Boost.Process Review ==================== ...At a minimum, kindly state: - Whether you believe the library should be accepted into Boost * Conditions for acceptance YES it should be accepted, though documentation need improvements. - Your knowledge of the problem domain I implemented naive and less naives ways to manage different processes in the past. I currently work on libraries which are all about multi-process communication and we have a poor-man's process management (launching, tracking, etc.) api that I have to maintain on Linux, Windows and MacOSX. I also have home projects which are organized as client-server with master-slave relationship, clients spawning servers and pinging them to keep processes alive mutually (using network communication). So basically, I implemented basic process management libraries, but I'm more a process management library user, in all my projects, paid or not. I have been exposed to a lot of problems related and solved a lot of them. I also used the last 2 Boost.Process versions proposed to Boost (though I voted no for these ones) but in cases where I just needed a cross-platform way to launch an arbitrary executable (no tracking nor communication). You are strongly encouraged to also provide additional information: - What is your evaluation of the library's: * Design The weird choice of variadic arguments in launching functions have been explained so I'm more at ease with it, though maybe ways to simplify it could be attemted in the future. I like that the design of boost::process::child follow, where it make sense, the design of std::thread. Both could be considered as execution resource, so it's fine to me that they share similar interface phylosophies of design (like spawning on construction and move-only). I would love it if there was a way (even slow) to track processes lifetime for processes that I don't have code for. Though it's ok for me if it's a future extension. I like the minimalism of the scope, though useful extensions could be added later. * Implementation I briefly eyescanned the code, looked more closely at the termination trigerriung code because of the discussion we had on termination reqest vs kill. I don't bother much about performance for this library as launching processes is rarely done in a tight high-performance loop. * Documentation I did a report of the documentation a few weeks or months ago, I do not know if changes have been made since. Anyway I think the documentation should have a part focused on explaining the concepts because even if most programmers knows what a process is, all related concepts (like what is the "environnement") are so specific to processes that they are often ignored as long as naive usage works. So as soon as the user need more specific usage, most, I believe, will not know what word to use to find the right concept. I think this library documentation should follow something similar to Boost.MSM which introduce to the basic concepts, though without walls of text. * Tests I didn't have time to try it yet in real applications, but so far didn't find any problem in basic usage. * Usefulness It is very useful for almost all my projects. - Did you attempt to use the library? YES If so: * Which compiler(s) Visual Studio 2015 for now. * What was the experience? Any problems? I only did minimal testing, nothing deep, no problems. - How much effort did you put into your evaluation of the review? Several hours diffused through several months. Joël Lamotte
participants (1)
Klaim - Joël Lamotte