Synapse library review starts today December 2

The formal review of the Synapse library by Emil Dotchevski starts today, December 2, and is scheduled to continue through December 11. This gives two full weekends and the week in between for the formal review. Synapse is a signal programming library, similar to Boost Signals2 and the signals-slots system in Qt. The main difference is that Synapse is non-intrusive: the address of any object of any static type whatsoever can be passed to synapse::emit to emit a signal. This makes it possible to emit Synapse signals from objects of third-party types as well as system objects (e.g. standard FILE pointers, HWNDs, etc.) or any other object that can be converted to a pointer. The library has been formatted to fit the Boost directory and namespace structure. To get Synapse, clone '' into a directory called 'synapse' under your boost/libs directory. See the tutorial at '', or read full documentation at ''. You can also view the documentation locally from your clone of the library at boost/libs/synapse/doc/index.html. Review guidelines ================= Reviews should be submitted to the developer list (, preferably with '[synapse]' in the subject. Or if you don't wish to for some reason or are not subscribed to the developer list you can send them privately to me at 'eldiener at tropicsoft dot com'. If so, please let me know whether or not you'd like your review to be forwarded to the list. For your review you may wish to consider the following questions: - What is your evaluation of the design? - What is your evaluation of the implementation? - What is your evaluation of the documentation? - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? - Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have any problems? - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? And finally, every review should attempt to answer this question: - Do you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library? Be sure to say this explicitly so that your other comments don't obscure your overall opinion. Even if you do not wish to give a full review any technical comment regarding the library is welcome as part of the review period and will help me as the review manager decide whether the library should be accepted as a Boost library. Any questions about the use of the library are also welcome. I encourage all programmers with an interest or knowledge of signal/slot processing to be part of the review or discussion of the Synapse library as your time permits.

On Dec 2, 2016 9:19 AM, "Edward Diener"

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 8:37 AM, Nat Goodspeed
See In Synapse the emitter is simply a "meeting place": using emit<foo>(p) to emit the signal foo from the object p will call any functions that were connected by connect<foo>(p,f), where p is simply (the address of) any object (of any type whatsoever) you have in your program. For example, on Windows you could use Synapse signals to communicate messages from a WindowProc, by emitting signals directly from the HWND handle, as shown in this example: Note that the WindowProc gets the HWND but there is no mechanism to pass in another object to be used specifically as an emitter. As another example, you could emit from a std FILE object, to communicate progress to a UI, as shown under "Emitting signals from objects of 3rd-party types" in Emil

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 1:31 PM, Emil Dotchevski
So, the library contains something like a thread_local unordered_map whose keys are arbitrary pointers?

On 2 December 2016 at 20:00, Nat Goodspeed
Last time I checked, it was a static map if I remember correctly, inside a function. While I like the basic idea of Synapse, I do not like that I do not have any control as to where the observers are stored. It was my only complain at the initial presentation of the library. I didn't have time yet to look at this version of the library (I will soon), but basically if it could let me add an optional parametter to the connect so that I provide the storage (which lifetime and maybe implementtion I would guarantee myself), it would allow me to control allocations of these stored connections.
From what I read last time it looked possible but maybe it is not.
A. Joël Lamotte

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Klaim - Joël Lamotte
While I like the basic idea of Synapse, I do not like that I do not have
The current implementation uses a thread_local std::vector per signal type for memory, though the connection records are organized in a linked list in that vector, maintaining a list of the free nodes so elements of the vector are reused (in Synapse, the connected functions are called in the order they were connected.) There are additional dynamic allocations in the presence of thread local queues (see interthread communication.) The bottom line is that the data structures are very intricate (some use thread_local storage, some use static objects, some are per signal type, some are managed by shared_ptr for thread-safe control of their lifetime) and I believe it would be pretty difficult to allow for user-defined allocations. Perhaps it's possible. Emil

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Nat Goodspeed
Unspecified implementation details, but yes -- plus (optional) lifetime management of connections through weak_ptr, so that the connection expires when the emitter and/or the target expire. And, there is support for interthread communication: Thanks, Emil

But: if it uses C++11 (like with type_traits) why not go all the way and
std::shared_ptr instead of boost::shared_ptr? Why are there no
move-operations for example for connections. It doesn't make sense to
put this into a shared_ptr, when you can make it movable, while
disabling copies.
Also: why can't return values be combined as in boost.signals2? That
should at least be an optional feature.
Now the slot-lifetime is determined by weak_ptr, if I understand
correctly. I don't think that's generic enough at all, there should be
more solutions. One would be, that target can inhert some sort of
slot-type, which will handle that. That way I could use the signals on
elements on the stack, and also do this unintrusively:
struct signalable_vector : std::vector<int>, slot_type {};
Some solution for unique_ptr is needed. A solution would be to implement
a synapse::unique_slot_ptr which implements that.
So, I think to use weak_ptr isn't bad, but having it as the only
possibility isn't sufficient.
If I understand it correctly, interthread signaling will be used if emit
is called on a different thread than connect was? I think that's
probably an alright default, but bad design if it's always the case.
Either provide a thread-affinity for each object, which can be changed,
or add a dispatcher to make it explicit.
I would personally prefer a dispatcher, which would not only allow to
dispatch it to a std::thread through thread_local_queue but also to
something like a boost::asio::io_service. The io_service can actually be
executed from several threads, so you don't know which one will actually
poll it.
Something like that (based on the example from "Connecting Signals").
my_button b;
std::thread thr(...); //this thread will hold the executor
auto c = synapse::connect
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
The code style (intendation) is very weird. emit is declared with 0-4 parameters, which should be a variadic template functions. Also, why is the first element void const * and not a template? This type must be checked at compile-time, if I want void* I can use moc. That is not acceptable for any C++ library; you can cast it to void* in the function, but you must not have a void* as part of the public interface. Same goes for translate.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
No problems there, made sense. Not sure why it's not boostbook/quickbook though. Having your companies name in there feels a bit misplaced.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
I don't think it's that useful, but I guess I would still use boost.signals2 and boost::asio::io_service for interthread signaling. I'm not convinced this should be a distinct library, and not a feature of boost.signals2.
- Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have any problems?
MinGW 6, the build rules (in term of jamfiles) are not yet correct. It can be built, but the text cannot be executed in the typical style.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
Tried a simple example and looked through the code. ~3h.
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
Used libsigc++, Qt, boost.signals(2) and had custom solutions.
And finally, every review should attempt to answer this question:
- Do you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library?
No, it should not. The library has a signal approach that is different enough from boost.signal, that I could see it as a part of boost. But is has to many big design and implementation flaws as of now. I don't think it has to be redesigned from the ground up, but some effort needs to be put into redesigning some parts of it. But really having a void* as part of a public interface would've given you a no, even if everything else was perfect with this library. And I am also not convinced, that this should have it's own implementation, instead of being built with boost.signals2 as backend.

Klemens Morgenstern wrote:
But really having a void* as part of a public interface would've given you a no, even if everything else was perfect with this library.
This objection of yours doesn't make much sense to me. What problem are you trying to prevent? Objects of different types don't typically share the same address, so type safety can hardly be violated. Well, I suppose you could use the wrong member of a union by mistake.

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Klemens Morgenstern <> wrote:
In Synapse, emitters are identified by their address, so union members represent the same emitter, by definition. Even if somehow the type of the emitter participated in its identifier, you'd have the same problem in case of union members of the same type.
Use shared_ptr with null deleter and weak_ptr to avoid that. See "Emitter lifetime safety" in Emil

Am 04.12.2016 um 11:45 schrieb Emil Dotchevski:
Alright, tell me if this code works properly.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 4:09 AM, Klemens Morgenstern <> wrote:
I'm assuming that you're not saying that it's a problem because "i" and "b" are different objects but because "i" is not a "my_button", and there is a chance that somehow it could be accessed as a "my_button", which would be undefined. I don't think this could happen through connect/emit, not without using an explicit cast. On the other hand, the ability to erase the type of the emitter is often useful, for example to eliminate physical coupling between different parts of a program. In fact it is exactly as useful (and exactly as dangerous) as when done with pointers, and being able to erase (or even cast) the static type of a pointer is sometimes important. Emil

Am 04.12.2016 um 22:05 schrieb Emil Dotchevski:
In my example, isn't that precisely what would happen - without a cast? Of course this is a rare case, but one that has to be taken into account, I think. Of course you're right, that type erasure can be useful, but for all pointers you have explicit conversions, except if you convert to void*.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 1:33 PM Klemens Morgenstern <> wrote:
No, in your example you emit the same signal from two different emitters, one of type int, the other of type my_button. Each will call the functions connected to whichever emitter you've passed, but neither emitter object is accessed at that time. The only way to access an emitter object passed to connect is by the connection::emitter member function template, which is type-safe. Emil

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 7:06 AM, Klemens Morgenstern <> wrote:
In synapse/dep/smart_ptr.hpp you can change which shared_ptr/weak_ptr you want to use, though this should probably be controlled by a configuration macro. However, if this is a Boost library, it should use boost::shared_ptr. The dependence on C++11 is only for thread_local and for correct concurrent initialization of static objects. The library is still very useful without these, it's just that the (optional) interthread communication support won't work.
Using shared_ptr to hold on to connections is a design choice.
Also: why can't return values be combined as in boost.signals2? That should at least be an optional feature.
That's what the null_deleter in shared_ptr is for.
Do you mean provide thread affinity for the connection objects? That can be done.
Do you mean that you want threads other than the connecting thread to be able to poll for queued signals? Why not just connect from these other threads?
connect<>() does deduce the type of the emitter, in order for connection::emitter<>() to be type-safe (see "Emitter type safety" in However, the emit<>() machinery has no use for the type of the emitter, meaning, there is nothing to be made type-safe by deducing it.
Obviously my company name would not appear in the documentation if this becomes a Boost library. I don't think that using quickbook is a Boost requirement, but perhaps I'm wrong.
Synapse does not claim to be a "better" Signals2; its usefulness is not as an alternative to Signals2 but as a solution to problems Signals2 can not solve. Here are three examples of this, though I have many more:
Thank you! Emil

Am 04.12.2016 um 11:44 schrieb Emil Dotchevski:
I've gathered that much, I'm just questioning it ;). It makes sense if you are pur C++98, but not if you have C++11. And I do think this is a bad choice for C++11.
How about:
template<typename Signature>
inline boost::signals2::signal<Signature> & impl()
boost::signals2::signal<Signature> sig;
return sig;

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 4:28 AM, Klemens Morgenstern <> wrote:
If the rules say that Boost libraries shouldn't use boost::shared_ptr but std::shared_ptr if available, I'll comply (though I can't imagine why this would be a good idea.)
I considered using boost::thread_specific_ptr but to my understanding its initialization must be complete before it is used by different threads. This makes it impossible to use in Synapse because it uses thread local storage per type inside function templates, which would require C++11 concurrent initialization of static objects (please do correct me if I'm wrong). So, I opted for a cleaner implementation using C++11 only for these two features (thread_local and concurrent initialization of static objects).
Strictly speaking, using shared_ptr does use move since the shared_ptr itself is moveable. :) I guess we'll agree to disagree, in my opinion refcounting is more appropriate for connections compared to move semantics.
What I mean is that I can be persuaded that the benefits of this feature in signals2 somewhat outweight the added complexity, but in Synapse the return type is used to tell apart different signals with otherwise the same signature, which is quite practical in my experience. Perhaps I'm missing some important use cases but I've never missed that particular feature.
Is there something like weak_ptr that works with unique_ptr? The point of passing weak_ptr to connect is that emit won't call the connected function after the emitter (or the target) have expired, even if the connection object is still afloat. When it is impossible to use weak_ptr for this, then the only option to stay safe is to control the lifetime of the connection object (and pass a raw pointer to connect<>) .
Oh, you misunderstand. I meant that I can see that this may be needed and that it can be implemented, not that it is implemented already.
If multiple threads create thread_local_queue objects, emit<S> will queue the S signal in all threads in which S was connected. I've taken great care to avoid overhead in emit<S> in case threads that have created thread_local_queues have not connected S. - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the
I suppose if it is elaborate enough you'd rediscover Synapse, but with a different low level machinery, though I suspect that both libraries contain incompatible intricacies which make sense in the different approaches they take, since non-intrusiveness (in the way Synapse is non-intrusive) was not a design goal of Signals2. Emil

Am 04.12.2016 um 23:20 schrieb Emil Dotchevski: libraries are intended to give you functionality the standard doesn't and not to be an alternative STL. think so: a connection is attached to two objects and thus might be shared between those two but not any more. Thus there's no real need to refcount it, because it won't be shared with anything else.
I think if you argue that better, no one would complain. E.g. saying it's more of an event-approach, it reduces complexity and (maybe) increases performance.
There is not. You could use a custom deleter for that though. think you're in a situation where it would be very beneficial to explain this more, since boost.signals2 exists. Btw. since I was the first one to write a review and I voted no, please let me clarify: I like the idea of the library and don't think something like that should never be in boost. I do think it can be useful if some of the weak spots can improved etc. So it's more of a not yet, than a never vote on my part.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 4:52 PM, Klemens Morgenstern <> wrote:
I added a new documentation page discussing the similarities and differences between Signals2 and Synapse: (here I would like to apologize if I got something about Signals2 wrong, please someone do correct me if I did.) To answer your concerns: First, in Signals2 signals are objects while in Synapse they are types. The notion of emitter does not exist in Signals2, the signal object does the emitting, but the emitter (in the traditional sense) would be the object the signal object is a member of. This makes sense in Signals2 because it has no use of emitters as such, but in Synapse the concept of the emitter object is central. Both designs make sense independently, but there is a clash of terms that would be next impossible to communicate to the average user. Second, while it may be possible to use Signals2 signal objects simply as a storage for connected functions to call (in a supposed attempt to use Signals2 as a sort of back-end for Synapse, or to "Synapsify" Signals2), that in itself would be little more than a list of functions. Since Synapse organizes all connections of a given type into a single data structure, it's probably possible to turn this into a list Signals2 signal objects per Synapse signal type, but I don't see the benefit (and there would be the big downside of Signals2 being a dependence of Synapse.) Third, the two libraries take a different and incompatible approach to thread safety. The connection list maintained by Signals2 signal objects must be thread-safe, but the Synapse connection lists need not, since they use thread_local storage. And, there is nothing in Signals2 that resembles the interthread communication supported by Synapse (I do agree that the ability to change the thread affinity of connection objects can be useful and should probably be added to Synapse.) This is not to say that there is anything wrong with Signals2. The search Synapse must do when emit<S> is called could be a deal breaker in some use cases. On the other hand Synapse makes emitting signals from a third-party object simple and elegant. Thanks, Emil

-----Original Message----- From: Boost [] On Behalf Of Emil Dotchevski Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2016 5:45 AM To: Subject: Re: [boost] Synapse library review starts today December 2 Emil said:
to Signals2 but as a solution to problems Signals2 cannot solve. Here are
an alternative three examples
of this, though I have many more: html out_MOCing.html le_callback_API.html I disagree with this design style, which is to say I also disagree with the existing slot/signal style. As an example, what if we had a system with hundreds of thousands of numerics... each with a particular name. Then imagine a rule set that had to maintain integrity as any particular numeric were to be changed. With slots or synapses, you're forced to search for the object each time before applying the rules. This would bog down quickly as the number of updates per second increased (imagine 100k objects and 2-10k entwined rules being updated 2k times per second. That's a real world scenario) Objects should have events they can trigger or subjects they contain/manage which would trigger given a certain situation (value changes, particular event arrives, flag flips, whatever) and the observer(s), being unknown to the original object, would observe the event via a loose coupling mechanism. This allows for a system to have hundreds or thousands of objects all trigging events at random but only notifying the particular observers that are interested in that instance's event. This allows for a more flexible system while promoting dependency driven updates... which would result in the best performance for an event notification system. I've been using such a design since 1990 and posted a rendition of it to this group 3 months ago: Regarding the real world scenario mentioned above, please check: and rics.cpp

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Robert McInnis
The search is the price one has to pay for the non-intrusive nature of Synapse. Obviously, when this isn't necessary (and the overhead of the search is significant, as in the real world use case you're referring to) then you can use a different approach. That said, in my own use cases the overhead of Synapse has never been significant in comparison to the time it takes to execute the actual connected functions. Note that the search is limited only to connections of the same signal type, and that it can be implemented as a hash, O(1). Objects should have events they can trigger or subjects they contain/manage
You should request a formal review, if the Boost community finds your library useful it'll be accepted. Emil

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 6:50 PM, Emil Dotchevski
Why pay the price at all if there is no need? Why use an inefficient algorithm when a more direct approach is available? Additionally, you can achieve algorithmic capabilities otherwise unobtainable using an observer pattern as I've described. For example, a painter's algorithm for updating screen components. Using slots, the manager may be notified to re-paint the window, but the manager would have to maintain some understanding of the paint order to render it properly. Using a map< int, Observer* > where the int is the painting level, observers can hook into the appropriate level and be called in order by simply traversing the map in-order.
With a small test case, you would rarely see any performance issues. Only at scale would the inefficiencies start to become apparent. In my example (stock feed), if one stock were to change (ie: MSFT), you would be forced to traverse all 5-10k portfolios then search each to see if they own any MSFT to be updated. Assuming less than 100 positions in each portfolio, O(100) is still 6 comparisons for each one. Assuming only 5k portfolios, where 1k actually have a MSFT position, that's still 30,000 searches to find all 1k portfolios. With the subject/observer approach, no search would be required... just directly to the business rule on each object. 30,000 searches from a single tick. Now imagine 2,000 ticks/sec. That's the issue. Of course, after updating the portfolio, you'd have to remember to trigger any associated agents the user has assigned to watch his investments. Which in turn would trigger other actions. This series of events can be easily obtained using a proper subject/observer pattern. library
useful it'll be accepted.
I offered it up along with any nuggets I may have gleaned long the 25+ yrs of experience utilizing such a design across multiple types of projects. If the community has any questions, I'd imagine they'd ask.

On 5/12/2016 11:51, Robert McInnis wrote:
The slot/signal model is the same as the observer model, it's just that your observers happen to implement one signal "changed" on all objects instead of defining different signals for different purposes. Instance-based signals like you're talking about are what Signals2 does. It has the benefit of callbacks being stored locally, at the cost of being intrusive (the object raising the signal needs to contain the signal instance). This library takes the other approach of being non-intrusive and storing the signal implementations elsewhere -- the benefit is that you can have objects emit signals on behalf of other objects that don't need to know that the signalling framework exists, but comes with some performance costs as a result. Some use cases would naturally lend itself to one, while others would lend itself to the other. If all of the code is controlled by you then using Signals2 probably makes more sense, since it's trivial to include the signals in your own classes and it gives you better performance (in theory -- YMMV with mutexes). But Klemens is asserting that there are some cases where the alternate design is more useful; while I can't think of any such cases I've personally encountered, I have little doubt that they could exist and as such a library that supports it could be useful.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 10:25 PM, Gavin Lambert
I think what confused me about the Synapse documentation was the use of the term "emitter," which suggests a locally-stored signal instance. The reason I asked earlier about a thread-local map keyed by void* was that understanding that (possible) implementation cleared up the conceptual model for me. In one of our applications, we use an "event" framework in which senders and receivers are loosely coupled. Any given sender and receiver can communicate, regardless of the relative order in which they are constructed, by consulting a central map with find-or-create semantics. They need only agree on the map key. In other words, I believe that application has use cases of the kind that Synapse intends to address. (But the connection need only be made once for each receiver -- the search isn't performed all over again on every event. I expect the same is true for proper use of Synapse.) So for me the term "rendezvous point" makes more sense than "emitter." To me the Synapse library looks like this: * front-end API based on a central map of rendezvous points * back-end implementation of rendezvous points that essentially duplicates Boost.Signals2, with some features omitted (as in the critiques earlier in this thread) Our map's mapped_type is (a thin class wrapped around) boost::signals2::signal. So while I understand the value of having a central map of rendezvous points, I do not understand why you would use anything other than Boost.Signals2 on the back end. It may be that I missed a really good reason in the discussion above. But if it's there, I did miss it. Until I understand that really good reason, I'm not keen on introducing a whole new back-end signals implementation into Boost.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 9:31 AM, Nat Goodspeed
I suppose that makes sense to a Signals2 user because in its design the signal object does the emitting, but the term "emitter" would make perfect sense to people who have experience with other signal programming libraries, for example Qt. I added a new documentation page in an attempt to clarify and highlight the differences in design between Synapse and Signals2, since it seems like many readers wonder what I might think is wrong with Signals2 (the answer is nothing, it's just different): .
Yes, it is possible to use Signals2 in a specific case like this, to achieve what Synapse does in the general case non-intrusively (any object whatsoever can be passed as an emitter to emit<>). With Synapse, that central map would be replaced by emit<S>(e), where "e" would be the address of either the "sender" or the "receiver", or even of some other object known to both -- whichever makes sense to use as the Synapse emitter.
Nope, Synapse must do the search every time emit is called, though it is limited only to connections of the specified signal type (in Synapse, signals are types). That is the price of it being non-intrusive, however do note that the search can be done in O(1) using hashing.
Please see my response to Klemens Morgenstern. Thanks, Emil

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 7:25 PM, Gavin Lambert
This is exactly right, thanks. I'll just add that once you consider Synapse as part of your arsenal, you'll probably see use cases you're not thinking about right now. I even ended up rewriting several systems in my own code base to use Synapse, which made them much simpler and more elegant. Emil

I've made a small addition to Synapse, the ability to post arbitrary
function objects on thread_local_queues, to be executed synchronously at
the time poll is called. See
This feature allows critical worker threads to minimize the amount of time
they consume by offloading expensive non-critical computations to another,
non-critical thread. This also removes the need for synchronization, since
the queued functions are executed synchronously in the thread that owns the
thread_local_queue object.
On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 6:19 AM, Edward Diener
participants (8)
Edward Diener
Emil Dotchevski
Gavin Lambert
Klaim - Joël Lamotte
Klemens Morgenstern
Nat Goodspeed
Peter Dimov
Robert McInnis