[beast] Looking for ongoing Code Review!

Time for a realistic self-assessment.
The feedback that I've gotten about Beast thus far has been pretty
great, thanks to everyone for taking the time to get familiar with it.
Seems like people are overall approving of the technical quality, but
there is a recurring theme with the complaints.
Specifically that there are small quality of life issues and
deviations from best practices. For example, the two-phase
initialization, missing verification on SSL client, verbose or missing
examples, confusing or missing parts of documentation.
Someone suggested that I solicit assistance from the list. I would
like to have ongoing code review of everything in Beast before it gets
merged. It would benefit the library greatly and thus benefit its
users. As new features get developed ("in-scope" items such as
file_body) having an extra set of eyes to make sure I don't do
something silly or obviously unpleasant would be helpful. This also
reduces the possibility that a future version of Beast may require a
breaking change.
I'm looking for volunteers to provide regular ongoing code review of
branches in Beast's pull request queue! I realize this is a big ask,
especially because I have a knack for producing quite a bit of code
and change over time. Still, its worth asking.
Ideally this review will come from stakeholders (i.e. users of the
library). Any Beast users who are out there, please consider
participating in code reviews. Its easy just subscribe to the
repository using the button on the right of its GitHub page and then
when you see new pull requests jump in there and add comments on
anything you love/hate.
I'll take whatever I can get though, so anyone is welcome! Email me if
you want to discuss it,
participants (1)
Vinnie Falco