Regarding Boost.Astronomy GSoC19 proposal review

Hello community, I am Sarthak Singhal, pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. I had submitted the programming competency test to mentor and also got a positive response from her. I had also submitted the project proposal to the mentor and based on her suggestions have improved it also. I have submitted the draft of the proposal to GSoC site. I request you to go through the proposal. I will appreciate your feedback to improve the proposal. Thank you, Sarthak Singhal -- Sent from:

On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 10:11 AM sarthak2007 via Boost
Hello community, I am Sarthak Singhal, pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. I had submitted the programming competency test to mentor and also got a positive response from her. I had also submitted the project proposal to the mentor and based on her suggestions have improved it also. I have submitted the draft of the proposal to GSoC site. I request you to go through the proposal. I will appreciate your feedback to improve the proposal.
You also need to consider the criticism received. As I told earlier your proposal is a little over-ambitious. You need to choose topics wisely which can be completed in the period of GSoC. The project is quite more complex than it appears to be in the first glance. The proposal doesn't look feasible considering the time frame of GSoC. I see you have also marked your proposal as final. I don't know if it is possible to change now or not. Best of luck. -- Thank you, Ruchika Joshi

I apologize for that. I thought that I have to include everything written on boost GSoC site. But after considering the complications and so much testing you told regarding implementing units in the coordinate system, I feel that the part for units should be given more time. So according to you which is the more important part between conversion among different coordinate systems and FITS file handling. Should I remove fits part from GSoC period or coordinate conversion part or should I cover some of the coordinate conversion part and anyone extension for FITS file in the GSoC period? I had checked before submitting the final proposal that it is editable. Thank you, Sarthak Singhal -- Sent from:

On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 9:50 AM sarthak2007 via Boost
I apologize for that. I thought that I have to include everything written on boost GSoC site.
Conversion system is nowhere mentioned on the idea page.
But after considering the complications and so much testing you told regarding implementing units in the coordinate system, I feel that the part for units should be given more time. So according to you which is the more important part between conversion among different coordinate systems and FITS file handling.
At this point, there is no implementation for the astronomical coordinate system available. It has to be implemented from scratch. But there are conversions available for euclidian system thanks to boost.geometry. So when you integrate units in the existing coordinate system basic conversions will be available automatically. Should I remove fits part from GSoC period
or coordinate conversion part or should I cover some of the coordinate conversion part and anyone extension for FITS file in the GSoC period?
You should choose whatever you are more comfortable with. If you think you can work fast and are able to complete things early then you can include a section in your proposal like "if I finish early" where you can include secondary ideas. This way you can have all the ideas in your proposal but still, the proposal will have a good estimate of work. I had checked before submitting the final proposal that it is editable.
good. -- Thank you, Ruchika Joshi

I have updated the proposal and made the changes as you had suggested. I have included the conversion between coordinate systems in "If I finish early" section and have given more amount of time in implementing units in coordinate systems mainly the astronomical coordinate system. Please go through the proposal once again and let me know if there are any suggestions or improvements. Thank you, Sarthak Singhal -- Sent from:
participants (2)
Ruchika Joshi