine