Now I'm not asking anyone to actually write docs, but I notice there has been basically no participation from anyone on the mailing in the site-docs that I announced recently, with the exception of a couple of very helpful people who also happen to be staff engineers at C++ Alliance. Reminder: Site Documentation (there are 4 docs here, use the control at the bottom left to switch from User's Guide to the others): https://docs.cppalliance.org/doc/user-guide GitHub issues for site-docs: https://github.com/cppalliance/site-docs/issues You don't need to submit a pull request; adding information to existing issues, or opening new issues is an enormous help. Now on that subject we want to make sure we have a "History Of Boost" chapter which thoughtfully outlines the founding of Boost and its noteworthy historical events leading to the present day. We want to make sure we get this right and credit everyone who needs crediting, and not miss anything important. Boost is volunteer work and since there is no financial compensation the only other currency is social credit and reputation so this has to be correct. If you could please visit this issue and add any information that you feel is relevant to the history of Boost (it can be notes or shorthand don't worry about grammar, Peter Turcan will edit it down and add it) that would be of enormous help: Issue on The History of Boost: https://github.com/cppalliance/site-docs/issues/37 Of course adding to any other issue or opening new ones is a help too, so feel free! Thanks
participants (1)
Vinnie Falco