[GSOC19] Congrats to all students and mentors

Hi, GSOC finished for 2019. We had 11 students this year and all of them survived the summer and contributed a lot of good stuff. Hopefully, most of it will be merged in the next few weeks. Thanks to all students and mentors, and to Boost community for supporting the program. Special thanks to David Bellot that worked as org admin and dealed with the logistics in addition to mentor. Cheers, Damian

On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 at 01:06, Damian Vicino via Boost
Hi, GSOC finished for 2019. We had 11 students this year and all of them survived the summer and contributed a lot of good stuff. Hopefully, most of it will be merged in the next few weeks. Thanks to all students and mentors, and to Boost community for supporting the program. Special thanks to David Bellot that worked as org admin and dealed with the logistics in addition to mentor.
Thank you David and congratulations to all the students and mentors. As one of the mentors I'm happy to say it was a work & fun experience. I'd like to send thanks to GIL students Miral Shah and Olzhas Zhumabek for their efforts and job well done, and to Pranam Lashkari (student for Boost.Atronomy). for their peer support their offered to each other and activating the small community around GIL. Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
participants (2)
Damian Vicino
Mateusz Loskot