[lexical_cast] calling virtual function in constructor of `boost::detail::basic_pointerbuf`

Hi everyone, Following the recommendation, I am posting a note about the filed issue in lexical_cast: https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/13540#ticket clang-tidy reports (while checking the code that uses boost::lexical_cast) a virtual function is called in the default constructor of class template boost::detail::basic_pointerbuf. (Function setbuf() is declared virtual in base class.) This might be an indication of a bug. If not, I would recommend using a different construct that avoids confusion, for instance declaring the function override final in newer versions of C++, or providing another function with different name but with the same semantics as the overriding setbuf(). Here's the link to the offending call: https://github.com/boostorg/lexical_cast/blob/develop/include/boost/detail/b... Regards, &rzej;
participants (1)
Andrzej Krzemienski