I was playing with Boost.Fusion and wrote this simple function:
template <class Sequence>
std::string stringize(const Sequence& seq) {
std::string result;
boost::fusion::for_each(seq, stringize_functor(result));
return result;
Which allows to convert many types to strings:
boost::fusion::vector tup1(cat(), 0, "_0");
boost::tuple tup2(cat(), 0, "_0");
std::pair cats;
std::cout << stringize(tup1) << '\n'
<< stringize(tup2) << '\n'
<< stringize(cats) << '\n'
But this example fails to convert the following : std::vector<cat>
All we need to do to allow conversions, is just add the following:
namespace boost { namespace fusion {
, void
for_each(Sequence const& seq, F const& f)
::boost::range::for_each(seq, f);
So now std::cout << stringize(too_many_cats) << '\n'; works and
boost::fusion::for_each may work with any type, runtime length or
compile time.
We may also make a lot of other algorithms to make no difference
between runtime and compile time classes: accumulate, find, find_if,
count, all, none, begin, end, advance, distance, dereference, empty
and others...
The questions are:
Is there interest in such features?
Is there interest in adopting other algorithms and which ones?
To what library shall those methods belong?
Best regards,
Antony Polukhin