Develop branch test runners crashing
Sometime between 22:30 and 03:30 last night (pacific time) all the develop tests started crashing on windows and linux. The tail of results/bjam.log is: notice: iostreams: not using bzip2 compression notice: iostreams: not using bzip2 compression ..\libs\test\test\Jamfile.v2:59: in docs-example-as-test *** argument error * rule boost.test-self-test ( test-rule : test-suite : test-name : usage-variant ? : pattern_file * : source_files * : extra-libs ? : extra-options ? ) * called with: ( : ../doc/examples : : included : : /D:/t08/run/boost_root/libs/test/doc/examples/ ) * missing argument test-rule ..\libs\test\test\Jamfile.v2:18:see definition of rule 'boost.test-self-test' being called (builtin): in sequence.transform ..\libs\test\test\Jamfile.v2:162: in modules.load D:/t08/run/boost_bb/src/build\project.jam:325: in load-jamfile D:/t08/run/boost_bb/src/build\project.jam:64: in load D:/t08/run/boost_bb/src/build\project.jam:145: in project.find D:/t08/run/boost_bb/src/build\targets.jam:452: in find-really D:/t08/run/boost_bb/src/build\targets.jam:474: in find D:/t08/run/boost_bb/src/build\targets.jam:305: in targets-to-build D:/t08/run/boost_bb/src/build\targets.jam:270: in class@project-target.generate D:/t08/run/boost_bb/src\build-system.jam:707: in load D:\t08\run\boost_bb\src/kernel\modules.jam:295: in import D:\t08\run\boost_bb\src/kernel/bootstrap.jam:139: in boost-build D:\t08\run\boost_root\boost-build.jam:17: in module scope Any thoughts?
participants (1)
Tom Kent