[RFC] C++ apparently lacks a mechanism for locking ranges of a shared resource

I am very sorry if this topic is unrelated to the topics covered by this mailing list. While developing a small project which consists of exporting a blockv device via network (if you are curious: https://github.com/raphaelsc/blockv), there was the need to lock a range of a shared resource, such as a file. I searched for resources coming from C++ standard library and boost library, but I wasn't able to find anything that would fit my needs. Am I missing something? Anyway, I ended up implementing my own range locking mechanism. The implementation is quite simple, feel free to look it at: https://github.com/raphaelsc/byte-range-lock-cpp/blob/master/range_lock.hh (I made my best effort to document it well) Is there any chance that something like range_lock will be made available in the next versions of boost library? Thank you very much for reading this, Raphael Carvalho
participants (1)
Raphael S Carvalho