[filesystem] temp_directory_path and Android devices (repost)

(sorry for the repost, but someone told me that I should include "filesystem" in the subject) Hi, I have read the specs (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/libs/filesystem/doc/reference.html#tem p_directory_path) and found the following issues with Android devices: - It should first try to get the application's cache directory from the API level 1 "getCacheDir" so that temporary files created by the application can be easily and automatically removed. - The function fails back to the hard coded value "/data/local/tmp". But I think it should use the environment variable "ANDROID_DATA" when available and append "/local/tmp" to it. - The "/data/local/tmp" folder is denied access on my Android device. I don't have any other suggestion than the application's cache folder like I first mentioned. I'm not a core developer and the information provided on this email maybe erroneous or incomplete. My apologies if I'm entirely wrong. Thanks, Claude Petit
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