[Boost] [Describe] Review Reminder

A friendly reminder that the review period for [Boost.Describe] is half way through. We've had some excellent feedback already, and would value more. If you can spare a few hours of your valuable time, please consider reviewing this neat little library and posing your results on this mailing list. The invitation is repeated below: The Boost formal review of the Describe starts Monday, taking place from March 1st, 2021 to March 10th, 2021 (inclusive). The library is authored by Peter Dimov. Documentation: https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html Source: https://github.com/pdimov/describe The library provides a simple means of providing reflection for structures and enums in C++. The documentation contains a number of common motivating examples, including: - A universal print function https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_print_funct... - JSON serialisation https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_to_json Please provide in your review information you think is valuable to understand your choice to ACCEPT or REJECT including Describe as a Boost library. Please be explicit about your decision (ACCEPT or REJECT). Some other questions you might want to consider answering: - What is your evaluation of the design? - What is your evaluation of the implementation? - What is your evaluation of the documentation? - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? - Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems? - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? More information about the Boost Formal Review Process can be found at: http://www.boost.org/community/reviews.html The review is open to anyone who is prepared to put in the work of evaluating and reviewing the library. Prior experience in contributing to Boost reviews is not a requirement. Thank you for your efforts in the Boost community. They are very much appreciated. Richard Hodges - review manager of the proposed Boost.Describe library Peter is often available in the CppLang Slack #boost channel should you require any clarification not covered by the documentation, as am I. -- Richard Hodges hodges.r@gmail.com office: +442032898513 home: +376841522 mobile: +376380212

Thank you, Peter, for your contribution. It is much appreciated. I would like to chime in to have the library ACCEPTED. I personally needed such functionality and had some components of it implemented and deployed for a long time. From my practical point of view the library does exactly what I often/always need, such as info for enums, to/from string conversion, serialization. Extending that functionality onto structs/classes in a uniform way is a bonus that I'll surely make use of. The potential of the idea included in the Standard or done on the compiler level is also encouraging. I am sure all wrinkles (real and imaginary) will be exposed and discussed and ironed out after the library is included and, therefore, gets a much wider exposure and deployment opportunities.

On 3/5/2021 2:18 AM, Richard Hodges via Boost wrote:
A friendly reminder that the review period for [Boost.Describe] is half way through. We've had some excellent feedback already, and would value more. If you can spare a few hours of your valuable time, please consider reviewing this neat little library and posing your results on this mailing list. The invitation is repeated below: The Boost formal review of the Describe starts Monday, taking place from March 1st, 2021 to March 10th, 2021 (inclusive).
The library is authored by Peter Dimov.
Documentation: https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html Source: https://github.com/pdimov/describe
The library provides a simple means of providing reflection for structures and enums in C++.
The documentation contains a number of common motivating examples, including:
- A universal print function https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_print_funct...
- JSON serialisation https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_to_json
Please provide in your review information you think is valuable to understand your choice to ACCEPT or REJECT including Describe as a Boost library. Please be explicit about your decision (ACCEPT or REJECT).
This is my review of the Describe library.
Some other questions you might want to consider answering:
- What is your evaluation of the design?
Very clean and easy to use.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
I was curious, since what Peter is doing in C++14 certainly is better than what I was able to do in TTI in C++03, but I did not look at the actual implementation.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
I think the documentation was pretty easy to understand and is documentation the way I like it as it explains the concepts of the library along with examples and reference. One area that was a bit confusing for me is where I could use the macros in code. Evidently the term 'namescope scope" was not completely clear to me and I found out that this evidently means that I can not use any of the macros locally within a function, as this produced a number of compiler errors. But anywhere outside a function block seemed OK. Obviously the BOOST_DESCRIBE_CLASS has to be within a class definition, but the class definition evidently can no be a local class inside of a function. Also the documentation did not say anything about using the same macro, with the same parameters, more than once so playing around with it I noticed that I could use the same macro more than once in different namespaces but not in the same namespace. Maybe a little more clarification in the doc about where the macros can be used would be helpful, but then again "namespace scope" might be more informative to others than to me. The fact that evidently class templates can also be Described should be mentioned in the documentation.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
Quite useful for examining enums and class/structs generically in templates, where the information has been "Described". Unfortunately some of the limitations of Describe in picking up class/struct information, such as the overloaded member functions and reference members, will make Describe less practically useful. I am wondering if when Describing enums the information about the underlying type of an enum might be useful, even if I can not think of any use for it right now.
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems?
I tried to use it with the latest gcc-10.2, clang-11.0, and VC++14.2. I had a problem with VC++14.2 with the new preprocessor, which I reported as a Describe issue, and Peter said he will be looking into it. Otherwise the library worked fine.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
I spent a few hours with it. Read the docs, created some examples of my own, and tried most everything out.
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
I have long been interested in C++ reflection and I know there have been efforts in the past at having compilers produce reflection information which could be used at compile time and/or at run time. I recall some C++ programmers connected to CERN working along these lines in the past. I do think that C++ should, at some future time, create reflection metadata and I am aware that there has been a C++ standard working group for C++ reflection, but I have not followed what they have done. I vote to ACCEPT the library into Boost.

# Review of Describe ## Recommendation ACCEPT The library appears to be well designed, well-written and well-documented. I can see quite a few use cases in my work environment where it would be useful. Thank you, Peter, for sharing it and proposing it to boost. ## Design The design appears solid to me. Describing types seems easy and convenient. The `mod_*` flags are a bit unexpected at first. However, going through all of the possible combinations, I'm not sure if having lots of separate functions to retrieve each combination is any better. ## Implementation I only briefly skimmed over the implementation. It looks clean and organized. However, I have little experience with this kind preprocessor foo. ## Documentation The documentation is well-written and clear. I would have liked some explanation on the limitations of the library, not just a list of what is not supported. But Peter clarified this via email. Maybe it could be added to the documentation for everybody else. ## Usefulness I consider the library useful. I have went through our code base at work and there is quite a few things where it could come in handy. Obviously enums and printing. But also the JSON RPC example caught my eyes as we use a little JSON RPC as well. However, when going through our use cases, I found that describe often provides just a part of what is necessary to make it really useful. I consider none of the following points to be critical in hindering the acceptance of the library to boost as it is already pretty useful without those things. The scope of the library is ultimately up to those doing the hard work of designing, implementing , documenting and maintaining it. Also, I think most of it can be explored in the future independently if there is sufficient interest. ### Amount of reflection data and annotations The library aspires to be the one standard tool to *describe* your (user-defined) types and enums. Yet it "only" provides a mechanism to reflect on base and member name and the respective pointer. It does not provide reflection on the name of the type being described, nor does it provide annotations (comparable to language attributes), nor does it provide a mechanisms to describe free functions and function parameters (free and member). I understand that not every thing of this list is in scope or even doable given the current state of C++. But at least the first two points would be pretty nice. In particular, the first one (name of the type) is not clear to me why it is not provided since it already has to be named in the `BOOST_DESCRIBE_*` macro anyway. #### Annotations In a previous email I showed the `error_code` example. Others have showed serialization use cases. It comes up every-time additional data, a custom string (other than the name, which is restricted to be a valid identifier), or another type needs to be associated with the member or enumerator. Just to list some example: * error_code messages that are not identical to the error code enum identifier * mapping custom error codes onto error codes from other categories (like std, boost, http status codes, etc.) * conditional exclusion of fields from serialization * serializing to fields with names that are not valid c++ identifiers (Content-length comes to mind, although this one can be worked around with `_`) * annotating member functions with parameter names to support JSON RPC with objects, see also below I believe will grow as people start using describe. #### Reflection of the name of a described type As far as I understand, (boost/std) typeinfo cannot be used at compile-time (e.g. the name of the type). But if I describe my type, I would expect to have at least the name of the type available at compile-time as a string. So describe could provide at least this tiny bit of type info at compile-time (see also first item). This is probably out of scope, and I guess there is also problems with namespaces etc. But, I thought to bring it up as well. In particular, because if I use describe, I have to name the type and give it to the preprocessor already: struct A { std::string x = "x is real"; }; BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(A, (), (x)) struct B { A a{}; int i = 4; }; BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(B, (), (a, i)) So it would be nice to have also information about the type available, even if it's just the name. The universal print example prints {.i = 4, .a = {.x = x is real}} but I would like to print B{.i = 4, .a = A{.x = x is real}} and, if I describe `std::string` and `int` (ok, this might be insane), even BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(int, (), ()); BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(string, (), ()); prints B{.i = int{4}, .a = A{.x = string{x is real}}} To sum it up: If I describe a type `B`, I'd like to have all the information about the type available including it's name, it's members and bases, etc. #### Describing member functions and their arguments When I first saw the JSON RPC example, I thought that I could use it immediately. But taking a closer look revealed that it only supports parameter arrays and not parameter objects. And thinking about it there's really a fundamental problem. I can describe the member functions, but I cannot annotate or describe it's parameters to give them names. This is probably again out of scope. But considering describes use cases and examples, it looks like a next step towards library based reflection. ### Convenience tools for the common use cases The library provides a pretty minimal and convenient syntax to describe types. However, using those descriptions often seems to involve various degrees of heavy meta-programming. I think the library could provide a small set of convenience feature in this area for the common cases. I believe it would also help a great deal in adoption since I guess that the meta-programming wall even for very basic things might drive some users away. And whenever the default convenience tools is not good enough for a particular use-case it serves as a starting point to build your own version which is slightly different. I would consider for example `enum_to_string`, `string_to_enum`, `for_all_enumerators`, `get_member_by_name`, `get_member_by_pointer`, `for_all_members`, etc. such basic convenience tools. ### Interaction with PFR and data member offsets and data member index PFR is about **index**-based access to data member of aggregates. Describe is about **name**-based access to members of class-types. This view is certainly a bit over-simplified. But I think it has a certain truth to it. Now, it would be really awesome (and I have no idea if this is possible) if those two could interact. Consider the following example: struct A { std::string x = "x is real"; }; BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(A, (), (x)) struct B { A a{}; int i = 4; }; BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(B, (), (i, a)) // wrong order?! Now I can clear `boost::pfr::get<...>` those members. For example, `boost::pfr::get<0>(b)` returns `A&`. And I can `describe_members` them as well. Less convenient, but I can get a `A B::*` pointer. However, in an ideal world, I could match the pfr index to the member description ad vice versa. Also for all non-aggregates, boost describe could provide an alternative index based access if this is possible. As far as I know gcc on linux implements pointer to data members via offsets. Probably, all other compilers do something similar at least on the common platforms. So those offset could be sorted to check the order of data members in the describe macro and provide index based access. Also considering potential compiler-based describe, I would hope that the compiler provides information beyond just the name and the pointer, e.g., including index and offset for data members for example. At least for data types where those are/can be well defined. Layout order is/should be mandated anyway, so that the index and offset would make sense (ignoring `no_unique_address` and other corner cases). ### Who provides the description for boost and std libraries? For my types it's clear that I provide the description. Just after defining (or even inside) the enum, struct, class. But what about boost and std types. For example `boost::system::errc::errc_t` and `std::errc` seem obvious targets. There is probably quite a few more types where a description might be reasonable. Is it safe if everybody does it, maybe even slightly differently by including or excluding certain members/enumerators or ordering them in different ways? The only alternative to that mess that I can see is that `boost` or `boost::describe` provides at least the common ones optionally for convenience. ## Details about the review and reviewer - Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems? gcc-8 on debian. No Problems. - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? Approx 10 hours for documentation and playing with the library. I did only skim over the implementation. - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? From a users perspective. Regards, Max

Hi all,
This is my review for Boost.Describe. Thanks Peter for contributing the
library to the community.
My vote is to ACCEPT the library into Boost. See below for the full review.
On Fri, 5 Mar 2021 at 08:19, Richard Hodges via Boost
A friendly reminder that the review period for [Boost.Describe] is half way through. We've had some excellent feedback already, and would value more. If you can spare a few hours of your valuable time, please consider reviewing this neat little library and posing your results on this mailing list. The invitation is repeated below: The Boost formal review of the Describe starts Monday, taking place from March 1st, 2021 to March 10th, 2021 (inclusive).
The library is authored by Peter Dimov.
Documentation: https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html Source: https://github.com/pdimov/describe
The library provides a simple means of providing reflection for structures and enums in C++.
The documentation contains a number of common motivating examples, including:
- A universal print function
- JSON serialisation https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_to_json
Please provide in your review information you think is valuable to understand your choice to ACCEPT or REJECT including Describe as a Boost library. Please be explicit about your decision (ACCEPT or REJECT).
Some other questions you might want to consider answering:
- What is your evaluation of the design?
Good. It's a simple interface which covers many common use cases. I'm especially interested in the POD (de)serialization use case, which is covered nicely and simply. Some extra features like describe_enumerators_as_array would be great, but I understand those can be added later, and are not the main purpose of this lib. Supporting annotations when defining/describing structs would be a great win, but the library is already useful without that.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
I haven't looked at the internals a lot. I value the fact that it has minimal dependencies, as this makes adoption easier. I've seen that BOOST_DESCRIBE_XXX introduce functions like _base_descriptor_fn in user namespaces, which could cause clashes - maybe prefixing those with _boost may be a good option.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
Good. I would add in the main page a statement saying that this is a quite low-level block, and that the intended use is for - User code to use the BOOST_DESCRIBE_XXX macros to instrument the code and - Generally other library code to use those definitions to do useful stuff with that. I think bringing the JSON example early (you as the user define BOOST_DESCRIBE_XXX, JSON uses describe::describe_members to implement serialization) may be beneficial por the public to understand the scope of the library. Now it seems obvious to me, but it may not be for the newcomer. Usage examples are good. They might be a little bit frightening at first, but they cover the main use cases.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
It's definitely very useful. If it gets into Boost, I will definitely use it in Boost.Mysql (which I will be proposing shortly) to implement parsing database rows into user-defined structs (hence my interest for describing PODs). Again, annotations would be beneficial but not mandatory for my use case.
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems?
I built a simple POD serialization/deserialization example, based on the library's examples and my needs. I used GCC9 on Linux, I had no problems.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
About 2 hours. - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
I'm just a user in the field of reflection. It's a topic that interests me as it has arisen many times in my career, but I am just a user.
More information about the Boost Formal Review Process can be found at: http://www.boost.org/community/reviews.html
The review is open to anyone who is prepared to put in the work of evaluating and reviewing the library. Prior experience in contributing to Boost reviews is not a requirement.
Thank you for your efforts in the Boost community. They are very much appreciated.
Richard Hodges - review manager of the proposed Boost.Describe library
Peter is often available in the CppLang Slack #boost channel should you require any clarification not covered by the documentation, as am I.
-- Richard Hodges hodges.r@gmail.com office: +442032898513 home: +376841522 mobile: +376380212
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On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 8:19 AM Richard Hodges via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
The Boost formal review of the Describe [...] The library is authored by Peter Dimov.
Thank you Peter for proposing this library.
Please provide in your review information you think is valuable to understand your choice to ACCEPT or REJECT including Describe as a Boost library. Please be explicit about your decision (ACCEPT or REJECT).
Some other questions you might want to consider answering: - What is your evaluation of the design?
Simple enough to describe the types. And macros can't be helped apparently. Some reviewers have complained about the DEFINE_ENUM macros. I'm fine with them, and would have liked to have them a few years back; would have saved me from creating my own inferior macro. They are welcome conveniences, to avoid repeating the enumerators. To close the ENUM chapter, I did run into two issues: https://github.com/pdimov/describe/issues/4 https://github.com/pdimov/describe/issues/6 I'm not sure what can be done about the first one. I copy/pasted/edited my enum definition, which uses trailing commas, and macros don't like trailing commas. Was clearly my mistake, but I certainly wasted time on this one. Which was compounded by the limit on 24 enumerators that blindsided me. I expect Peter will resolve the latter somehow, or at worse document the limit. I also opened https://github.com/pdimov/describe/issues/8, where I misused the STRUCT macro for an ENUM, and got no error. Easy to static_assert for that I suspect, although may not be worth it. Not for me to decide, misuse is misuse after all. My experimentation with Boost.Describe were based on generated code, using an existing code generator modified to create Peter's type descriptors, for a dozen enums, and about 200 structs for a custom network protocol, and I made a simple error during generation, thus this weird find. On the STRUCT side, I initially struggled because of namespaces. Again, I was not playing with Peter's examples directly, but trying to integrate directly Boost.Describe in my existing code, generated or not, with the hope to replace a part of it with Boost.Describe. And the generated structs happen to be in different namespaces, which can complicate matters compared to the simpler (in terms of namespaces) examples provided by Peter. I entered https://github.com/pdimov/describe/issues/7 and once again Peter helped me get past the build errors I got. I added universal printing (op<<) and generated op== for my 200+ structs, something I was missing before. The equality example Peter added during the review, which is not part of the doc, should probably be added, as it's generally useful IMHO (if one's not on C++20?) Once again, it was mostly user-error. The documentation clearly states the descriptors need to be in the described type's namespace (they are), but I was not putting the templates using the descriptors in that same namespace, and things got a bit "complicated" then. Maybe there should be a troubleshooting section in the doc, when encountering compiler errors. Easier said than done though, each case and/or compiler will be different I expect. Still, I feel like it's the biggest impediment to a successful use of Boost.Describe, as it's not easy to get past those build errors, and it might be off-putting to many "normal" developers like me.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
I did not look at the implementation. I do not feel qualified to review it, nor do I have the time, honestly.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
The documentation is very good. The language is clear. And does look good too. I've read it both on a large screen on desktop, and on a tablet. Several times :) Something I would have liked to see, was a section explaining in more details the template metaprogramming necessary when using the descriptors and MP11. For example, during the review it was mentioned SFINAE automatically removes from consideration non-described types when trying to instantate the templates using the descriptors, thus avoiding ambiguities, but the doc does not mention this. The print-an-enum examples, at compile-time versus runtime, give an inkling of the differences between the two worlds, but I feel a gentle more beginner-friendly explanation of what's going on, or links to outside doc, to better understand the concepts of a lambda with auto argument being "called" by a compile-time for-loop, for devs unfamiliar with these things, would be helpful. Not everyone is at that level of understanding, including me. There's also no section on compile-time performance in general, or the overhead of using BOOST_DEFINE_ENUM, versus a plain non-described enum. If that enum ends up included in many TUs, how much is that "costing" me? All my descriptor macros are in a separate file, i.e. explicit opt-in, to not force clients to #include Boost.Describe and its Boost.MP11 dependency. Am I overly cautious here? Without more details on compile-time performance, hard to say, except to try it, but on my cross-platform large "legacy" codebase, that's not convenient. I'd prefer the library doc giving my hard numbers, with 100, 1000 TUs with and w/o Boost.Describe used for example (The above is why I strongly disagree with forcing to use STRUCT macros inside the struct, like CLASS macros require, as I don't want all client-code to see those macros and necessary dependencies, unless they really need to)
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
Very useful. I'm still not done fully leveraging it, but I'm certainly well on my way to use it in production. The ability to decouple the graph traversal of structs for operations done on them (e.g. serialization) is my end goal, and super useful, since in my case I need different types of serialization (and op== for unit testing). I had prototyped a Boost.Serialization-like solution, but Boost.Describe looks like a promising replacement. But again, I'm not done with that in time for this review to report success on the custom serialization aspects.
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems?
MSVC 2019 in C++17 mode. GCC 9.1 in C++17 mode. No particular problems, except my own failings and resulting build issues, as outlined above.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
Maybe 10-15 hours over several days, excluding the time to update my code generator. I've read the doc many times. And worked out build issues (with Peter's help) on my own "examples", based on Peter's examples.
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
On the enum side, somewhat, having developped (with help from this ML) a similar solution for enum-to-string, and string-to-enum several years ago. But the template to use descriptors are quite new to me, and I would have been lost without the examples. Sorting out build errors from template-voodoo like Boost.Describe requires is the challenge for devs like me, to be honest. When it builds, it works flawlessly and magically. When it doesn't, well, good luck! It's not this library's fault of course. I'm not sure anything can be done about it. I think that's it. My first Boost Review. Thanks, --DD
participants (6)
Dominique Devienne
Edward Diener
Maximilian Riemensberger
Richard Hodges
Ruben Perez
Vladimir Batov