[review][beast] Review of Beast starts today : July 1 - July 10

The formal review of Vinnie Falco’s Beast library will take place from July 1 through July 10, 2017. Please consider participating in this review. The success of Boost is partially a result of the quality review process which is conducted by the community. You are part of the Boost community. I will be grateful to receive a review based on whatever level of effort or time you can devote. Beast is a C++ header-only library serving as a foundation for writing interoperable networking libraries by providing low-level HTTP/1, WebSocket, and networking protocol vocabulary types and algorithms using the consistent asynchronous model of Boost.Asio. Beast is designed for: * Symmetry: Algorithms are role-agnostic; build clients, servers, or both. * Ease of Use: Boost.Asio users will immediately understand Beast. * Flexibility: Users make the important decisions such as buffer or thread management. * Performance: Build applications handling thousands of connections or more. * Basis for Further Abstraction: Components are well-suited for building upon. A branch has been made for the review. You can find Beast for review at these links: * Documentation : http://vinniefalco.github.io/stage/beast/review/ * Source code : https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/tree/review * The FAQ answers real questions that come up : http://vinniefalco.github.io/stage/beast/review/beast/design_choices/faq.htm... A lightning talk from CppCon 2016 introducing Beast can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJZgRcvPFwI Please provide in your review whatever information you think is valuable to understand your final choice of ACCEPT or REJECT including Beast as a Boost library. Please be explicit about your decision. Some other questions you might want to consider answering: - What is your evaluation of the design? - What is your evaluation of the implementation? - What is your evaluation of the documentation? - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? - Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems? - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? More information about the Boost Formal Review Process can be found here: http://www.boost.org/community/reviews.html Thank you for your effort in the Boost community. Happy coding - michael -- Michael Caisse Ciere Consulting ciere.com

Please consider participating in this review. The success of Boost is partially a result of the quality review process which is conducted by the community. You are part of the Boost community. I will be grateful to receive a review based on whatever level of effort or time you can devote.
As this is such a big library, some early first impressions/notes. Positives: + This library is far better quality than when I last looked at it which was actually probably a long time ago. Congrats to Vinnie on that. It ain't easy getting it to this far. + I pretty much agree with everything in his design rationales in the section at https://vinniefalco.github.io/stage/beast/review/beast/design_choices.html where he compares to other HTTP C++ implementations. + I found the docs clear, about the right balance between detail and simplicity, and I understood everything I felt I needed to know quickly. Well done on that as well Vinnie, it's a hard balance to achieve. + I very much agree with the choices in boundary separating what to provide and what not to provide, with only a few niggles, but nothing major and nothing showstopper. I feel a lot of the criticism seen to date about that choice is meritless once you actually understand real world implementations of HTTP. Negatives: - For this collection of HTTP-related library routines which is what this library actually is, I do not see why any awareness of ASIO is needed at all. I don't get why it's needed, and moreover, I think the library would be far better off removing all awareness of a networking implementation entirely. If Beast implemented full HTTP like Boost.Http tried to do, I could see the value add in tying in tightly to some networking implementation or other. But it does not implement HTTP, it implements a set of routines that one would use to implement HTTP instead. Most of the routines Beast supplies that I examined would be more reusable, easier to use, and less templatey if they made zero assumptions about what networking implementation is in use. - Everything appears to be a template. This sort of API design is forced on Beast by the tight dependency on ASIO whose public API is almost entirely templated. I could see that this design choice of ASIO's made sense in C++ 98 days with the knowledge of best practices then extant in 2005, but in a C++ 11 library designed after 2015 it is the wrong design choice. We simply know better nowadays, plus WG21 has much superior vocabulary types for doing buffer sequences than ASIO's which are needlessly complex, over engineered, and over wraught. A new library should not repeat the design mistakes of ASIO unless it has to, and I see no compelling reason given the limited implementation of HTTP offered by Beast to have any dependency on ASIO at all. Beast does a great job of drawing the correct boundary around what of HTTP to implement and what not to implement. I very much agree with that boundary. But the choice to model ASIO was made superfluous by that boundary choice. The ASIO design model should be replaced with a more generic reusable design instead, one which works with any arbitrary socket API - or indeed, non-socket API. An an example of a non-socket API, imagine using the UDT stream layer instead of TCP (http://udt.sourceforge.net/) and implementing HTTP on top of that. UDT provides its own library implementation and API which somewhat looks like a socket API, but varies in significant ways. With Beast's current design, trying to use Beast with the UDT API is going to be unnatural and awkward. If Beast were instead a reusable, generic, HTTP related utility library, it would be a much better library for it. - The choice to use STL allocators I feel is a code smell. I think a correct HTTP primitive library would never allocate memory, and thus never need to call a STL allocator. I think all the places where Beast does allocate memory were driven by the hard dependency on ASIO, and if you removed ASIO entirely, you would remove any need for memory allocation. - I think basic_parser should be designed to use forward iterators instead of requiring random access, or accept partial input in chunks whilst keeping state. This would allow it to work seamlessly with discontiguous underlying storage. - I appreciate that this my final negative will not be widely agreed with on boost-dev, but personally speaking I think Beast should work well with C++ exceptions disabled, and therefore make no use of exception throws at all. There are lots of end users who would like to speak HTTP without enabling C++ exceptions for cultural or safety validation reasons: embedded devices, IoT, games, medical devices etc. Beast is not useful to any of those use cases if it insists on ASIO and throws exceptions, neither of which are necessary nor make for a better HTTP utilities library. So to sum up, I like the library, most of the design choices are sensible, I think it would save me a lot of hassle when implementing HTTP as-is. But I feel it is arse-about-face in design: a simpler, less cluttered, no-ASIO, no-malloc, less-templates design would be much better again. I'm not going to issue a final review now. I specifically want to see what some others say first, most specifically Bjorn Reese who knows this area very, very deeply and indeed mentored Boost.Http over multiple summers. He likely will have a different weighting of priorities to me, and he's far more a domain expert in this than I am, so his review will influence mine. I would also be interested in seeing the proposer's opinion on everything I've just said before I issue a formal review. I do want to close with saying that it's a great library Vinnie, you did a great job. But I think a different design focus would be a lot better again for its given scope and remit. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
+ This library is far better quality than when I last looked at it which was actually probably a long time ago. Congrats to Vinnie on that. It ain't easy getting it to this far.
Thanks! A lot of work went into it in the last couple of months, and the users chipped in with bug reports and helpful suggestions.
- For this collection of HTTP-related library routines...
It seems that WebSocket is the red-headed stepchild that no one talks about. Of course, I understand that the HTTP portions of Beast are far more interesting (controversial?) so I guess we'll be talking about that for most of the review.
...which is what this library actually is
I think the author of Beast might have some idea of "what this library actually is", especially when it is stated in the documentation: http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/using_http.html
I do not see why any awareness of ASIO is needed at all.
Also stated in the documentation: "...using the consistent asynchronous model of Boost.Asio." http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/introduction.html
I don't get why it's needed,
Boost.Asio is effectively what will become the standard way to do C++ networking (i.e. N4588). Beast recognizes that C++ will soon have a common, cross-platform networking interface and builds on that interface exclusively.
and moreover, I think the library would be far better off removing all awareness of a networking implementation entirely.
Beast stream algorithms are not dependent on any networking implementation. It only depends on a networking interface. Specifically, Beast stream algorithms require the following concepts: SyncReadStream SyncWriteStream AsyncReadStream AsyncWriteStream ConstBufferSequence MutableBufferSequence DynamicBuffer It is entirely possible to create your own objects which meet these requirements that do not use Asio sockets. For example, a libuv socket can be wrapped in a manner that makes it usable with Beast. None of the concepts above require a particular networking implementation, subject to the following caveat: The Boost.Asio requirements for the stream and buffer concepts listed above DO require Asio. Specifically they require the following concrete types (plus a few more related to asynchronous initiating function customization points which I won't bore readers with): boost::asio::io_service boost::asio::const_buffer boost::asio::mutable_buffer At the moment, Beast is tied to Boost.Asio because of the aforementioned types. However, N4588 introduces significant improvements to the networking interface. The concrete io_service class is replaced with a new concept called an Executor. The buffer requirements are relaxed, instead of requiring a concrete type such as const_buffer it is possible to use any type that offers a data() and size() member. Thus, N4588 removes the last vestiges of implementation dependence on code written for it. My plan for Beast is to port it to N4588 as soon as it becomes available in an official capacity in the standard libraries used by clang, gcc, or msvc. So to answer your question, Boost.Asio is needed today because N4588 is not part of the standard. When it becomes standardized, Beast will be dependent on the C++ Standard Library networking interface (interface, not implementation as you stated).
Most of the routines Beast supplies that I examined would be more reusable, easier to use, and less templatey if they made zero assumptions about what networking implementation is in use.
beast::http::serializer and beast::http::basic_parser make no assumptions about what networking implementation is in use. Perhaps you can demonstrate a sample program using those Beast classes which makes zero assumptions about which networking implementation is in use, that works with at least two different implementations; say, Boost.Asio and libUV? Personally, I don't see a point to investing resources into supporting networking implementations which will not become part of the C++ Standard Library.
WG21 has much superior vocabulary types for doing buffer sequences than ASIO's which are needlessly complex, over engineered, and over wraught.
I intend to make sure Beast is compatible with the standard so whatever buffer sequences make it in to the standard, is what Beast will use. If you believe that the buffer sequence concepts in N4588 are deficient, I strongly advise you to open a LEWG issue before the committee makes a terrible mistake! There's still time.
A new library should not repeat the design mistakes of ASIO unless it has to, and I see no compelling reason given the limited implementation of HTTP offered by Beast to have any dependency on ASIO at all.
It is only Beast's stream algorithms which use Boost.Asio's stream concepts.
The ASIO design model should be replaced with a more generic reusable design instead, one which works with any arbitrary socket API - or indeed, non-socket API.
You can always write your own stream algorithm using beast::http::basic_parser and beast::http::serializer which do not work with streams at all and do not require Boost.Asio, subject to the following caveat: These Beast classes use Boost.Asio's buffer concepts which are tied to a couple of concrete types. This dependence will disappear in the port to N4588, which does not mandate concrete types.
With Beast's current design, trying to use Beast with the UDT API is going to be unnatural and awkward. If Beast were instead a reusable, generic, HTTP related utility library, it would be a much better library for it.
I'm not sure I agree, you can always implement your own stream algorithm which uses UDT API and use beast::http::basic_parser and beast::http::serializer with it. The documentation even provides examples of how you can use the serializer and parser with std::ostream and std::istream, bypassing Asio streams entirely: http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/using_http/buffer_oriented_serializ... http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/using_http/buffer_oriented_parsing....
The choice to use STL allocators I feel is a code smell.
Beast intends to use standard concepts. Allocator and AllocatorAwareContainer are concepts defined by the C++ standard, and the universally understood models for allocator customization points. If you feel that "STL allocators" are a "code smell" then I urge you to submit a paper to WG21 with actionable advice (ideally, proposed wording) on how to banish the stench.
I think a correct HTTP primitive library would never allocate memory, and thus never need to call a STL allocator.
beast::http::serializer never allocates memory.
beast::http::basic_parser never allocates memory when its input is a
single buffer. An optimized allocator is provided in the
http-server-fast example which makes basic_fields never allocate from
the heap:
Beast also comes with an extensive set of tools to empower users to
avoid memory allocations:
Here is a declaration for a message which performs no dynamic
allocations, which allows a a header of up to 4096 bytes and a body of
up to 16384 bytes:
- I appreciate that this my final negative will not be widely agreed with on boost-dev, but personally speaking I think Beast should work well with C++ exceptions disabled, and therefore make no use of exception throws at all.
The DynamicBuffer concept prescribes throwing std::length_error if the buffer maximum size is exceeded: http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/concept/DynamicBuffer.html This is a N4588 concept and will eventually become part of the C++ standard. If you feel that N4588 is deficient because it has a concept which mandates exceptions, I urge you to open a LEWG issue before the committee makes a terrible mistake! There's still time.
There are lots of end users who would like to speak HTTP without enabling C++ exceptions for cultural or safety validation reasons: embedded devices, IoT, games, medical devices etc. Beast is not useful to any of those use cases if it insists on ASIO and throws exceptions, neither of which are necessary nor make for a better HTTP utilities library.
beast::http::serializer and beast::http::basic_parser do not throw exceptions. Thanks

On 01/07/2017 17:02, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
- For this collection of HTTP-related library routines...
It seems that WebSocket is the red-headed stepchild that no one talks about. Of course, I understand that the HTTP portions of Beast are far more interesting (controversial?) so I guess we'll be talking about that for most of the review.
Beast WebSocket belongs in another, separate library. That library could bring in ASIO as a dependency.
I do not see why any awareness of ASIO is needed at all.
Also stated in the documentation: "...using the consistent asynchronous model of Boost.Asio." http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/introduction.html
I don't get why it's needed,
Boost.Asio is effectively what will become the standard way to do C++ networking (i.e. N4588). Beast recognizes that C++ will soon have a common, cross-platform networking interface and builds on that interface exclusively.
I snipped all the hand waving as irrelevant to the question I posed, which it is. You didn't answer the question. These are the stated things Beast provides: 1. Message containers 2. Stream reading 3. Stream writing 4. Serialisation 5. Parsing ... which seem a reasonable and useful subset of HTTP to implement. You have told me no reason why any of these needs a hard dependency on any networking implementation, or awareness of any specific networking design pattern. I personally can see no good reason why they should be: **HTTP has nothing to do with networking**. It therefore seems to me that reading ought to be calculated views of underlying byte data, and writing ought to be compositing a sequence of byte spans to gather into a send. Like the Ranges TS does. Please convince me that I am wrong. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
Beast WebSocket belongs in another, separate library. That library could bring in ASIO as a dependency.
Beast is provided as a coherent package of components that work well together, with integrated tests and documentation. It is presented as a single library.
1. Message containers 2. Stream reading 3. Stream writing 4. Serialisation 5. Parsing You have told me no reason why any of these needs a hard dependency on any networking implementation, or awareness of any specific networking design pattern.
(repeating myself) Beast's message containers, serialization, and parsing do not depend on any specific networking interface. I do not know of a way to write an algorithm which works with an unspecified stream concept, so I had to choose which concepts I wanted to work with. I chose these Boost.Asio concepts because they are the closest thing to becoming a standard: SyncReadStream SyncWriteStream AsyncReadStream AsyncWriteStream DynamicBuffer Perhaps you can demonstrate how a network algorithm may be written which works with an unspecified stream concept? How about a simple, synchronous function that writes a string, I'll start you off with a function signature: template<class Stream> void write(Stream& stream, std::string_view string); Please implement this function for us and demonstrate how it works with Boost.Asio, Networking-TS, POSIX sockets, WinSock, UDT, or libUV without modification.
**HTTP has nothing to do with networking**.
Beast offers algorithms to serialize and parse HTTP messages on Boost.Asio streams. If you think that is not part of "HTTP" that's fine, the label is unimportant. What is important is that Beast offers this functionality.
It therefore seems to me that reading ought to be calculated views of underlying byte data, and writing ought to be compositing a sequence of byte spans to gather into a send.
Correct. You have described the operations performed by beast::http::serializer and beast::http::basic_parser, which do not require any networking interface.
WG21 has much superior vocabulary types for doing buffer sequences than ASIO's which are needlessly complex, over engineered, and over wraught
Please specify the WG21 vocabulary types you are referring to. Thanks

On 01/07/2017 20:01, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: Beast WebSocket belongs in another, separate library. That library could bring in ASIO as a dependency.
Beast is provided as a coherent package of components that work well together, with integrated tests and documentation. It is presented as a single library.
Except, it is not coherent. You're bundling socket abstraction in with HTTP parsing and inflicting huge, header-only dependencies on all end users irrespective of what parts they actually use or need. At the very minimum, I think Beast needs to become two, separate libraries: (i) the HTTP utility library (ii) WebSocket.
1. Message containers 2. Stream reading 3. Stream writing 4. Serialisation 5. Parsing You have told me no reason why any of these needs a hard dependency on any networking implementation, or awareness of any specific networking design pattern.
(repeating myself)
Beast's message containers, serialization, and parsing do not depend on any specific networking interface.
So why are you forcing end users to drag in ASIO? The reason why according to you is for the buffer infrastructure. But as I've already told you, that's a relic from a decade ago. New code neither ought to nor needs to use that. We have far better available today. And if the really reusable parts of Beast, the ones not dependent on ASIO except for some buffer adapters, can be broken off and be made free of ASIO, that's a big value add to end users who don't need WebSocket and just want a HTTP utilities library.
I do not know of a way to write an algorithm which works with an unspecified stream concept, so I had to choose which concepts I wanted to work with. I chose these Boost.Asio concepts because they are the closest thing to becoming a standard:
SyncReadStream SyncWriteStream AsyncReadStream AsyncWriteStream DynamicBuffer
Perhaps you can demonstrate how a network algorithm may be written which works with an unspecified stream concept? How about a simple, synchronous function that writes a string, I'll start you off with a function signature:
template<class Stream> void write(Stream& stream, std::string_view string);
You're thinking in terms of i/o. Stop doing that. Very little in your library has, or ought to have, anything to do with i/o. It's the major flaw in your library's design as I see it. Think in terms of blobs of bytes. Blobs of bytes come in. Blobs of bytes go out. No i/o. No reading, no writing. Just blobs of bytes.
**HTTP has nothing to do with networking**.
Beast offers algorithms to serialize and parse HTTP messages on Boost.Asio streams. If you think that is not part of "HTTP" that's fine, the label is unimportant. What is important is that Beast offers this functionality.
i/o, ASIO, networking and all this stuff has confounded the clarity and intent of your design which is very solid. Stop thinking in terms of i/o. HTTP is just structured data. So treat it as such. Parse as structured data, generate as structured data. The natural split point for Beast into multiple, focused libraries is between the code which only concerns itself with structured data, and everything else.
WG21 has much superior vocabulary types for doing buffer sequences than ASIO's which are needlessly complex, over engineered, and over wraught
Please specify the WG21 vocabulary types you are referring to.
The Ranges TS is an obvious place to start from as a source of Concepts and vocabulary types to draw from. You don't actually need a Ranges TS as all your Views, InputRanges, OutputRanges etc. will be of char or const char anyway. These are very easy to knock together, indeed my GSoC student this year Tom knocked together a constexpr implementation of those in less than a week. When the Ranges TS is available in your compiler, of course patch in that if the end user configures a macro for it, but you can write just enough of a Ranges TS implementation to suit all your needs very quickly. If that's too experimental for you (though the Ranges TS is a TS just like the Networking TS), then do as Boost.Spirit does and work with iterator pairs. So for example, if I want to know what the Content-Length header is, upon query I get back an iterator pair pointing to the front of the storage and one after the end of the storage. Similarly, if I set the Content-Length header, I supply an iterator pair to the new contents. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
At the very minimum, I think Beast needs to become two, separate libraries: (i) the HTTP utility library (ii) WebSocket.
Beast is proposed as-is.
The natural split point for Beast into multiple, focused libraries is between the code which only concerns itself with structured data, and everything else.
Beast is proposed as-is.
So why are you forcing end users to drag in ASIO?
Beast will be part of Boost, whose distributions include Asio. To use
serializer or basic_parser, the header
The reason why according to you is for the buffer infrastructure. But as I've already told you, that's a relic from a decade ago. New code neither ought to nor needs to use that. We have far better available today.
That "relic from a decade ago" is in the latest Boost 1.65.0. As I have targeted Boost.Asio specifically, you will naturally understand that Beast uses that buffer infrastructure for better or for worse. When a version of Boost.Asio appears which is "far better", then Beast will be ported to it. The stand-alone Asio is already a bit ahead of Boost.Asio in its buffer technologies; since you feel that Boost.Asio is so far behind perhaps you can take on the task of porting stand-alone Asio's changes to Boost?
And if the really reusable parts of Beast, the ones not dependent on ASIO except for some buffer adapters, can be broken off and be made free of ASIO, that's a big value add to end users who don't need WebSocket and just want a HTTP utilities library.
Eliminating the dependence on Asio's buffers is something that is on
my horizon, but it is not a feature for the library being proposed.
There hasn't been much demand for using the parser or serializer
WG21 has much superior vocabulary types for doing buffer sequences than ASIO's which are needlessly complex, over engineered, and over wraught
Please specify the WG21 vocabulary types you are referring to. The Ranges TS is an obvious place to start from as a source of Concepts
Until you file the LEWG issue where you describe N4588 buffer sequence concepts as "needlessly complex, over engineered, and over wraught[sic]" and provide an alternative in the form of proposed language, there is nothing actionable in your statement.
Very little in your library has, or ought to have, anything to do with i/o. .. Stop thinking in terms of i/o. HTTP is just structured data. So treat it as such. Parse as structured data, generate as structured data.
Is my understanding correct that you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receiving HTTP messages using Asio streams? Thanks

So why are you forcing end users to drag in ASIO?
Beast will be part of Boost, whose distributions include Asio. To use serializer or basic_parser, the header
must be included, which is a pretty self-contained file. This is a temporary situation until Boost.Asio is updated to N4588.
If the dependency is so limited, then remove it entirely and split Beast into non-ASIO and ASIO parts. Most of Beast is a structured data utility library focused on HTTP. If you made the parser capable of discontiguous input (iterator input) and it could handle more gracefully partial/incomplete input than it currently does, I would think it pretty much ideal and a superb foundation for everything HTTP related for all possible end users.
Very little in your library has, or ought to have, anything to do with i/o. .. Stop thinking in terms of i/o. HTTP is just structured data. So treat it as such. Parse as structured data, generate as structured data.
Is my understanding correct that you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receiving HTTP messages using Asio streams?
Absolutely correct. A highly reusable and flexible Beast would have a design where knowledge of ASIO is unimportant. A second, separate library can then combine the generic, reusable Beast stuff with ASIO to implement lots of useful things like WebSockets etc. Separate the concerns, decouple implementation. I would imagine you have three design choices there: 1. Stop short of i/o, and instead provide source iterator pairs from which ASIO (or anything else) can construct a gather buffer sequence via boost::make_iterator_range() which is how you tell ASIO to borrow instead of copy a gather buffer sequence. It is on the end user to pump any state machine or sequence or reactor. 2. Provide a "tick function" for any reactor in use by the user to pump HTTP. Study the Qt networking framework as a comparator to ASIO (it's pretty similar). 3. Provide a generic method of wrapping some arbitrary third party networking implementation, so Beast provides async_read(), async_write() etc as now, the HTTP layer does its thing, and the underlying i/o implementation gets called eventually. The classic - if ugly - implementation of this is OpenSSL via its BIO mechanism. You can do far better in C++ 11. Me, personally speaking, I would favour option 1. It's the least work, most flexible for end users with whatever weird i/o transport they might be using, and seems most in keeping with the overall library design philosophy of minimal but powerful abstraction. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
Very little in your library has, or ought to have, anything to do with i/o.
Is my understanding correct that you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receive HTTP messages using Asio streams? Thanks

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 12:56 PM, Vinnie Falco via Boost
On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: ...
Very little in your library has, or ought to have, anything to do with i/o.
Is my understanding correct that you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receive HTTP messages using Asio streams?
I would very much appreciate if Asio dependency could be contained in some headers which I could avoid #include'ing. I actually patched a specific version of Beast so that was possible. So I could use it in microcontrollers where sockets don't even exist.
Regards, -- Felipe Magno de Almeida

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
Is my understanding correct that you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receiving HTTP messages using Asio streams?
Absolutely correct.
This opinion is so far out of touch with the feedback I have gotten from users about what they want, that it raises the question whether your screeds have any value.

Is my understanding correct that you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receiving HTTP messages using Asio streams?
Absolutely correct.
This opinion is so far out of touch with the feedback I have gotten from users about what they want, that it raises the question whether your screeds have any value.
Ok, Vinnie. Enough of the aggression. You're here for feedback on your library's design and implementation. If you simply want to be told your library is great and welcome to Boost, you're in the wrong place. If you don't want my feedback because of some grudge against me, say so and you will see nothing more from me until my final review. Stop with the nasty asides. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 9:07 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
Ok, Vinnie. Enough of the aggression. ... If you don't want my feedback because of some grudge against me, say so
There's no grudge but this is what I'm hearing: "Beast should not perform socket I/O." I don't know if its your style of speaking, or word choice but this feedback is patently absurd on the face of it. So you think users shouldn't be able to implement a web server or HTTP client using Beast? How does one even begin to respond to that? I'm going to push back considerably on statements of the form "your library shouldn't do what it does" such as yours. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you're trying to say something else such as, the library should be presented as two separate libraries? But that's not how it sounds. Thanks

On 02/07/2017 18:25, Vinnie Falco wrote:
On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 9:07 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: Ok, Vinnie. Enough of the aggression. ... If you don't want my feedback because of some grudge against me, say so
There's no grudge but this is what I'm hearing:
"Beast should not perform socket I/O."
I don't know if its your style of speaking, or word choice but this feedback is patently absurd on the face of it.
I don't see the absurdity at all. Let me give you some background. I've implemented basic HTTP perhaps six times now in my career to date. Four times in C/C++, twice in Python. I don't have the depth of knowledge of full fat HTTP like say Bjorn does, seeing as he contributed extensively to curl, but I've implemented this stuff lots of times now. And how you've designed Beast is close to my earlier HTTP implementations, and far from my later HTTP implementations. This is why I keep asking about your fundamental design assumptions. I think you evolved your design starting from the assumption of socket i/o, when you should have started from blobs of structured data in, blobs of structured data out. I know for a fact that's suboptimal because I've been there before too.
So you think users shouldn't be able to implement a web server or HTTP client using Beast? How does one even begin to respond to that?
Your userbase to date suffers from selection bias. They want something
which works with ASIO, so they use Beast because it ticks that box. I
can assure you that for every user you have gained to date, you lost at
least two, maybe three users who looked at that ASIO dependency and
thought "god no, not worth the hassle" because they also know how
painful it is to get a custom socket implementation to work with ASIO.
I also know that you'll never, ever encompass all the weird data
transports your full potential user base will have. All sorts of weird
custom, often proprietary things. So free your library of the ASIO
dependency. You don't need it, indeed it's damaging you. Design your
library to work with any unknown transport instead. For example,
switched banks of reference counted shared memory with the current one
selected by a std::atomic
I'm going to push back considerably on statements of the form "your library shouldn't do what it does" such as yours.
I think your library should focus on making HTTP easy for everybody with a need for HTTP. Do one thing really well, it's where Boost.Http fell down.
I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you're trying to say something else such as, the library should be presented as two separate libraries? But that's not how it sounds.
BTW, just so you know, I'm currently on a conditional accept with a low confidence interval. It's why I'm interrogating your fundamental design choices: as much as the _correct_ HTTP library design allows things like switched banks of shared memory as the transport, such flexibility is not _necessary_ for a HTTP implementation. And where I am stuck is on what weighting to give these imperatives, you must remember it's not just you and me going back and forth. Lots of other people are likely as stuck on this as me and are reading everything on boost-dev. So your justifications of design choice to me, and persuasion that your choices are not showstoppers, are what gets a library accepted. After all I'm definitely not the only person who has implemented HTTP half a dozen times, and is likely looking at your library and wondering about the design assumptions too. It's just they haven't said it yet because our dialogue was answering their questions. So even if you and me stop, you may well see the exact same themes - though perhaps more tactfully put than from I - being raised anyway. I particularly strongly weigh Bjorn's opinion, we used to work at the same employer for a bit where we developed a replacement for TCP extending ASIO, and where HTTP was going to be deployed over that. Interestingly Beast would likely have worked just fine on that as it was ASIO based, but we very nearly didn't choose ASIO as the base, in which case Beast would have been useless to us. So if he greenlights you, I'm happy, if not, then you should take the feedback he gives you very seriously. He really knows his stuff. Niall

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 5:00 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
So free your library of the ASIO dependency.
1. Beast stream operations are built for Boost.Asio.
2. Beast's dynamic buffers and buffer adapters are built for
...your justifications of design choice to me, and persuasion that your choices are not showstoppers, are what gets a library accepted.
I can't imagine any argument more persuasive than "it tracks standards."
I think your library should...Do one thing really well
On this we can agree. That "one thing" is "HTTP operations on Boost.Asio stream concepts." ...and WebSockets too! Why do they neglect the websockets? Its like the kid who always gets picked last for the team at P.E. Thanks

(note to this reply: on his request, Vinnie and I have replayed an offlist conversation we had back onto boost-dev in order to get feedback. Hence the tone adopted is a bit weird and I'm talking about boost-dev as a third party, which makes no sense if I were writing this to here. Be aware I have edited this message somewhat over the original as this goes on the public record, it is not identical to the original)
I have no desire to enlarge the scope of Beast beyond that which is suitable for standardization.
I would be absolutely amazed if HTTP hard coded for the Networking TS could be standardised. There are tons of big C++ users out there who would rightly veto such a thing. Qt provides an extensive networking implementation which does not work well with ASIO. So does Apple, Google and Microsoft, all of whom have substantial proprietary networking implementations, and whose WG21 reps would veto such a proposal in my opinion. If you are aiming for Beast to be standardised, I think you are absolutely dead in the water with the current design. I had no idea until now that you intended that, and I really think you need to tell the Boost peer review that, because I don't think anyone else realises that either. If they do realise that, they'll very considerably raise the bar to pass review like how they treated Outcome and AFIO, both of which were advertised to be intended for standards. So I won't mention it, it's up to you. But if you want Beast into the C++ standard, you really ought to say that's your plan now as an announcement. You'll get a much more useful to you review, even if that means a rejection. I found both the Outcome and AFIO reviews enormously useful.
If you feel that Beast should work with non-Asio I/O models then the venue for that fight is in the LEWG. Beast will track the standard or as close to it as possible. So if you convince the working group there is room in the standard for networking I/O models different from Net-TS, Beast will adopt them as a matter of policy.
From what I've been told, there is a fair whack of people on WG21 who see ASIO as the interim Networking v1, with a strong expectation that a v2 will replace it once they've done iostreams v2 and built out a proper general purpose i/o layer for C++. So hard coding HTTP to Networking v1 would be foolish, it upsets the proprietary vendors many of whom are hoping to get their proprietary system into the standard in years to come, and it's a waste of work when Networking v2 may happen and you'd
That's not how standards work. WG21 had to pick *some* networking implementation. It was getting embarrassing for C++ to not have one. But by choosing ASIO, in no possible way will that choice be allowed by major C++ users with representation on WG21 to damage the existing ecosystem of diverse and very popular other networking implementations, most of whom are vastly more popular in user count than ASIO is. like your HTTP implementation to work on both. What you'll then see is repeated deferment of decision, it'll keep getting kicked down the road and it'll never happen. But listen, don't take my word for it. I've only been tangentially involved in standards for a decade or so, and less with WG21 than other WGs. Ask someone like Bjarne, he's got a vision of where i/o in C++ needs to go next. And I understand that he is not exactly keen on ASIO's API design. Niall

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 5:17 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
(note to this reply: on his request, Vinnie and I have replayed an offlist conversation we had back onto boost-dev in order to get feedback.
Thank you. The conversation was of sufficient importance to merit an on-list discussion.
I really think you need to tell the Boost peer review that, because I don't think anyone else realises that either.
Did anyone not realize that Beast's roadmap includes a standardization proposal? If so then the documentation and my mailing list comments have done a poor job...as Prego say's "It's in there!"
...if you want Beast into the C++ standard, you really ought to say that's your plan now as an announcement. You'll get a much more useful to you review
See item 5: http://vinniefalco.github.io/stage/beast/review/beast/design_choices/faq.htm...
WG21...see ASIO as the interim Networking v1, with a strong expectation that a v2 will replace it once they've done iostreams v2
I don't have the same experience and involvement with the C++ luminaries that you have, so I lack an inside track on what will become part of C++2023 or C++2026. Meanwhile, Beast users want HTTP solutions today so in the absence of reliable tea leaves I can only design for what is standard (or close to it). Thanks

...if you want Beast into the C++ standard, you really ought to say that's your plan now as an announcement. You'll get a much more useful to you review
See item 5: http://vinniefalco.github.io/stage/beast/review/beast/design_choices/faq.htm...
I freely admit I read that entire document and missed the sentence "it is the author's goal to propose this library for standardization". I thought that FAQ item was about your roadmap for supporting standalone ASIO. Sorry.
WG21...see ASIO as the interim Networking v1, with a strong expectation that a v2 will replace it once they've done iostreams v2
I don't have the same experience and involvement with the C++ luminaries that you have, so I lack an inside track on what will become part of C++2023 or C++2026. Meanwhile, Beast users want HTTP solutions today so in the absence of reliable tea leaves I can only design for what is standard (or close to it).
Do remember I suggested you design for a different part of the standard, not away from the standard. I've been preparing the ground and reading the tea leaves for an eventual AFIO standardisation for some years now by talking to anyone on WG21 with an opinion regarding i/o. Obviously there is a strong selection bias in there in my sampling, I may be far off the mark for the consensus opinion which I presently believe to be mostly indifference as an iostreams v2 is not seen as high priority right now. But if say something like Rust or Swift rolled out a provably superior solution which got headlines, that could change very quickly. I also would say as a former SC22 mirror convenor that an accurate way of looking at ISO is that it's the place multinationals send their people to slow down or prevent standardisation of things which could harm their interests. A lot of people express frustration with WG21, but it makes sense when seen as a place mainly to stop and delay change. That's how ISO configures things, multinationals overwhelmingly dominate the national votes through being multi national. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On 7/2/2017 8:17 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost wrote:
(note to this reply: on his request, Vinnie and I have replayed an offlist conversation we had back onto boost-dev in order to get feedback. Hence the tone adopted is a bit weird and I'm talking about boost-dev as a third party, which makes no sense if I were writing this to here. Be aware I have edited this message somewhat over the original as this goes on the public record, it is not identical to the original)
I have no desire to enlarge the scope of Beast beyond that which is suitable for standardization.
I would be absolutely amazed if HTTP hard coded for the Networking TS could be standardised.
There are tons of big C++ users out there who would rightly veto such a thing. Qt provides an extensive networking implementation which does not work well with ASIO. So does Apple, Google and Microsoft, all of whom have substantial proprietary networking implementations, and whose WG21 reps would veto such a proposal in my opinion.
If you are aiming for Beast to be standardised, I think you are absolutely dead in the water with the current design. I had no idea until now that you intended that, and I really think you need to tell the Boost peer review that, because I don't think anyone else realises that either.
No, this sort of thing is irrelevant. Whether any Boost library would like to be part of the C++ standard or not should not come into consideration when reviewers look at a library to be added to Boost. In reality nearly all Boost authors of libraries probably would like their libraries to be added as a C++ standard library, but this has nothing to do with the quality of the library itself. Furthermore, as I follow discussions about Beast, I am pretty sure that the library author is not saying that, which is meaningless, but instead is saying that he designed his library to be compatible to what the Networking group of the C++ standard is considering adding to the C++ standard. You are of course free to disagree with that decision, since there is nothing inherently sacrosanct on whatever is, or may be, in the C++ standard. But that has nothing to do with the saying a library would like to be part of the C++ standard, which no technical value whatsoever.
If they do realise that, they'll very considerably raise the bar to pass review like how they treated Outcome and AFIO, both of which were advertised to be intended for standards. So I won't mention it, it's up to you. But if you want Beast into the C++ standard, you really ought to say that's your plan now as an announcement. You'll get a much more useful to you review, even if that means a rejection. I found both the Outcome and AFIO reviews enormously useful.
If you feel that Beast should work with non-Asio I/O models then the venue for that fight is in the LEWG. Beast will track the standard or as close to it as possible. So if you convince the working group there is room in the standard for networking I/O models different from Net-TS, Beast will adopt them as a matter of policy.
That's not how standards work.
WG21 had to pick *some* networking implementation. It was getting embarrassing for C++ to not have one. But by choosing ASIO, in no possible way will that choice be allowed by major C++ users with representation on WG21 to damage the existing ecosystem of diverse and very popular other networking implementations, most of whom are vastly more popular in user count than ASIO is.
From what I've been told, there is a fair whack of people on WG21 who see ASIO as the interim Networking v1, with a strong expectation that a v2 will replace it once they've done iostreams v2 and built out a proper general purpose i/o layer for C++. So hard coding HTTP to Networking v1 would be foolish, it upsets the proprietary vendors many of whom are hoping to get their proprietary system into the standard in years to come, and it's a waste of work when Networking v2 may happen and you'd like your HTTP implementation to work on both. What you'll then see is repeated deferment of decision, it'll keep getting kicked down the road and it'll never happen.
But listen, don't take my word for it. I've only been tangentially involved in standards for a decade or so, and less with WG21 than other WGs. Ask someone like Bjarne, he's got a vision of where i/o in C++ needs to go next. And I understand that he is not exactly keen on ASIO's API design.

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 7:44 PM, Edward Diener via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On 7/2/2017 8:17 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost wrote:
(note to this reply: on his request, Vinnie and I have replayed an offlist conversation we had back onto boost-dev in order to get feedback. Hence the tone adopted is a bit weird and I'm talking about boost-dev as a third party, which makes no sense if I were writing this to here. Be aware I have edited this message somewhat over the original as this goes on the public record, it is not identical to the original)
I have no desire to enlarge the scope of Beast beyond that which is
suitable for standardization.
I would be absolutely amazed if HTTP hard coded for the Networking TS could be standardised.
There are tons of big C++ users out there who would rightly veto such a thing. Qt provides an extensive networking implementation which does not work well with ASIO. So does Apple, Google and Microsoft, all of whom have substantial proprietary networking implementations, and whose WG21 reps would veto such a proposal in my opinion.
If you are aiming for Beast to be standardised, I think you are absolutely dead in the water with the current design. I had no idea until now that you intended that, and I really think you need to tell the Boost peer review that, because I don't think anyone else realises that either.
No, this sort of thing is irrelevant. Whether any Boost library would like to be part of the C++ standard or not should not come into consideration when reviewers look at a library to be added to Boost. In reality nearly all Boost authors of libraries probably would like their libraries to be added as a C++ standard library, but this has nothing to do with the quality of the library itself.
+1 In C and C++ it is possible to design libraries that are both portable and low overhead compared to pretty much any other language. While Python may need all kinds of libraries to do basic things, in C and C++ many times there is no need for a library to be standardized, there would be little gain. Consider for example something like libpng or Boost -- they're available, often preinstalled on pretty much any operating system under the sun already. Further, I think it is a bad idea to standardize a library before it has been deployed for many years outside of the standard, no matter how good it may be. If it is that good, people will reach and use it anyway, and if not the standard is better for not including it. It is especially evil to attempt to standardize a library as means to force adoption -- again, if the library is better than any other alternative, people will use it. If not, it has no place in the standard.

Niall Douglas wrote:
Qt provides an extensive networking implementation which does not work well with ASIO. So does Apple, Google and Microsoft, all of whom have substantial proprietary networking implementations
I think this is an important point - on what platforms is Beast actually useful in practice? I have some iOS apps, and it's not clear to me to what extent ASIO works with that platform's event loop, or other important OS features (for example, if you just use the POSIX sockets API on iOS then you might find that the radio gets turned off to save power, because the OS doesn't know that you need it to be kept on). So currently I do HTTP on iOS using a simple C++ wrapper around Apple's objC NSURLConnection. We could speculate about what will happen if ASIO gets standardised. Will Apple (and the others) provide an implementation that works properly on their platform? Maybe, but I would not bet on it. How much of Beast is useful without ASIO? Regards, Phil.

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 9:37 AM, Phil Endecott via Boost
I think this is an important point - on what platforms is Beast actually useful in practice?
Wherever Boost.Asio is useful.
How much of Beast is useful without ASIO?
Not very much, although you can use beast::http::serializer and
beast::http::basic_parser using only

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
How much of Beast is useful without ASIO?
Not very much, although you can use beast::http::serializer and beast::http::basic_parser using only
which is pretty small, self contained, and knows nothing about sockets. There is a point of contention here, one reviewer thinks that buffer.hpp should not be a dependency. However that discussion is stalled due to non-technical reasons.
Realistically speaking if you are trying to use Beast without Asio (modulo buffer.hpp as stated above) you aren't going to get very far at all.
The question is must Beast be coupled to Asio, not can it be used without something like Asio. And I don't mean just in the case of someone using serializer/basic_parser and nothing else. In my opinion, arguing that coupling is necessary should begin with defining an interface which Beast can use, which can be trivially implemented in terms of Asio. In designing this interface the only concern should be avoiding the coupling; specifically, performance considerations should be completely ignored. Only then we can have a reasonable discussion is it worth it. Regardless, in my experience this kind of exercise always improves the design of a library.

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 11:54 AM, Emil Dotchevski via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
How much of Beast is useful without ASIO?
Realistically speaking if you are trying to use Beast without Asio (modulo buffer.hpp as stated above) you aren't going to get very far at all.
In my opinion, arguing that coupling is necessary should begin with defining an interface which Beast can use, which can be trivially implemented in terms of Asio. In designing this interface the only concern should be avoiding the coupling; specifically, performance considerations should be completely ignored. Only then we can have a reasonable discussion is it worth it.
This is a very good way to think about this.
Regardless, in my experience this kind of exercise always improves the design of a library.
This is definitely true. I think those two points are (mostly?) what Niall was trying to convey. Zach

-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Zach Laine via Boost Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 1:25 PM
On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 11:54 AM, Emil Dotchevski via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
How much of Beast is useful without ASIO?
Realistically speaking if you are trying to use Beast without Asio (modulo buffer.hpp as stated above) you aren't going to get very far at all.
In my opinion, arguing that coupling is necessary should begin with defining an interface which Beast can use, which can be trivially implemented in terms of Asio. In designing this interface the only concern should be avoiding the coupling; specifically, performance considerations should be completely ignored. Only then we can have a reasonable discussion is it worth it.
This is a very good way to think about this.
Regardless, in my experience this kind of exercise always improves the design of a library.
This is definitely true.
+1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This message, and any attachments, is for the intended recipient(s) only, may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or proprietary and subject to important terms and conditions available at http://www.bankofamerica.com/emaildisclaimer. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message.

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 5:00 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On 02/07/2017 18:25, Vinnie Falco wrote:
On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 9:07 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: Ok, Vinnie. Enough of the aggression. ... If you don't want my feedback because of some grudge against me, say so
There's no grudge but this is what I'm hearing:
"Beast should not perform socket I/O."
I don't know if its your style of speaking, or word choice but this feedback is patently absurd on the face of it.
I don't see the absurdity at all.
Let me give you some background.
I've implemented basic HTTP perhaps six times now in my career to date. Four times in C/C++, twice in Python. I don't have the depth of knowledge of full fat HTTP like say Bjorn does, seeing as he contributed extensively to curl, but I've implemented this stuff lots of times now.
I think Vinnie is right that it is "your style". "I've done HTTP six times in my career" is not an argument, the subtext is "you're inexperienced and, this library is a nice try, but if you want to play with the big boys you have to do it differently." Further, I know many smart people who have done something six times in their career, and never got close to a good design. I'm not an expert so I can't comment on the Beast (other than to say that IMO it is a poor choice of name), but it would be helpful (including to people like me) to add structure to your criticisms; e.g. this is what the library does now, but this is a bad idea for this and that reason, and it would be better to do it this way, rather than "dude, this is so 10 years out of date!" :)

I'm not an expert so I can't comment on the Beast (other than to say that IMO it is a poor choice of name), but it would be helpful (including to people like me) to add structure to your criticisms; e.g. this is what the library does now, but this is a bad idea for this and that reason, and it would be better to do it this way, rather than "dude, this is so 10 years out of date!" :)
I did add considerable structure to what I think he should do instead. To sum it up: 1. Consume blobs of structured data. Produce blobs of structured data. 2. Facilitate i/o rather than implement i/o. 3. Be inspired by the Ranges TS rich suite of concepts, but failing that iterator pairs will do. ... and I went into a fair bit of implementation detail of how you'd arrange things differently, so I mentioned by name what customisation points in ASIO you'd use to tell ASIO about your types representing a block of structured data and so on. What I didn't do was write essays of detail. It would take too long, it's not my place, and I'm pretty sure Vinnie knows ASIO internals as well as I do, so I am assuming he understands everything I'm writing. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

Niall Douglas wrote:
What I didn't do was write essays of detail. It would take too long, it's not my place, and I'm pretty sure Vinnie knows ASIO internals as well as I do, so I am assuming he understands everything I'm writing.
I understand everything you're writing, but the complete picture still eludes me. Specific examples: http::request_parserhttp::string_body parser; parser.header_limit( 8192 ); parser.body_limit( 8192 ); http::read( socket_, buffer, parser, ec ); /*...*/ do_request( parser.get(), ec ); How would this look like in the blobs in, blobs out model? Same question for the reverse one: std::vector<unsigned char> data; /* ... fill data... */ beast::string_view sv( (char*)data.data(), data.size() ); http::responsehttp::string_view_body res( sv ); res.result( http::status::ok ); res.set( http::field::server, BEAST_VERSION_STRING ); res.set( http::field::content_type, "image/bmp" ); res.set( http::field::content_length, data.size() ); http::write( socket_, res, ec ); How does the ASIO-decoupled code look?

What I didn't do was write essays of detail. It would take too long, it's not my place, and I'm pretty sure Vinnie knows ASIO internals as well as I do, so I am assuming he understands everything I'm writing.
I understand everything you're writing, but the complete picture still eludes me. Specific examples:
http::request_parserhttp::string_body parser;
parser.header_limit( 8192 ); parser.body_limit( 8192 );
http::read( socket_, buffer, parser, ec );
do_request( parser.get(), ec );
How would this look like in the blobs in, blobs out model?
Slightly more bare metal because you talk to ASIO by hand, but nothing too awful I think: ``` char buffer[16384]; // no need to explicitly limit header + body // Create a HTTP request parsing view of char[16384] http::request_parserhttp::string_body parser(buffer); // Read enough data to parse the request char *p = buffer; do { p += asio::read(socket, asio::buffer(p, buffer + sizeof(buffer) - p)); } while(!parser.has_body(p - buffer)); do_request(parser.get(), ec); // Use any spill at the end memcpy(buffer, buffer + parser.size_bytes(), p - (buffer + parser.size_bytes())); p = buffer; ... ```
Same question for the reverse one:
std::vector<unsigned char> data;
/* ... fill data... */
beast::string_view sv( (char*)data.data(), data.size() ); http::responsehttp::string_view_body res( sv );
res.result( http::status::ok );
res.set( http::field::server, BEAST_VERSION_STRING ); res.set( http::field::content_type, "image/bmp" ); res.set( http::field::content_length, data.size() );
http::write( socket_, res, ec );
How does the ASIO-decoupled code look?
``` std::vector<unsigned char> data; // Create a response borrowing 'data' as a single contiguous // gather buffer, known from it matching ContiguousContainer concept http::response res(data); // These prepend additional gather buffers for the headers res.result( http::status::ok ); res.set( http::field::server, BEAST_VERSION_STRING ); res.set( http::field::content_type, "image/bmp" ); res.set( http::field::content_length, data.size() ); // Tell ASIO to send the response by gathering all the buffers asio::write(socket, boost::make_iterator_range(res.begin(), res.end())); ``` The latter used a bit of C++ 17 template inferencing and has some unwritten type trait specialisation and free function overloads to tell ASIO about a custom `beast::buffer` type pointed to by the iterators, but otherwise it should be fairly obvious. Do ask any questions if it isn't actually obvious :). It's nearly 3am here so my obviousness radar is probably not working well. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
char buffer[16384]; // no need to explicitly limit header + body
// Create a HTTP request parsing view of char[16384] http::request_parserhttp::string_body parser(buffer);
// Read enough data to parse the request char *p = buffer; do { p += asio::read(socket, asio::buffer(p, buffer + sizeof(buffer) - p)); } while(!parser.has_body(p - buffer)); do_request(parser.get(), ec);
// Use any spill at the end memcpy(buffer, buffer + parser.size_bytes(), p - (buffer + parser.size_bytes())); p = buffer;
You're asking for beast::http::parser to not use
// These prepend additional gather buffers for the headers res.result( http::status::ok ); res.set( http::field::server, BEAST_VERSION_STRING ); res.set( http::field::content_type, "image/bmp" ); res.set( http::field::content_length, data.size() );
// Tell ASIO to send the response by gathering all the buffers asio::write(socket, boost::make_iterator_range(res.begin(), res.end()));
This is in no way equivalent to what Beast does now, I suggest you
study BodyReader and http::serializer.
Still, it sounds like again you are simply asking that
http::serializer not use

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
It's nearly 3am here...
I looked once again at http::basic_parser and http::serializer. It
might be possible to refactor http::basic_parser into a separate class
and with some mess in http::parser support two versions. One which
allows ConstBufferSequence and the other which allows just pair

On 03/07/2017 03:07, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: It's nearly 3am here...
I looked once again at http::basic_parser and http::serializer. It might be possible to refactor http::basic_parser into a separate class and with some mess in http::parser support two versions. One which allows ConstBufferSequence and the other which allows just pair
I've always felt concern about pair
http::serializer is another story entirely. It contains and is tied to adapters which contain Asio buffer types. And it uses Asio buffer algorithms.
You've taken the position that this is an easy matter, that you have extensive knowledge and experience in the domain, so I would kindly ask that you provide a working prototype of http::serializer which does not use Asio buffer types and yet remains compatible with the rest of Beast.
Your http::serializer claims it is for: 1. Send the header first, and the body later. 2. Set chunk extensions or trailers using a chunk decorator. 3. Send a message incrementally: bounded work in each I/O cycle. 4. Use a series of caller-provided buffers to represent the body. The way I've always implemented HTTP serialisers in the recent past is as a collection of open ranges of contiguous byte buffers for ASIO to gather send from. Generally I've kept a headers() collection and a body() collection. Iterators for the whole serialiser iterate all the headers first, then the body. But if the end user wanted to send just the headers first, they simply by hand feed the headers range to ASIO first, then the body range. So that's Item 1 taken care of. Item 2, as I mentioned before I've never needed more than basic HTTP in my career to date, so never needed to implement chunked encoding. But I can tell you what my first instinct is: body() is a FIFO drain, so as the user appends new body buffers, they get drained and sent. So, the end iterator returned by body() is able to stop pointing after the last item in body() if new items are added to body(). Item 3 is very straightforward because the end user is the person creating the iterator range to hand to ASIO. So they simply choose a range which is a subset of the total instead of the total. Item 4 is even easier, because this entire design already is a series of caller provided buffers from start to finish. Beast might provide convenience functions for generating those buffers, but essentially the caller supplies the buffers. Finally, trailers I have never had need to implement either, but I'd suggest a trailers() collection for those as well. Exactly the same semantics as earlier. I appreciate Vinnie that you envisioned Beast as doing all this stuff for the end user and hiding all this complexity by wrapping up ASIO with an i/o API which hides how ASIO is being used underneath. I think that makes sense in a high level HTTP library. For a low level HTTP library I think it a design mistake, much simpler is much better. Less is more. I've used the above serialiser design on a number of occasions now, it's very efficient, composable, and flexible. It *does* push understanding of HTTP onto the end user, but then if the end user doesn't understand HTTP, they wouldn't be able to use a low level library anyway. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
I've always felt concern about pair
My use of pair was expository only.
Generally I've kept a headers() collection and a body() collection.
Words are cheap. Please provide a serializer which compiles and runs,
with tests, and operates on Beast messages and does not use

Generally I've kept a headers() collection and a body() collection.
Words are cheap. Please provide a serializer which compiles and runs, with tests, and operates on Beast messages and does not use
. I've provided something that works, time for you to do the same.
That's not how Boost reviews work Vinnie. We each provide observations, comments, questions and proposals of alternatives. We discuss. We may each provide formal reviews. The review manager considers all of the discussion, and provides a judgement. So I don't need to convince *you* of anything. I need to convince everybody else on boost-dev, and thence Michael. It's a bonus to convince you too, but it's not a requirement. I think there is a great library lurking in Beast, and you've done a great job bringing us a HTTP library for C++ that is far better than any I've seen yet. But I think some more chiselling is yet needed to hew it out. In particular, I think it's not consistently low level enough yet, and I think a View + Ranges API design for the bottom layer makes a lot more sense, with additional higher level ASIO-dependent layers laid on top. If they others disagree with this opinion, they'll (usually silently) ignore it. If they don't understand it, they'll ask for clarification. If they agree, they'll formally vote the same way or similarly. That's how reviews work. (It's also very possible that another reviewer blows a big hole in my alternative design as having a showstopper design fault, and I thus change *my* opinion. You might consider taking this dialectical approach of proving why my ideas can't work rather than challenging people to write alternative implementations. If I had the spare time to do that, I'd have written a HTTP library a long time ago and brought it here for review. So would many others on here who have far more experience in HTTP than either you or I, and if properly resourced, could have made the definitive implementation bar none) Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 8:16 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
Words are cheap. ... That's not how Boost reviews work Vinnie.
Is your issue with beast::http::basic_parser and beast::serializer
that it depends on

2017-07-03 14:57 GMT+02:00 Vinnie Falco via Boost
Generally I've kept a headers() collection and a body() collection.
Words are cheap. Please provide a serializer which compiles and runs, with tests, and operates on Beast messages and does not use
. I've provided something that works, time for you to do the same.
This is one of the most ridiculous things one can say during a Boost review. It's like freeing yourself from any critique. Your vote only counts if you've implemented a library that can do this, this and that. So I'll implement one feature that nobody uses today and then nobody can criticize my library. What's the purpose of the review then? If the review pleases you, it's one more approval. If the review displeases you, you just need to run to “you aren't Beast author nor any library close to that so your opinion don't count”. I'd **never** reply such nonsense in reviews done to libraries of mine. -- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/

-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Niall Douglas via Boost Sent: 03 July 2017 13:34 To: boost@lists.boost.org Cc: Niall Douglas Subject: Re: [boost] [review][beast] Review of Beast starts today : July 1 - July 10
On 03/07/2017 03:07, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
I think that makes sense in a high level HTTP library. For a low level HTTP library I think it a design mistake, much simpler is much better. Less is more. I've used the above serialiser design on a number of occasions now, it's very efficient, composable, and flexible. It *does* push understanding of HTTP onto the end user, but then if the end user doesn't understand HTTP, they wouldn't be able to use a low level library anyway.
If BEAST is accepted, is there any reason why such an even--lower-level library could not (or should not) be written (and also accepted)? Paul --- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830

I think that makes sense in a high level HTTP library. For a low level HTTP library I think it a design mistake, much simpler is much better. Less is more. I've used the above serialiser design on a number of occasions now, it's very efficient, composable, and flexible. It *does* push understanding of HTTP onto the end user, but then if the end user doesn't understand HTTP, they wouldn't be able to use a low level library anyway.
If BEAST is accepted, is there any reason why such an even--lower-level library could not (or should not) be written (and also accepted)?
That's a great question. It could be that I am over egging the importance of there being a lower layer independent of networking implementation. But then my past HTTP implementations have tended to go over some really weird non-socket transport layers, so I'm going on what I know. Hence I delay my review until others have given theirs. I know that's a cop out, but it's also recognition that my experience of "normal" HTTP is limited, and I could be making unreasonable demands. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 8:19 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
That's a great question. It could be that I am over egging the importance of there being a lower layer independent of networking implementation.
Is your issue with beast::http::basic_parser and beast::serializer
that it depends on

On 03/07/2017 16:27, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 8:19 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: That's a great question. It could be that I am over egging the importance of there being a lower layer independent of networking implementation.
Is your issue with beast::http::basic_parser and beast::serializer that it depends on
? Would your needs be satisfied if it did not have this dependence?
I did warn you to stop with the aggression Vinnie. So ok, I am out of this review now. No more from me until the end when I write my formal review. Good luck with the review Vinnie. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 9:15 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
I did warn you to stop with the aggression Vinnie.
Is your issue with beast::http::basic_parser and beast::serializer
that it depends on
..you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receive HTTP messages using Asio streams?
Absolutely correct.
Follow me on Github: https://github.com/vinniefalco

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 6:19 AM, Paul A. Bristow via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
I think that makes sense in a high level HTTP library. For a low level HTTP library I think it a design mistake, much simpler is much better. Less is more. I've used the above serialiser design on a number of occasions now, it's very efficient, composable, and flexible. It *does* push understanding of HTTP onto the end user, but then if the end user doesn't understand HTTP, they wouldn't be able to use a low level library anyway.
If BEAST is accepted, is there any reason why such an even--lower-level library could not (or should not) be written (and also accepted)?
I don't see why not. For example I think it was a mistake to reject Synapse on the basis of "we have a signal library in Boost already", because there is literally nothing in common between it and Boost Signal, except that the latter can be used in a subset of the cases where Synapse can be used. If we reject a library it should be on its own merits, not on the merits of another library, except if the differences are trivial.

Just one perhaps uninformed remark. I have glanced over this thread as
I like to keep in touch with what happens in boost, but have no need
for a websocket interface.
To me, Vinnies library seems to be a well-designed and capable
library. But it seems to me that the library tries to accomplish two
things that coud be separated: parsing of http-headers and
transmission of http-headers. My guess is that - as Niall pointed out
- there is a large group of developers that could benefit from the
parsing part alone, and probably also a group that would perform their
own parsing and just use the transfer part. If this is so, Beast
should be split into two libraries.
Perhaps a fast way to accomplish that would be to have a small helper
library that could convert to/from asio-buffers to e.g.
std::vector<(w)char> and std::(w)string? Even if this caused
suboptimal performance, my guess is that this approach would have
appeal and not frighten to many users. We have had libraries in boost
with suboptimal performance before (lexical_cast is one such example)
where later revisions reduced or eliminated the performance loss.
On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 3:21 PM, Vinnie Falco via Boost
On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: ...ASIO...
You've said a lot and I'd like some clarity, is your issue with beast::http::basic_parser and beast::serializer that it depends on
? Would your needs be satisfied if it did not have this dependence? _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 6:44 AM, Peter Koch Larsen via Boost
My guess is that - as Niall pointed out - there is a large group of developers that could benefit from the parsing part alone,
They can use the parsing part alone today as well as the serializing
part, with a dependence on
and probably also a group that would perform their own parsing and just use the transfer part.
This I have not heard of before, and is not a supported use-case. I don't think its particularly interesting to users.
Beast should be split into two libraries.
Beast is proposed as-is. Thanks

On 03/07/2017 14:21, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: ...ASIO...
You've said a lot and I'd like some clarity, is your issue with beast::http::basic_parser and beast::serializer that it depends on
? Would your needs be satisfied if it did not have this dependence?
If you also stopped implementing i/o, and instead facilitated i/o, I believe I could live with your other design choices. You've made a good library Vinnie. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 8:24 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
If you also stopped implementing i/o, and instead facilitated i/o, I believe I could live with your other design choices. You've made a good library Vinnie.
Is your issue with beast::http::basic_parser and beast::serializer
that it depends on

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 8:24 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
If you also stopped implementing i/o, and instead facilitated i/o, I believe I could live with your other design choices.
Are you suggesting that Beast should not support reading and writing HTTP messages on Asio streams? -------------------------------------------------- On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
..you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receive HTTP messages using Asio streams?
Absolutely correct.

2017-07-03 2:17 GMT+02:00 Emil Dotchevski via Boost
I think Vinnie is right that it is "your style". "I've done HTTP six times in my career" is not an argument, the subtext is "you're inexperienced and, this library is a nice try, but if you want to play with the big boys you have to do it differently."
He added context on top of that. I'd keep ASIO dependency, but even so Niall's feedback is useful in driving attention to a point of view that can be easily neglected. -- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
The reason why according to you is for the buffer infrastructure. But as I've already told you, that's a relic from a decade ago. New code neither ought to nor needs to use that. We have far better available today.
"A relic from a decade ago" is not an argument.

The reason why according to you is for the buffer infrastructure. But as I've already told you, that's a relic from a decade ago. New code neither ought to nor needs to use that. We have far better available today.
"A relic from a decade ago" is not an argument.
It would not be if there hadn't been very significant progress in how to do generic and powerful buffers and views since. However, we have the Ranges TS now, we have Contiguous Container concept support, we have spans and views, all on the standards track. ASIO gets to keep its legacy design because it's so important to standardise existing practice, not invent standards by committee. But any new code must be held to a higher standard. And most especially in this particular case, dragging in the entire of ASIO for a few buffer types is just crazy daft. Instead use some Ranges TS inspired types - or a C++ 98 era iterator pair - from which ASIO can auto construct buffer sequences on its own. Do not drag in ASIO for such a trivial, and unnecessary, use case, so gratuitously damaging the end user experience as a result. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 8:07 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost
Very little in your library has, or ought to have, anything to do with i/o.
Is my understanding correct that you say Beast should not provide functions to send and receive HTTP messages using Asio streams? Thanks

2017-07-01 22:38 GMT+02:00 Niall Douglas via Boost
So why are you forcing end users to drag in ASIO?
The reason why according to you is for the buffer infrastructure. But as I've already told you, that's a relic from a decade ago. New code neither ought to nor needs to use that. We have far better available today.
That's so neurotic (as defined by Jung). In one review, you'll complain that C++03 is all we need. In another review, you'll complain that C++22-tier abstractions are not being used. Both complaints are irrelevant. You can use any stable C++ to submit a Boost library. -- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/

2017-07-01 22:38 GMT+02:00 Niall Douglas via Boost
If that's too experimental for you (though the Ranges TS is a TS just like the Networking TS), then do as Boost.Spirit does and work with iterator pairs. So for example, if I want to know what the Content-Length header is, upon query I get back an iterator pair pointing to the front of the storage and one after the end of the storage. Similarly, if I set the Content-Length header, I supply an iterator pair to the new contents.
That would be pretty bad as HTTP also involves connection management (e.g. "connection: close"). It'd work for an HTTP parser. But Beast seems pretty low-level already. -- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/

Niall Douglas wrote:
- I appreciate that this my final negative will not be widely agreed with on boost-dev, but personally speaking I think Beast should work well with C++ exceptions disabled, ...
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION abides by best Rust/SG14 practices of aborting on exception throw when exceptions are disabled. :-)

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Niall Douglas via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
There are lots of end users who would like to speak HTTP without enabling C++ exceptions for cultural or safety validation reasons: embedded devices, IoT, games, medical devices etc.
You forgot to mention "unpredictability" of exceptions. :) Also, there is no error handling in games.
Beast is not useful to any of those use cases if it insists on ASIO and throws exceptions, neither of which are necessary nor make for a better HTTP utilities library.
They're certainly not necessary for users who don't need robust error handling.

There are lots of end users who would like to speak HTTP without enabling C++ exceptions for cultural or safety validation reasons: embedded devices, IoT, games, medical devices etc.
You forgot to mention "unpredictability" of exceptions. :)
Also, there is no error handling in games.
Anyone not error handling in HTTP needs their head examined. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 12:52 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
Anyone not error handling in HTTP needs their head examined.
I'll kindly ask that you do not make inflammatory statements in threads which mention Beast in the subject line. Some folks have relatives or friends who may be mentally ill, and your ad-hominem implies that those individuals are somehow less worthy of respect. Such language is non-inclusive and diminishes the stature of the list (in my opinion).

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 12:52 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
There are lots of end users who would like to speak HTTP without enabling C++ exceptions for cultural or safety validation reasons: embedded devices, IoT, games, medical devices
You forgot to mention "unpredictability" of exceptions. :)
Also, there is no error handling in games.
Anyone not error handling in HTTP needs their head examined.
You mean error checking, I mean handling and recovery. Games tend to just retry and eventually reboot on errors, rather than tear-down data structures and recover gracefully. It's one reason why game programmers don't see value in exception handling.

I only found the time to join the discussion now 😢
I'd appreciate if 4 more days were given to review it, but I'll do my best
to review it until July 10.
This is the first message I'll answer from the whole discussion. Time to
have fun discussing HTTP 😀
2017-07-01 16:46 GMT+02:00 Niall Douglas via Boost
- I think basic_parser should be designed to use forward iterators instead of requiring random access, or accept partial input in chunks whilst keeping state. This would allow it to work seamlessly with discontiguous underlying storage.
After the review on my library, I noted there was a big interest in low-level control for handling HTTP messages. I developed a parser library which has the good properties of the NodeJS parser (no syscalls, no allocation/internal-buffers, interruptable at any time...) and avoids its bad design decisions[1]. In less than 170 lines you can handle the receiving part of your library: https://github.com/vinipsmaker/tufao/blob/43cd33f3388fd7061dedc75d683810a258... And I don't assume you're going to read RFC7230. Decoded values are decoded (different than NodeJS "easy-to-use-wrong" parser). Anyway, it's fairly easy to adapt this parser model to C++ iterator model (I had this concern in mind when designing the API — as a matter of fact, one of the test files adapts the parser model so I can define a lot of tests just by comparing two vectors[2]). And I might answer this same message again after finishing the review. Lots of hours ahead of me to spend with HTTP. [1] https://vinipsmaker.wordpress.com/2016/08/05/boost-http-has-a-new-parser/ [2] https://github.com/BoostGSoC14/boost.http/blob/b00380a1f8c2588baa4cd57324606... -- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 7:19 AM, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira via Boost
I only found the time to join the discussion now 😢
Glad to see you here Vinícius! I see you've been busy working on your repositories (I check on them from time to time) - that's great!
Anyway, it's fairly easy to adapt this parser model to C++ iterator model
Using templated iterators (I think that's the direction you're implying) offers flexibility. But there are advantages when using a raw pointer to a contiguous piece of memory holding the entire HTTP header or other structured element (chunk-header, final-chunk). Such as using SSE4.2 intrinsics to accelerate the parsing: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/6f88f0182d461e9cabe55032f966c9ca4f...
After the review on my library, I noted there was a big interest in low-level control for handling HTTP messages.
Can you please list the low-level control features or maybe link to the corresponding boost-dev posts which describe the desired low-level control? I thought I addressed them but I'd like to be sure Thanks

2017-07-08 16:51 GMT+02:00 Vinnie Falco via Boost
On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 7:19 AM, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira via Boost
wrote: I only found the time to join the discussion now 😢
Glad to see you here Vinícius! I see you've been busy working on your repositories (I check on them from time to time) - that's great!
Yep. I've been more busy with my work than my open source contributions, but I donate time to my open repos from time to time.
Anyway, it's fairly easy to adapt this parser model to C++ iterator model
Using templated iterators (I think that's the direction you're implying) offers flexibility. But there are advantages when using a raw pointer to a contiguous piece of memory holding the entire HTTP header or other structured element (chunk-header, final-chunk). Such as using SSE4.2 intrinsics to accelerate the parsing:
<https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/6f88f0182d461e9cabe55032f966c9 ca4f77bf46/include/beast/http/detail/basic_parser.hpp#L223>
Nope. I'd point to the documentation, but I'm still writing that. You can just look at the link I provided, it's the parser I wrote being used on a Qt application. No problematic dependency on Asio's executor/io_service. I agree with the “raw pointer to a contiguous piece of memory” and that's why I use Asio's buffer abstractions (sorry Niall, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel).
After the review on my library, I noted there was a big interest in low-level control for handling HTTP messages.
Can you please list the low-level control features or maybe link to the corresponding boost-dev posts which describe the desired low-level control? I thought I addressed them but I'd like to be sure
The discussion was so big and happened years ago. Can't do that. I just wrote the summary as a list of issues to fix in my all design (so everything which was already right is lost in the discussions of this mailing list). Just provide a parser better than NodeJS and you're good for the most uncommon users. No allocations etc. -- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 2:39 AM, Michael Caisse via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
The formal review of Vinnie Falco’s Beast library will take place from July 1 through July 10, 2017.
Please consider participating in this review. The success of Boost is partially a result of the quality review process which is conducted by the community. You are part of the Boost community. I will be grateful to receive a review based on whatever level of effort or time you can devote.
Aright, you got me. [snip] One thing up top: igzf what you call your library. You're the author, you get to name it. We have Spirit (w/Qi and Karma), Hana, Phoenix, and Proto already. No one can claim that convention around here is that a library's name matches its uses. Some other questions you might want to consider answering:
- What is your evaluation of the design?
* Overall, I quite like it! I have some complaints, but they are about
small design choices. The largest design choices, of adhering closely to
the now-begin-standardized ASIO/Net-TS, and to stay in a layer just above
ASIO (and not much higher), are the right ones. Also, making the library
explicitly standards-tracked is a good choice. We need more of that in
Boost these days.
* Allocators are gross. I know this is a controversial position, but I
think they're far more trouble than they're worth. Since you already have
buffers that seem to me to cover all the major allocation strategies
already, can't you get away with adding a buffer adapter that takes any
random access container as its underlying storage, and be done with it?
This is an effort to reduce your maintenance workload, and the semantic
overhead of users. Introducing allocators and then trying to use them
uniformly has lead to some awful stuff in the standard, like allocators in
the std::pair and std::tuple ctors, even though they do not allocate. Yuck.
* Is there a reason why buffer_cat_view and buffer_prefix_view are distinct
types? It isn't obvious just from their descriptions. Moreover, fewer
user-facing types is better. I would greatly prefer to write code like
I did not look much at the implementation, except as quick checks against the documentation.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
Very good. It has lot and lots of concrete examples of how to use
different parts of the library in many different ways. That's really
important for a large library.
* The Quick Start contains its subsections in full, and then there are TOC
links to each subsection separately. Probably one or the other would do.
* Each of the example links takes me to a GitHub page for the file linked.
That should change to inline source like the Quick Start code. The same
thing is true of all the reference documentation.
* HTTP Crawl seems to be doing synchronous reads. Is there an example
elsewhere that does a bunch of reads like this asynchronously?
* example/http-server-fast/http_server_fast.cpp explicitly checks for '/'
path separators, and uses strings instead of filesystem::paths. It would
be cool if the former were changed for Windows folks, and the latter
changed, just 'cuz.
* At least http_server_small.cpp (and maybe others? I didn't go back and
check) has only Christopher M. Kohlhoff as an author. Vinnie, you probably
need a copyright audit of all your files.
* I found the mix of function and type entries in "Table 6. Buffer
Algorithms" to be initially quite confusing. Maybe separate them?
* The buffer_prefix_view documentation in "Table 6. Buffer Algorithms"
says "This is the type of buffer returned by buffer_prefix.", but 2/3
overloads with that name return something else.
* HTTP Message Container says this:
Now we can declare a function which takes any message as a parameter:
High. Super duper high. The fact that I have no standard way to do anything in this library today, and this library is standardization-oriented is a great thing.
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems?
I did not use the library.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
I spent about 3 hours reading documentation and examples, with a quick glance at some of the implementation.
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
Somewhat. I've written a couple of Node.js-based web servers, a couple of straight-ASIO non-web servers and clients, and done a bit of web development. I've done nothing that works at exactly the level Beast targets. Zach

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 4:42 PM, Zach Laine via Boost
* Is there a reason why buffer_cat_view and buffer_prefix_view are distinct types?
Yes, buffer_cat_view and buffer_prefix_view are two completely different things. A buffer_cat_view represents a buffer sequence of buffer sequences, while a buffer_prefix_view is just a range adapter over a single buffer sequence.
I think you just need to make a single type that owns a sequence of buffers, and maintains a pair of iterators or indices into the owned sequence.
You've more or less described buffer_prefix_view. A rough description of buffer_cat_view would be "a type that owns a heterogenous list of buffer sequences, whose iterators reflect the current position within a variant consisting of each iterator types from the list of buffer sequences." Quite different :)
* Similarly, as a user I'd prefer not to have string_body as a distinct type (unless it's a convenience typedef for dynamic_bodystd::string). If std::string is not a model of DynamicBuffer, I think DynamicBuffer could stand a slight reformulation.
std::string does not model DynamicBuffer, which itself is a Net-TS concept and thus immutable from Beast's perspective. Therefore beast::http::basic_dynamic_body cannot work with std::string and beast::http::string_body becomes necessary . I will likely add beast::http::basic_string_body to allow the allocator to be customized.
* I get why message<> has a Body template parameter, but why is Fields configurable? There is no message<> instantiation under examples/ or include/ that uses anything other than basic_fields<> that I could find. Do people ever use something else? Again, a brief rationale would be useful. I saw the "HTTP Message Container" page, btw, but while it suggested someone might want a different Fields template param, it didn't indicate why.
I have not done extensive work in this area of the library yet but I assure you it is a useful feature. A custom Fields implementation could support only a subset of all possible fields (for example it might only be capable of representing Content-Length, Transfer-Encodoing, Server, and User-Agent), storing the field name in a small integer enum instead of keeping the entire text. It could store Content-Length as an integer instead of a string. Custom Fields could use its own strategy for storing the field/value pairs. Most importantly, a custom Fields could be used to adapt another library's message model into something that Beast can consume. Or to allow a Beast message to be consumable by another library with a proper wrapper. All of these contemplated use-cases require the user to also provide a subclass of basic_parser, as the beast::http::parser is only usable with beast::http::basic_fields. These use-cases seem exotic but I feel that the niches they satisfy will come up and have merit. Think embedded devices or Internet of Things. Creating examples of custom Fields is on my to-do: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/504
* Allocators are gross. I know this is a controversial position,
I agree, that is controversial! And I'm not entirely happy with the interface of AllocatorAwareContainer but it is what it is. Which is to say it is standardized.
I think they're far more trouble than they're worth. Since you already have buffers that seem to me to cover all the major allocation strategies already, can't you get away with adding a buffer adapter that takes any random access container as its underlying storage, and be done with it?
That already exists, you can use beast::buffers_adapter on any linear buffer (including one provided by a container) and then use that adapter with beast::http::basic_dynamic_body. There are only a few AllocatorAwareContainer in Beast, those include basic_flat_buffer, basic_multi_buffer, but most importantly http::basic_fields. I don't think removing allocator support in http::basic_fields is such a good idea, especially when one of the examples already demonstrates how performance may be improved through its use: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/78a065ba39836d91d7e70d93de7f9140f5... Folks who want to get the most out of Beast will be taking advantage of Beast's allocator support so I must respectfully disagree with your position.
* The Quick Start contains its subsections in full, and then there are TOC links to each subsection separately. Probably one or the other would do.
This is intended, I want every example to have a ToC entry so that users can go to it quickly. Maybe if they forget the section it was in then the Toc entry will jog their memory.
* Each of the example links takes me to a GitHub page for the file linked. That should change to inline source like the Quick Start code.
Hmm I don't know about that, the server-framework is enormous. Including the example source code in bulk would make it hard to navigate. And I plan on more examples, I don't think that scales. Of course, if the consensus is that this change reflects an improvement then I will make it gladly. I have opened this issue for discussion: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/565
The same thing is true of all the reference documentation.
I'm not sure what you mean here.
* HTTP Crawl seems to be doing synchronous reads. Is there an example elsewhere that does a bunch of reads like this asynchronously?
Not yet but I can add something like that: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/566
* At least http_server_small.cpp (and maybe others? I didn't go back and check) has only Christopher M. Kohlhoff as an author. Vinnie, you probably need a copyright audit of all your files.
The copyright is correct, Chris is the author of http_server_small.cpp and http_server_fast.cpp
* I found the mix of function and type entries in "Table 6. Buffer Algorithms" to be initially quite confusing. Maybe separate them?
How about changing the title to "Buffer Algorithms and Types"?
* The buffer_prefix_view documentation in "Table 6. Buffer Algorithms" says "This is the type of buffer returned by buffer_prefix.", but 2/3 overloads with that name return something else.
Yeah that's a little confusing. I'll sort it: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/567
* HTTP Message Container says this: ... If it needs to access the other fields, it can do so using tag dispatch ... Why would I have a third overload and use tag dispatching? Most users are going to be really confused by what I quoted above, I think.
You're right. I think I had functions like this in mind: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/78a065ba39836d91d7e70d93de7f9140f5... The doc is a bit confusing, I will fix it.
* Please add an explicit Rationale section for smaller design choices. The FAQ and design justification sections that exist are fine, but they mostly cover the biggest-picture items. Each of those small design choices are going to go out the window if you can't remember a strong argument for one of them 5 years from now, when LEWG are asking you why a certain interface is the way it is.
Good advice but either vague or broad in scope (every design choice?), if there are specific design choices that should be explained then this becomes more actionable: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/569 Thanks

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 7:22 PM, Vinnie Falco via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 4:42 PM, Zach Laine via Boost
wrote: Thanks for checking out the library!
* Is there a reason why buffer_cat_view and buffer_prefix_view are distinct types?
Yes, buffer_cat_view and buffer_prefix_view are two completely different things. A buffer_cat_view represents a buffer sequence of buffer sequences, while a buffer_prefix_view is just a range adapter over a single buffer sequence.
I think you just need to make a single type that owns a sequence of buffers, and maintains a pair of iterators or indices into the owned sequence.
You've more or less described buffer_prefix_view.
A rough description of buffer_cat_view would be "a type that owns a heterogenous list of buffer sequences, whose iterators reflect the current position within a variant consisting of each iterator types from the list of buffer sequences." Quite different :)
They don't seem that different to me. The data look the same from the outside, but the underlying structure is different. The underlying structure doesn't seem like it *needs* to be different, though. One could be flattened into the other. These are all views, right? Cheap-to-copy views? So, in terms of the existing types, if buffer_cat() returned a buffer_prefix_view with n=0, would that break things? I mean a semantic breakage, not a compilation breakage.
* Similarly, as a user I'd prefer not to have string_body as a distinct type (unless it's a convenience typedef for dynamic_bodystd::string). If std::string is not a model of DynamicBuffer, I think DynamicBuffer could stand a slight reformulation.
std::string does not model DynamicBuffer, which itself is a Net-TS concept and thus immutable from Beast's perspective. Therefore beast::http::basic_dynamic_body cannot work with std::string and beast::http::string_body becomes necessary . I will likely add beast::http::basic_string_body to allow the allocator to be customized.
I get it. That's a shame.
* Allocators are gross. I know this is a controversial position,
I agree, that is controversial! And I'm not entirely happy with the interface of AllocatorAwareContainer but it is what it is. Which is to say it is standardized.
It's not that uncommon an opinion these days. Be mentally prepared for a hard left turn wrt allocators (which may never come), if this finally makes it to LEWG.
* Please add an explicit Rationale section for smaller design choices. The FAQ and design justification sections that exist are fine, but they mostly cover the biggest-picture items. Each of those small design choices are going to go out the window if you can't remember a strong argument for one of them 5 years from now, when LEWG are asking you why a certain interface is the way it is.
Good advice but either vague or broad in scope (every design choice?), if there are specific design choices that should be explained then this becomes more actionable: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/569
Well, certainly not every choice. But definitely every nonobvious choice, or a choice that looks from the outside like taste, should go in a rationale section. imo. Zach

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 6:20 PM, Zach Laine via Boost
They don't seem that different to me. The data look the same from the outside, but the underlying structure is different. The underlying structure doesn't seem like it *needs* to be different, though. One could be flattened into the other. These are all views, right? Cheap-to-copy views? So, in terms of the existing types, if buffer_cat() returned a buffer_prefix_view with n=0, would that break things? I mean a semantic breakage, not a compilation breakage.
Perhaps it is possible to combine the functionality of
buffer_prefix_view and buffer_cat_view, but it would come at the
expense of a larger object. Buffer sequences are supposed to be
copyable and normally they are not particularly large. For example
beast::multi_buffer::const_buffers_type costs just one pointer and
therefore pretty darn cheap. But some parts of Beast declare truly
gnarly buffer sequences, like this one:
using ch2_t = consuming_buffers

Am 02.07.2017 um 02:22 schrieb Vinnie Falco via Boost:
* Similarly, as a user I'd prefer not to have string_body as a distinct type (unless it's a convenience typedef for dynamic_bodystd::string). If std::string is not a model of DynamicBuffer, I think DynamicBuffer could stand a slight reformulation. std::string does not model DynamicBuffer, which itself is a Net-TS concept and thus immutable from Beast's perspective. Therefore beast::http::basic_dynamic_body cannot work with std::string and beast::http::string_body becomes necessary . I will likely add beast::http::basic_string_body to allow the allocator to be customized.
As a user I'd prefer not to have string_body as a distinct type too.
Same for string_view_body. Both are tightly bounded to distinct types.
Instead of having more and more body types tightly bounded to distinct
types i would prefer less body types loosely bounded to concepts.
So with a concept of "character sequence" we could introduce a
"sequence_body" working with models like std::string, std::string_view,
boost::string_ref, std::vector<char>, etc.
And with a concept of "character stream" we could introduce a
"stream_body" working with models like std::[o|i]stringstream,
std::[o|i]fstream, boost::iostreams::stream, etc.
These two new body types could replace string_body, string_view_body,
const_body (from example/common) and mutable_body (from example/common).
So we end up with less body types and less redundance, but much more
flexibility and testability.
Sample code for using these new body types below.
What do other participants think about this concept based body design?

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Mike Gresens via Boost
As a user I'd prefer not to have string_body as a distinct type too. Same for string_view_body. Both are tightly bounded to distinct types.
To be clear, Peter was asking why not `responsestd::string` which is a different but legitimate question. There are design reasons why `std::string` cannot be a choice for Body.
So with a concept of "character sequence" we could introduce a "sequence_body" working with models like std::string, std::string_view, boost::string_ref, std::vector<char>, etc.
What do you propose replacing this declaration with?

Am 02.07.2017 um 20:34 schrieb Vinnie Falco via Boost:
On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Mike Gresens via Boost
wrote: As a user I'd prefer not to have string_body as a distinct type too. Same for string_view_body. Both are tightly bounded to distinct types. To be clear, Peter was asking why not `responsestd::string` which is a different but legitimate question. There are design reasons why `std::string` cannot be a choice for Body.
I'm not that sure. He gave the "dynamic_bodystd::string" example. So he wanted a body using std::string, i think.
So with a concept of "character sequence" we could introduce a "sequence_body" working with models like std::string, std::string_view, boost::string_ref, std::vector<char>, etc. What do you propose replacing this declaration with?

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Mike Gresens via Boost
Am 02.07.2017 um 20:34 schrieb Vinnie Falco via Boost: response
req;" nothing to change here since
using string_body = beast::http::sequence_bodystd::string; // convenience decl in beast
Phew, okay, so we are on the same page. I don't want users to have to write `beast::http::const_sequence_bodystd::string` What you are asking for is a feature request, which requires no change in interface to any algorithm. That's a much easier ask. You already proposed two containers which were merged to the master branch in the example/common directory (thanks for your contribution!) https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/78a065ba39836d91d7e70d93de7f9140f5... https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/78a065ba39836d91d7e70d93de7f9140f5... These are not public interfaces yet, but I could be convinced to make them public interfaces if: 1. There is established practice that is either standardized or close to it [1] 2. The names and implementation of the concept checks either use existing standard library facilities if they exist, or provide an implementation that tracks the standard (or proposal) 3. The documentation (javadoc comments and exposition in the documentation) meets the quality requirements of the library 4. There is general support (which there very likely already is) I don't mind doing this work myself but I am not in a hurry to do so since existing use of Beast will be unaffected and there are other priorities. On the other hand if someone else wants to submit a pull request, I wouldn't turn it away! [1] This might be related http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n3884.pdf

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Zach Laine
On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 2:39 AM, Michael Caisse via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
The formal review of Vinnie Falco’s Beast library will take place from July 1 through July 10, 2017.
Please consider participating in this review. The success of Boost is partially a result of the quality review process which is conducted by the community. You are part of the Boost community. I will be grateful to receive a review based on whatever level of effort or time you can devote.
[snip] And I vote to accept Beast. Sigh. It's always something. Zach

*What is your evaluation of the design?* Overall, elegant. The decision to stick to C++11 forced some design decisions, but nothing I can't live with. My personal feelings about asio's interface aside, I believe that the clean and natural fit of Beast interfaces with the asio model means that anyone already familiar with asio (which is the golden standard in C++) will be able to quickly and easily leverage Beast. One small negative—and this not really specific to Beast—is that the proliferation of templates (which, I think, are necessary to achieve the elegant design Vinnie has) can make stack traces very hard to read and follow. It's probably unfair to mention this in the Beast review especially considering how asio is really a much bigger offender here. *What is your evaluation of the implementation?* We have been using Beast in production on rippled, a distributed payment system that's handling hundreds of millions in daily volume, and have been very pleased with the implementation. I find the implementation to be high quality and robust, with attention paid to detail. As a data point on the websocket library: it easily outperformed the previous websocket library we were using, even in early, less polished versions, and was more robust and easier to use to boot. I am pleasantly surprised at the thorough tests that the library comes with and the author's dedication to quality code and speedy resolution of existing issues. *What is your evaluation of the documentation?* Thorough and well-written. It includes useful examples that compile quickly and easily and demonstrate the important concepts of the library. *What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?* Very useful. It provides functionality that's almost indispensable. I've written an HTTP server in the past, for a chat application I was developing. It was both painful and incredibly time-consuming to get everything just right. Beast would have abstracted all the HTTP boilerplate away, allowing me to focus on the business logic. The ability to develop clients just as easily as servers, with the same pieces, is also great for the same reasons. I understand that Beast isn't supposed to be a full fledged HTTP server or HTTP client and that's just fine. What's important is that it provides a strong foundation on which we can build what we need. The websocket functionality is great for much the same reason. *Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems?* Yes, I've used Beast both at Ripple and on my own personal projects. I've compiled projects with Beast without issue on MSVC, GCC and Clang. *How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?* Significant: I've been involved with Beast since the early days and the author has bounced ideas off of me. Additionally, I've been a user of the library for a while and have a lot of real-world practical experience with it. *Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?* I'm not an HTTP or WebSocket expert, but I've implemented a standard-compliant HTTP server in the past and have signficant experience with network programming. My position is that Beast should be *ACCEPTED* into Boost.

Please provide in your review whatever information you think is valuable to understand your final choice of ACCEPT or REJECT including Beast as a Boost library. Please be explicit about your decision.
Definite ACCEPT.
Some other questions you might want to consider answering:
- What is your evaluation of the design?
I think the design is very solid. If you are familiar with boost.asio, beast seems quite natural. This also means that other methods to handle asynchronous results (e.g. coroutines) can be used if they work with asio, which is a big plus. It is a bit confusing at some point that some functions are free standing while others are members, but afaik there is some design reason for that. In addition I feel there's something strange when you have `boost::asio::async_read` and `beast::http::async_read`. But I'm also not clear how this can be used.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation? As far as I've seen it, it is very solid.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation? It is excellent and I had no problems understanding it, even with my limited knowledge of http and websocket. - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? Very, very high, this library is needed. It is the next logical step from boost.asio. - Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems? I am using it in a real project since two weeks, http as well as websocket. No problems thus far. - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? Two weeks development. - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? Familiar with asio, not with http & websocket. But I had not problem getting started with beast even with my limited expertise.
More information about the Boost Formal Review Process can be found here: http://www.boost.org/community/reviews.html
Thank you for your effort in the Boost community.
Happy coding - michael

What follows is my review of the Beast library: A. Should the library be accepted into Boost? Yes. I vote ACCEPT, with no conditions for acceptance. B. What is your evaluation of the design? Good. As someone who is only barely familiar with using ASIO, it took some time to understand and appreciate the library. Beast is designed with the same goals that make the much of C++ standard library and other Boost libraries useful: It tries to provide as much control to the user of the library, and aims to make as few assumptions as possible that would alienate potential use cases. If there is an avenue for customization, whether it is the policy for dynamic allocation or otherwise, the library tries to expose it to the user. C. What is your evaluation of the implementation? The implementation is of a high quality, implemented using modern idiomatic C++, careful chooses dependencies on other well maintained Boost libraries when possible to avoid duplicating already well-implemented functionality. It has generally correct support for the C++11 allocator model. Many of the interfaces which are templates are additionally constrained with compile time checks and assertions, to make sure that any user supplied types satisfy those concepts correctly. The library code looks to be well covered by tests, and the library's test suite appears extensive, inluding benchmarks, code coverage, as well as tests for implementation detail components (like various traits and helper functions). D. What is your evaluation of the documentation? Excellent. Even though I believe the interfaces are well designed, the library is sufficiently complex that without its current level of documentation, it would have taken me several additional hours (especially as non-ASIO user) to understand how to use it. E. What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? It looks very useful, albeit _to me_ (given my unfamiliarity with HTTP, and with ASIO), not very simple to use without the aid of the examples. Intuitively, I can see developers proficient with the domain being able to use it to write powerful high level libraries or applications. F. Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems? Yes. I tried the tests, examples, benchmarks with gcc 6.3 (with libstdc++), with clang 3.9.1 (with libstdc++ and libc++). Additionally I wrote a HTTP client program by copying an example and modifying it. G. How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? Not more than a fwe hours over the course of this review, which includes: - Getting a little familiar with ASIO. - Reading through the Beast implementation and examples code. - Building and running the tests and examples (with b2, against current Boost master branch). - Using Beast to write a simple HTTP client program. H. Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? Not about HTTP, Websockets, or even the ASIO library. (Only about TCP, sockets, and general network I/O). Some minor suggestions, after reading through the latest code: 1. Test Jamfile should be changed so that b2 simply works, without first having to run b2 headers. 2. Include C library facility headers after C++ standard library headers. For example: #include <memory> #include <cstdint> 3. Various default-initialization new[] could be boost::make_unique_noinit: p_ = boost::make_unique_noinitstd::uint8_t[](capacity_); rd_.buf = boost::make_unique_noinitstd::uint8_t[](rd_.buf_size); 4. Alternatively: Perhaps those cases of std::unique_ptr could instead support allocators. 5. There are clamp() utilities defined in two places (ranges.hpp and clamp.hpp). Maybe all of these can exist in one place. 6. Trivial utilities (like clamp, ascii_tolower, etc.) could be constexpr. Since you support C++11 they can be written as single return expression. template<class T> constexpr inline T clamp(T x, T y) { return x < y ? x : y; } 7. Rely on Boost.Config when possible for detecting MSVC, in case compilers emulate it. Use BOOST_MSVC_FULL_VER instead of _MSC_FULL_VER. 8. Change the style of feature detection or defect macros, to not be defined to 1 or 0. Instead they should just be defined or not defined, consistent with Boost.Config. #define BEAST_NO_BOOST_STRING_VIEW #if !defined(BEAST_NO_BOOST_STRING_VIEW) 9. string_view 'value' parameters might be more idiomatic (and even optimal), instead of const-reference parameters. bool iequals(string_view lhs, string_view rhs) 10. empty_base_optimization should check is_final on more than just clang. Other C++ implementations also support this trait. 11. Maybe basic_multi_buffer(const Allocator&) be marked explicit. Note: None of the above may be required, actionable, or even worth the author considering. They are just thoughts that I noted while I was reading the code. Thank you, Vinnie, for proposing your efforts for inclusion in Boost. Glen

On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Glen Fernandes via Boost
5. There are clamp() utilities defined in two places (ranges.hpp and clamp.hpp).
Maybe all of these can exist in one place.
There are 3 versions of clamp(), they are all slightly different, and there are no Boost equivalents. clamp.hpp is carefully designed to handle the case where Beast needs to limit the size of a buffer to either max std::size_t or some larger number that is represented as a 64-bit unsigned regardless of whether the 32-bit or 64-bit address model is being built. This ensures that 32-bit builds of Beast are capable of digesting information whose size is stored in a 64-bit unsigned. For example, a 32-bit build of Beast can still process a chunked message body that exceeds 2^32 bits in size. The other file helps sweep zlib's numerous integer conversion warnings under the rug without modifying the sources too much (so that I can compare the Beast version against the original more easily).

On 7/4/17 6:30 PM, Glen Fernandes via Boost wrote:
Some minor suggestions, after reading through the latest code:
1. Test Jamfile should be changed so that b2 simply works, without first having to run b2 headers.
Hmmm - how can one do this? I presume tests and library include things like

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 12:12 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost
Hmmm - how can one do this? I presume tests and library include things like
How is this going to function without having run b2 headers first?
It should do it (generate all headers) automatically when you run b2 in that test directory. For example: $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/boostorg/boost $ cd boost $ ./bootstrap.sh $ cd libs/smart_ptr/test $ ../../../b2 Works fine without me having to run b2 headers explicitly. Glen

Vinnie Falco wrote:
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Glen Fernandes via Boost
wrote: $ cd libs/smart_ptr/test
Beast is not designed to build in-tree since it is not yet part of Boost
The reason Boost libraries (usually) work without `b2 headers` is that Jamfile.v2 in libs/ does this: project boost/libs : requirements <implicit-dependency>/boost//headers ; If you add this implicit dependency to the Beast project in its Jamroot, it should work too.

On 7/5/2017 12:25 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Glen Fernandes via Boost
wrote: $ cd libs/smart_ptr/test
Beast is not designed to build in-tree since it is not yet part of Boost
Still the ideal of reviewing a library usually means that the library can be cloned beneath the Boost libs sub-directory and just "work", whether the library is part of Boost or not.

On 7/5/17 8:24 AM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
On 7/5/2017 12:25 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Glen Fernandes via Boost
wrote: $ cd libs/smart_ptr/test
Beast is not designed to build in-tree since it is not yet part of Boost
Still the ideal of reviewing a library usually means that the library can be cloned beneath the Boost libs sub-directory and just "work", whether the library is part of Boost or not.
Hmmm - I'm not sure where that idea comes from. It's certainly not in the official requirements for a boost review. And there is a bigger problem here. When one puts his library "out there" the hope is that people will use it and he will get feed back from users, bug fixes etc. But to make the library easy to use within boost is to make it hard to use outside of boost. A library should "just work" whether or not the user has boost installed or not. or whether he is running as a subdirectory of boost or not. Or whether he uses b2 or not. This is a continuing problem in making boost easier to use for users and easier to start using. We need to make changes to address this. Robert Ramey
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On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 9:26 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost
When one puts his library "out there" the hope is that people will use it and he will get feed back from users, bug fixes etc. But to make the library easy to use within boost is to make it hard to use outside of boost. A library should "just work" whether or not the user has boost installed or not. or whether he is running as a subdirectory of boost or not. Or whether he uses b2 or not.
Yes that was my thinking as well when I set it up. However, Peter's suggestion to add: project boost/libs : requirements <implicit-dependency>/boost//headers Seems to work. Or rather, it didn't break anything. So the problem you allude to might be easily fixed by just having a better "best practices" document. Maybe there could be a "blank" repository under boostorg/ that implements a "Hello world!" function in a header file and is organized exactly like a boost library with tests, b2/cmake, Travis, Appveyor, CircleCI integration, documentation, and works in or out of tree. Someone could just clone this blank project and then they are good to go. Thanks

Vinnie Falco wrote:
Yes that was my thinking as well when I set it up. However, Peter's suggestion to add:
project boost/libs : requirements <implicit-dependency>/boost//headers
Seems to work. Or rather, it didn't break anything. So the problem you allude to might be easily fixed by just having a better "best practices" document.
The proper way to handle this would probably be to move everything you have in Jamroot to a Jamfile, and have a blank Jamroot. This way, when the library is put under $(BOOST_ROOT)/libs, one just needs to delete the empty Jamroot for it to pick up the Boost Jamroot.

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 9:59 AM, Peter Dimov via Boost
...when the library is put under $(BOOST_ROOT)/libs, one just needs to delete the empty Jamroot for it to pick up the Boost Jamroot.
That's a hassle because if you want to work with Git now what you are making commits which remove or re-add the Jamroot?

On 7/5/17 9:32 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 9:26 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost So the problem you allude to might be easily fixed by just having a better "best practices" document. Maybe there could be a "blank" repository under boostorg/ that implements a "Hello world!" function in a header file and is organized exactly like a boost library with tests, b2/cmake, Travis, Appveyor, CircleCI integration, documentation, and works in or out of tree.
Someone could just clone this blank project and then they are good to go.
Actually it has been my intention to do this for Boost Library Incubator. In fact, I crated Safe Numerics for this express purpose. But now I've got a few problems. a) The safe numerics library received a few comments which I felt I had to respond to. I mentioned that my main purpose was to use it as a vehicle to demonstrate how to make a boost library. Then the respondent got a little testy that he might have wasted his time looking at it. So I spent a little time enhancing it and addressing issues. This sort of escalated, safe numerics wrapped it's fingers around my throat and wouldn't let go. Years later - here I am. Now I've "boostified" it so I need a new example.... b) Things have evolved since I made my advice section and it needs to be enhanced and updated. We've got CI tools we didn't have then, Our CMake initiatives may have born some fruit so things need some work. c) Finally, we need to make some progress on the ability to use/test one library. This is mostly an issue of crafting "best practices" information. But still it's a fair amount of work. Robert Ramey

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 10:12 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost
I'd like a repository like boostorg/ci which I can add to my project using either git-subtree or git-submodule which comes with handy scripts and files such as travis.yml, appveyor.yml, circleci.yml includes that I can use. Unfortunately I don't think its possible to have .yml include files so I will settle for a command line utility which reads a config file which I create and then auto-generates CI files for Travis, Appveyor, CircleCI, any others. I would like it to support code coverage, valgrind, undefined behavior sanitizer, address sanitizer, I want any of the tests that it runs to run under a debugger on Travis and have the stack trace utilities so if it crashes the Travis output shows a stack.

On 7/5/2017 12:26 PM, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
On 7/5/17 8:24 AM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
On 7/5/2017 12:25 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Glen Fernandes via Boost
wrote: $ cd libs/smart_ptr/test
Beast is not designed to build in-tree since it is not yet part of Boost
Still the ideal of reviewing a library usually means that the library can be cloned beneath the Boost libs sub-directory and just "work", whether the library is part of Boost or not.
Hmmm - I'm not sure where that idea comes from. It's certainly not in the official requirements for a boost review.
And there is a bigger problem here. When one puts his library "out there" the hope is that people will use it and he will get feed back from users, bug fixes etc. But to make the library easy to use within boost is to make it hard to use outside of boost. A library should "just work" whether or not the user has boost installed or not. or whether he is running as a subdirectory of boost or not. Or whether he uses b2 or not.
You are saying that a library that is supposed to be reviewed for inclusion in Boost is supposed to somehow work outside of Boost ? I do not think so and can't even begin to understand that sort of logic.
This is a continuing problem in making boost easier to use for users and easier to start using. We need to make changes to address this.
Robert Ramey

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Edward Diener via Boost
You are saying that a library that is supposed to be reviewed for inclusion in Boost is supposed to somehow work outside of Boost ? I do not think so and can't even begin to understand that sort of logic.
Speaking for my own library Beast, I have developed a following of users over the lifetime of the library and these users aren't cloning the Beast repository into boost/libs/beast. They are getting it from vcpkg, git-subtree or git-submodule into their own repository, or cloning it out-of-tree. It would be a poor experience if Beast did not build out-of-tree or if it required users to put files into their system provided Boost installation or to create their own Boost installation. It was stated somewhere that Boost reviewers like to see instances of libraries that are already being used in practice. A library can work out-of-tree or it can be unpopular - pick one.

On 7/5/2017 6:17 PM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Edward Diener via Boost
wrote: You are saying that a library that is supposed to be reviewed for inclusion in Boost is supposed to somehow work outside of Boost ? I do not think so and can't even begin to understand that sort of logic.
Speaking for my own library Beast, I have developed a following of users over the lifetime of the library and these users aren't cloning the Beast repository into boost/libs/beast. They are getting it from vcpkg, git-subtree or git-submodule into their own repository, or cloning it out-of-tree.
It would be a poor experience if Beast did not build out-of-tree or if it required users to put files into their system provided Boost installation or to create their own Boost installation.
It was stated somewhere that Boost reviewers like to see instances of libraries that are already being used in practice. A library can work out-of-tree or it can be unpopular - pick one.
My comment immediately below is not referencing Beast per se, which I highly regard but about which I do not have enough programming knowledge in its particular domain to give an intelligent review. I am not arguing that you cannot make a library being reviewed for inclusion in Boost work outside of the Boost tree. I am arguing that you should make a library being reviewed for inclusion in Boost work in its normal place below the Boost libs subdirectory. I get a bit ticked when programmers who present there library for review can't be bothered with this. As a potential reviewer I do not want to go through contortions simply to be able to build a non-header only library, run tests for a library, or create local documentation for the library. No matter how brilliant a library might be if I can't clone that library below the libs directory and use normal Boost means to build the library or run the tests, as well as being given instructions for building the local docs if bjam is not being used to do so, I am not interested in that library at all just for starters.

On 7/5/17 3:01 PM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
You are saying that a library that is supposed to be reviewed for inclusion in Boost is supposed to somehow work outside of Boost ?
yep - that's exactly what I'm saying.
I do not think so and can't even begin to understand that sort of logic.
It's pretty simple. A library submitted for review is not yet a boost library. It's submitted with the idea that should it be accepted into boost it will be "boostified". To require this extra work on a library which might not be accepted has always been considered an overly onerous requirement for review. Off topic - I believe that boost libraries should also work outside of boost. Robert Ramey

This is the result of my review of the Beast library 1) What is your evaluation of the design? IMO it's natural that new boost libs are based on existing boost libs. So it's fine that Beast is based on ASIO and uses ASIO types. I had some discussions about the provided body types. I think they could be more generic, e.g. sequence_body<Sequence> and stream_body<Stream>. But the provided body types are more than enough to work with them out-of-the-box. 2) What is your evaluation of the implementation? I did not investigate too much. That are "implementation details" and most of the time i had the perspective of an user. The important part for me is the very high test coverage and tons of unit tests. Impressive: http://vinniefalco.github.io/autobahn/index.html 3) What is your evaluation of the documentation? The documentation is pretty good. It took me only 5min to port a curl based client to a Beast based client (it's a really small http client). May be there could be more hints for client/server developers. E.g. where is the best place / how is the best practice to add cookie-handling, Authentication challenges, etc. 4) What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? Very useful. You could use it for simple http/websocket stuff - out-of-the-box. And more important - Beast might be the next step (after ASIO) to a full-featured http-client implementation (with URLs, Cookies, Authentication, etc.) or to a websocket implementation providing multiplexing etc. in boost. 5) Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems? Yes, ported a curl based http client to Beast. Very impressive was the speed of Beast: Beast based client was 2x faster than curl based client. Works fine with gcc-6, gcc-7 and clang-4 on Linux. Works fine with Apple-clang 7.3 on OSX. 6) How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? Two weeks. Working with Beast as an user. Contributed some small thinks to Beast as a developer. 7) Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? Not too much. Doing json/hessian rpc calls using http(s) in a real application. So investigated other libraries too like curl(pp), Poco::Net, cppnetlib, etc. 8) Should the library be accepted into Boost? Beast should be ACCEPTED. Thank you, Vinnie, for all your work! Best regards, Mike

May be there could be more hints for client/server developers. E.g. where is the best place / how is the best practice to add cookie-handling, Authentication challenges, etc.
Funnily, for someone who actually solved numerous of the issues this question can easily be rephrased as:
Now I finally learned how drive a bicycle, lets ask tips for driving semi-trailer.
And this is **the major** problem of the library. In the CppCMS frameworks the HTTP part is less than 2.5% of the core code. The rest is the "minor" stuff like cookies, session, url parsing and much-much more. And note - I'm talking about server part only Now once you choose to use Beast you'll hit the wall very quickly as you'll have to do all tricks your own and they will consume most of your work for example URL decoding, parsing query string, parsing or generating trivial forms or handling trivial cookies. So instead of concentrating on your application issues you are going to deal with 1001 small issues that require both experience and knowledge to do them right. The biggest problem is actually that vast majority security issues do not come from HTTP parsing at all, but rather all "minor stuff" [1] that left out of scope of the Beast. This question you had written had popped for me the big red flag - without proper well organized tools that handle the "minor stuff" Beast users are virtually doomed to writing insecure code. Unlike most HTTP servers/clients are build with security by design - do safe stuff by default, Beast lives this ALL to end user. This part **extremely** concerns me - as somebody who actually developed both web services and tools to make them secure and aware of unforgiving nature of WWW. Artyom Beilis [1]: http://cppcms.com/wikipp/en/page/secure_programming

On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 1:32 PM, Artyom Beilis via Boost
May be there could be more hints for client/server developers. E.g. where is the best place / how is the best practice to add cookie-handling, Authentication challenges, etc.
Funnily, for someone who actually solved numerous of the issues this question can easily be rephrased as:
Now I finally learned how drive a bicycle, lets ask tips for driving semi-trailer.
And this is **the major** problem of the library.
In the CppCMS frameworks the HTTP part is less than 2.5% of the core code. The rest is the "minor" stuff like cookies, session, url parsing and much-much more. And note - I'm talking about server part only
There's no denying that "raw" HTTP is _almost_ simple before all these other "minor" things that a full-fledged server or client needs are thrown in. But I think it's important to look at the goal of the library, per the author: to enable others to write rich client and server libraries on top while it takes care of the bottom-most plumbing in the most efficient way. I think it achieves that. Hands down.
Now once you choose to use Beast you'll hit the wall very quickly as you'll have to do all tricks your own and they will consume most of your work for example URL decoding, parsing query string, parsing or generating trivial forms or handling trivial cookies. So instead of concentrating on your application issues you are going to deal with 1001 small issues that require both experience and knowledge to do them right.
The biggest problem is actually that vast majority security issues do not come from HTTP parsing at all, but rather all "minor stuff" [1] that left out of scope of the Beast.
This question you had written had popped for me the big red flag - without proper well organized tools that handle the "minor stuff" Beast users are virtually doomed to writing insecure code. Unlike most HTTP servers/clients are build with security by design - do safe stuff by default, Beast lives this ALL to end user.
This part **extremely** concerns me - as somebody who actually developed both web services and tools to make them secure and aware of unforgiving nature of WWW.
I appreciate you raising this, Artyom. Beast should be held to a high standard, especially since it's handling user-input from untrusted channels (i.e. socket buffers). So yeah, the code should be written carefully, without thorough error checks, especially around the handling of memory. Based on my informal audit of the codebase, and my interactions with Vinnie, I know that it is written carefully and am very confident that it does not contain any bugs that would compromise the security of an application built using it. With that said, I also think you're exaggerating just a little bit. I just don't think you need to be _THAT_ worried. Yes, adding full "client" or "server" support, with cookie jars, and authentication methods and tracking of origins, and who knows what else, is not for the faint of heart. Yes, some will try to implement such things themselves and they will mess it up. Spectacularly. But is that different than _any_ other library? Can't people spectacularly mess up multithreaded programming? Should we have held that against Boost.Thread? Yes, if you want a full-fledged client or server library, there are better alternatives than Beast. As Vinnie has said, Beast will never be curl, or CppCMS and it doesn't need to! The idea is to offer a robust implementation of the lowest HTTP plumbing to (a) enable robust and clean WebSocket support and (b) allow others to more quickly and easily write such full-fledged client or server libraries layered on top of Beast that are efficient without needing to worry about the bottom layer of HTTP plumbling.

On Sat, 1 Jul 2017 00:39:45 -0700 Michael Caisse via Boost

On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 12:25 PM, Vadim Zeitlin via Boost
WebSocket part is very useful, I think it's the best current implementation of the WebSocket protocol for C++.
Thanks! Finally some love for the WebSockets!
I don't have any use for the HTTP part of myself
Ah, but don't you see? A bit of background: A WebSocket session is established when the client sends an HTTP Upgade request, and the server sends back an appropriate HTTP Upgrade response ("101 Switching Protocols") beast::websocket::stream gives you full control over the WebSocket HTTP handshake used at the start of the session. You can adjust header fields in either the client or server roles. On the server you can read the HTTP request yourself and dispatch it to your web server if its not a websocket upgrade, else hand the beast::http::request object to the beast::websocket::stream to initiate the websocket session. tl;dr Users get the full power of Beast's HTTP message facilities to get control over the handshake. If you want to do Basic Authentication, request subprotocols, pass application specific data or credentials, verify domains, interact with proxy fields, filter messages, etc... this is all possible using the uniform HTTP interfaces. WebSocket handshake customizations are documented here: http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/using_websocket/handshaking_clients... http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/using_websocket/handshaking_servers... Thanks

Hello all,
I spent today playing with beast. I had been watching Vinnie build this
library on the cpp slack with keen interest.
This review comes after spending a day building something with boost. I
rewrote something I had written on top of ASIO to offer a http server and
web sockets to use the v8 inspector protocol similar to what nodeJS offers
but for an internal project.
I tried to use the docs, and in dire circumstances use the examples. where
possible and avoid reading the actual implementation code, so this review
is mostly about API design/documentation (given its mission statement, this
seems fair :D)
- What is your evaluation of the design?
With in an hour I had managed to go from a cursory understanding of beast
through random interactions on the cpp slack, to a working threaded http
server. I call this a win.
I had no real problems here, having an understanding of boost::asio
certainly put me in the right frame of mind.
I loved the fact that it avoided the usual temptation of stringly typed
status codes, header access etc. The Field access was a joy to work with
knowing I would get a compiler error on incorrect access.
It strikes the right balance between convenience and keeping a shallow API
surface. Things that you are likely to want access to all the time, status
code, path etc are available via helper methods.
I did run into a few doc issues which I have outlined to vinnie off list.
One is being tracked here [1]
Another that i think could be useful.
The docs here [2] could indicate that it will always include the leading
"/" one of those small things that I always umm and ahh over when writing
equality checks for items that uses strings for paths.
I wanted to call out that having a websocket library included in the one
library is a huge time saver. No having to worry about version
miss-matches, dependency tracking etc. In my implementation the debug
client requests a path using http GET. The server returns some information
and then a upgrade request comes in. Being able to call accept(request)
when i know i am expecting the upgrade and have it just work with out
having to think about it was great! A huge -1 from me to splitting the
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
I didn't look with much detail, the few times I had to debug some things
and stepped into the code, it looked well structured, easy to follow and
figure out where I went wrong.
There seems to be a good usage of static_assert to help avoid situations
where decorator_requests are expected over a request etc.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
As per above, I managed to get quite far just by reading the documentation.
The places where I fell over and had to read examples was around getting
data out of beast into standard types.
I started to piece it together by reading the code(and having a mental
shift that beast buffers are heavily based on asio buffers)
I eventually just used the example here [3]
I did reach for boost::asio::buffer_cast but couldn't get that to work.
I did find the error of my ways in [4] this method would be super useful in
beast it self!
Which leads me to...
One thing I am not sure, is there room in beast for more convenience
methods here, I can see a lot of library authors having to repeat a lot of
code to turn buffers -> string/ string streams etc. This could easily be
provided as a utility out side of beast though, or via simple documentation
in a FAQ to avoid having to reach for reading the implementation code.
Another issue I hit was websockets and buffers and who owns draining etc.
There is already a github issue for this [5] as well as a conversation on
this mailing list.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
On a purely selfish level. It meets a few of my immediate needs!
On a bigger level, the web is eating the world. Currently dealing with HTTP
in C++ is harder than it should be for simple things like rest, oauth, or
getting a simple server up and running quickly are harder than they should
be. The only rest client I know of that supports oauth 2 is cpprestsdk by
microsoft [6], this makes it much harder than it should be to talk to a
growing list of services only available via rest/graphql via http.
Beast has taken away the boring parts of doing all of that, so library
authors can focus on writing solid web based libraries for the C++
ecosystem. Hopefully if this is accepted in to boost this will be the
tipping point to more C++ http based libs!
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have
any problems?
I used the library with
clang 4.0 and Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)
Compiled with -std=c++14
No problems.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A
quick reading?
In-depth study?
A fairly in-depth study of the api and the documentation. Along with
building a library on top of it.
A quick reading of the actual implementation details when having to debug
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
Yes. I have worked on the web for a while, across a variety of languages
and platforms. Have written more than 1 HTTP server and web socket
server/clients on top of boost::asio (they seem to follow me through my
career). Have worked on such web technologies such as blink/CEF/webkit.
My one line summary:
Beast should be ACCEPTED into Boost.
[1] https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/621
[5] https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/611
[6] https://github.com/Microsoft/cpprestsdk.
On Sat, 1 Jul 2017 at 17:39 Michael Caisse via Boost
The formal review of Vinnie Falco’s Beast library will take place from July 1 through July 10, 2017.
Please consider participating in this review. The success of Boost is partially a result of the quality review process which is conducted by the community. You are part of the Boost community. I will be grateful to receive a review based on whatever level of effort or time you can devote.
Beast is a C++ header-only library serving as a foundation for writing interoperable networking libraries by providing low-level HTTP/1, WebSocket, and networking protocol vocabulary types and algorithms using the consistent asynchronous model of Boost.Asio.
Beast is designed for:
* Symmetry: Algorithms are role-agnostic; build clients, servers, or both. * Ease of Use: Boost.Asio users will immediately understand Beast. * Flexibility: Users make the important decisions such as buffer or thread management. * Performance: Build applications handling thousands of connections or more. * Basis for Further Abstraction: Components are well-suited for building upon.
A branch has been made for the review. You can find Beast for review at these links:
* Documentation : http://vinniefalco.github.io/stage/beast/review/ * Source code : https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/tree/review * The FAQ answers real questions that come up :
< http://vinniefalco.github.io/stage/beast/review/beast/design_choices/faq.htm...
A lightning talk from CppCon 2016 introducing Beast can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJZgRcvPFwI
Please provide in your review whatever information you think is valuable to understand your final choice of ACCEPT or REJECT including Beast as a Boost library. Please be explicit about your decision.
Some other questions you might want to consider answering:
- What is your evaluation of the design? - What is your evaluation of the implementation? - What is your evaluation of the documentation? - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? - Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems? - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
More information about the Boost Formal Review Process can be found here: http://www.boost.org/community/reviews.html
Thank you for your effort in the Boost community.
Happy coding - michael
-- Michael Caisse Ciere Consulting ciere.com
_______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

I have seen enough reviews from others to be able to finish my review. This is my formal review of the submitted Beast library.
- What is your evaluation of the design?
It depends from where you are approaching. As a niche Boost library of the kind most recent entrants to Boost are, it's of good quality, solves a need, docs are good, testing is good, implementation is not bad. One could argue it stops too far short for a niche library, and it should fill in some of the obvious gaps as most niche libraries do. But if accepted as so far most of the reviews recommend, I think it'll fill out with time. It's not a concern for acceptance. As a fundamental essentials Boost library with potential for standardisation (which the author has stated is the case, and I agree), I found a lot of problems. To clarify what I mean by "fundamental essentials", the really profound thing about HTTP is that whenever you invent some mini request-reponse protocol with tagged parameters and structured payload for some use case, you inevitably end up reinventing HTTP. It's quite uncanny in fact, almost disturbing, how often that wheel has been reinvented, and usually very poorly. I have encountered so many lousy, low quality, insecure, broken, memory corrupting, reinventions of HTTP in my career it is quite depressing. Hence there is a huge need for a properly written, fuzz tested, low-level, lightweight, generalised request-response structured and tagged data framework for C++ (and all languages) which is very widely useful. Such a framework would have a very good chance of getting standardised because it would be so damn useful for such a wide variety of use cases, including traditional HTTP-over-socket, but also config files, metadata, debug printing and so much more. Anything not so general is correspondingly harder to standardise because I believe my observations on this topic to be widely held and agreed with once people think about it. Why Beast falls far short of a fundamental essentials Boost library: 1. There is a lack of a well defined formal interface separating the structured data parts from the i/o parts. This is never a good sign. 2. There is a lack of a well defined formal model abstracting away the data parsing and generation model from a duplex stream model. Gavin said a stream i/o model is a good one to target, I disagree. It is a reasonable first but *wrong* guess to target, but in fact once you've done a few of these you realise it is not optimal. Let me explain. A generalised low-level request-response vocabulary library should not impose a stream i/o model as there are so many widely used non-duplex non-stream i/o models out there in use. In the past for example I've had available to me a low bandwidth low latency transport and a high bandwidth high latency transport. It makes huge sense to send the HTTP headers via the low bandwidth low latency transport and the HTTP bodies via the high bandwidth high latency transport. Another very common use case is the ultra-high-latency transport better known as the file system: how many times have people reinvented variations of request-reponse protocol with tagged parameters and structured payload now? INI, JSON, XML, TOML, YAML - they're all just a set of tagged parameters and structured payload where request = read() and response = write() over a non-duplex ultra high latency transport. Those sorts of use case are easy implement with a generalised "view/range of blobs of bytes" i/o model as I had proposed which is most obviously implemented in C++ using a mix of span<T> and the Ranges TS. It's much harder to implement, and with no corresponding gain either in ease of use, with hard assumption of a duplex scatter-gather stream i/o model. By hard coding the use of ASIO's inflexible and niche buffer infrastructure, it makes Beast unusable as fundamental essentials library, even if WebSocket, ASIO and all that other unnecessary stuff were removed. 3. Minimum overhead design principles are not followed (zero copy, zero malloc, zero blocking). The proposer will no doubt now aggressively shout at me and harass me with "prove it in code". But I have given up on trying to persuade him of anything, he makes it too unpleasant and mean. Therefore as a fundamental essentials Boost library, Beast as proposed is *not* generally useful because of how unnecessarily limited its use cases are. If it were being reviewed as a fundamental essentials library, it would have to be a REJECT with an encouragement that he's done a good first attempt, but needs to think again.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
The implementation is generally of high quality and I came away positive from scanning the source code. Too much memory allocation, too much memory copying for my taste, but it is entirely possible that that is not important relative to the cost of implementing HTTP-over-socket anyway. I had intended to run some comparative benchmarks between Beast and some private code I wrote for clients here which uses all minimum overhead design principles to see how much of a difference there might be. But when the author made it clear he would not consider a departure from being hardcoded to ASIO, I decided a further investment of my time here would not be worth it, and it would require a fair few hours which are better invested into Outcome v2 which is to be announced as feature complete on Monday. So all I can say is that the implementation is good enough for a niche Boost library.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
Pretty good. I got up to speed quickly. If the unnecessary parts of Beast were removed and thus the documentation trimmed in size, it would be better again.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
No doubt it solves well its niche use cases.
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems?
I was going to, but decided not to bother given that the author would not be receptive to any additional effort invested by me.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
About six hours. I did look at the library in detail back when Boost.Http was being developed under GSoC, but I've not been paying much attention since.
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
Very. I have worked several contracts where a lightweight subset of HTTP was implemented using all sorts of unusual non-socket transports. I have been working on the ultimate low level foundation layer for all future C++ i/o since 2012, and I have given very deep thought on how best to implement minimum overhead i/o on very low latency hardware devices, some of which has been discussed over several years with broad general agreement as to my approach with various WG21 members, some very senior.
Thank you for your effort in the Boost community.
Before I give my formal recommendation, I wish to preempt the inevitable angry response to this review by telling the author that he did a good library, but he's done a lousy review. One of the very hardest, most valuable, rarest thing you can obtain in any knowledge based community is high quality useful feedback on what's possible and desirable by experts in their fields. That sort of high quality advice costs an enormous sum of money to rent in, yet you can get it for free here if you play your cards right. Had the proposer come here looking to make the ultimate low level HTTP library, he could have come away with a wealth of useful ideas of what's possible. Instead he came here with a very narrow goal of getting his existing library, tolerating only very minor changes, into Boost. And that's okay, it's a fine niche library, but such a wasted opportunity on what he could have achieved instead. But his loss in the end. With all that being said, the final question to answer is whether Beast is a niche Boost library or a fundamental essentials Boost library? My own personal opinion (as is obvious above) sways towards fundamental essentials. After all, it's supposed to be a *low-level* HTTP library. But the wider community, based on the content of reviews to date, appear to be thinking niche. I had a feeling that that would be the case, and that's why I wanted to wait until enough reviews came in for me to be able to call it. Following the majority opinion that Beast is a niche not a fundamental essentials Boost library, I therefore vote to ACCEPT the library without conditions. It's a good library and a valuable addition to Boost. Well done Vinnie! Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 2:39 AM, Michael Caisse via Boost
The formal review of Vinnie Falco’s Beast library will take place from July 1 through July 10, 2017.
(snip) I recommend to ACCEPT Beast into Boost.
- What is your evaluation of the design?
I quite like it. I appreciate the limited, low-level scope. The "design choices" page is convincing to me, although I am relatively unfamiliar with the domain.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
It's large, so I randomly poked around the code for about an hour. I have no issues to raise, although I found it interesting that Beast implements SHA1 on its own, and also contains a complete header-only port of zlib.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
I'm highly impressed. The documenation is excellent.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
Very useful. I'm excited about Beast, and I think its acceptance would add significant value to Boost.
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems?
I did not try to use the library.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
One hour reading docs and one hour reading code.
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
No. I rarely write code that deals with HTTP directly, and I've never used ASIO. Thanks, Barrett

Hi Vinnie, hi folks, this is my first review, so please bear with me ... Am 01.07.2017 um 09:39 schrieb Michael Caisse via Boost:> The formal review of Vinnie Falco’s Beast library will take place from> July 1 through July 10, 2017. I recommend to ACCEPT Beast into Boost
- What is your evaluation of the design?
I like it because * it resembles ASIO which I am quite familiar with * it is focused on what it tries to accomplish * it clearly states it's dependency on Boost.ASIO with the strong emphasis on migrating to Networking TS when this becomes a thing That said, I agree on the opinion which other reviewers already stated on that it lacks some convenience helper functions when it comes to draining or construction of requests. I'd love to see those added to the library.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
I didn't dig too deep into it but took a first cursory look at all files before doing anything useful with Beast. Lateron when playing with the library I looked into the bowels of some classes or functions to understand what I might have done wrong and fix my mistakes. I ran the full test-suite in my usual configuration quadrupel (debug/release + 32/64 bit) at warning level 4 in non-permissive mode using msvc 14.1 from VisualStudio 2017.2, all four tests passed with the same results (unlike a couple of other Boost libraries). I noticed the things, though: * Beast's zlib emits a few harmless but stupid warnings C4127 "conditional expression is constant" (Microsoft, get rid of them!) and quite some narrowing warnings C4244. These need some cleansing before we can use Beast in our team because of our /W4 /WX policy. * Beast's test-suite uses the deprecated Boost.Coroutine library which leads to deprecation warnings * there is an error in the Jamfile of the test-suite which creates a truncated compiler options that msvc complains about (this is already rectified in a later commit, though)
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
I like it a lot. It seems to be complete and sufficiently detailed so that I didn't have to reach out too often to aunt Goo to find an answer to my questions. I am missing some examples on how to use some of these constructs in real life. For example I haven't figured out yet how to use buffer_cat to build a request body from a mixture of different buffer types.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
It's very useful. From my perspective it make my life easier as it provides just those tools that I require to deal with simple HTTP messages. Besides the usefulness of it's own I'd love to see some higher level library which implements the finer parts needed by HTTP clients.
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you> have any problems?
I've set up a small toy project using msvc 14.1, Boost 1.64.0, and our team's build system. It interrogates a SOAP server provided by the developers of my tv-set for the weekly betatest firmware with it's non-predictable download URL. I didn't implement the actual download so far because Beast's file_body is not part of the review branch. I didn't encounter any major problems.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick> reading? In-depth study?
In total I spent about 15 hours in the past two days studying the documentation, running the test-suite, compiling the examples, and implementing my toy-project.
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? Barely - just enough understanding about the basics of HTTP messages and using them to talk to (embedded) HTTP servers. I am just a humble user of these things.
Ciao Dani

On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 9:38 AM, Daniela Engert via Boost
That said, I agree on the opinion which other reviewers already stated on that it lacks some convenience helper functions when it comes to draining or construction of requests. I'd love to see those added to the library.
Yeah this message is coming through loud and clear.. LOL... I will make adjustments to the scope of Beast.
* Beast's zlib emits a few harmless but stupid warnings C4127 "conditional expression is constant" (Microsoft, get rid of them!) and quite some narrowing warnings C4244. These need some cleansing before we can use Beast in our team because of our /W4 /WX policy.
It should be "real" zlib not Beast zlib which is emitting those
warnings. There are two versions of zlib in Beast:
1. The one in
* Beast's test-suite uses the deprecated Boost.Coroutine library which leads to deprecation warnings
Beast's tests use Boost.Asio coroutines (to make sure they work with Beast). It is Asio that uses the deprecated Boost.Coroutine. Asio needs to be updated to work with Coroutine2. I can't do much about this other than not use coroutines in the tests, which would yield less coverage.
* there is an error in the Jamfile of the test-suite which creates a truncated compiler options that msvc complains about (this is already rectified in a later commit, though)
This is a weird issue in bjam would should be fixed in Boost 1.66.0.
I didn't implement the actual download so far because Beast's file_body is not part of the review branch.
`file_body` is now a public interface as of version 74 (no more "out of scope" hehe) Thanks

On Sun, 9 Jul 2017 09:55:22 -0700 Vinnie Falco via Boost

On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 11:02 AM, Oliver Kowalke via Boost
warnings can be disabled
I do disable them but it doesn't help: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/1bc30cb6e4ce0fd2e288b2cd74d18f8578...
or boost.coroutien2 (C++11) could be used instead
The problem is that Beast doesn't use Boost.Coroutine. It is Asio that uses Boost.Coroutine. Beast just uses boost::asio::spawn which launches a coroutine using Boost.Coroutine. in order to use Boost.Coroutine2 (and I think this is a good idea), Boost.Asio has to be patched to use it. The problem is this will break everyone using Asio coroutines, as Coroutine2 is 1. not compatible with the Coroutine interface, and 2. not available in C++11. Thanks

2017-07-09 20:22 GMT+02:00 Vinnie Falco via Boost
On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 11:02 AM, Oliver Kowalke via Boost
wrote: warnings can be disabled
I do disable them but it doesn't help: <https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/1bc30cb6e4ce0fd2e288b2cd74d18f 857801cbc7/Jamroot#L82>
or boost.coroutien2 (C++11) could be used instead
The problem is that Beast doesn't use Boost.Coroutine. It is Asio that uses Boost.Coroutine. Beast just uses boost::asio::spawn which launches a coroutine using Boost.Coroutine.
in order to use Boost.Coroutine2 (and I think this is a good idea), Boost.Asio has to be patched to use it. The problem is this will break everyone using Asio coroutines, as Coroutine2 is 1. not compatible with the Coroutine interface, and 2. not available in C++11.
I've had already provided a pull-request: https://github.com/boostorg/asio/pull/52

On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 9:38 AM, Daniela Engert via Boost
* Beast's zlib emits a few harmless but stupid warnings C4127 "conditional expression is constant" (Microsoft, get rid of them!) and quite some narrowing warnings C4244. These need some cleansing before we can use Beast in our team because of our /W4 /WX policy.
The last of the warnings has been fixed, this one was incredibly annoying! Nik helped, he came up with calling is_initialized() (the guidance on the boost page was insufficient): https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/pull/639 Thanks!

-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Vinnie Falco via Boost Sent: 13 July 2017 04:40 To: Boost Cc: Vinnie Falco Subject: Re: [boost] [review][beast] Review of Beast starts today : July 1 - July 10
On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 9:38 AM, Daniela Engert via Boost
wrote: * Beast's zlib emits a few harmless but stupid warnings C4127 "conditional expression is constant" (Microsoft, get rid of them!) and quite some narrowing warnings C4244. These need some cleansing before we can use Beast in our team because of our /W4 /WX policy.
The last of the warnings has been fixed,
this one was incredibly annoying!
They all are!
Nik helped, he came up with calling is_initialized() (the guidance on the boost page was insufficient):
I couldn't see the changes needed from this. If either of you have a moment to explain briefly what is missing from the guidance note https://svn.boost.org/trac10/wiki/Guidelines/WarningsGuidelines then I'll update it. This may save others from being incredibly annoyed ;-) Paul --- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830

On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 1:34 AM, Paul A. Bristow via Boost
If either of you have a moment to explain briefly what is missing from the guidance note
Is this what you're looking for? GCC will something generate an incorrect warning when compiling Beast with the -Wmaybe-uninitialized flag. For more details, see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_64_0/libs/optional/doc/html/boost_optional/t... Thanks
participants (24)
Artyom Beilis
Barrett Adair
Daniela Engert
Edward Diener
Emil Dotchevski
Felipe Magno de Almeida
Glen Fernandes
Jared Wyles
Klemens Morgenstern
Michael Caisse
Mike Gresens
Nelson, Erik - 2
Niall Douglas
Nik Bougalis
Oliver Kowalke
Paul A. Bristow
Peter Dimov
Peter Koch Larsen
Phil Endecott
Robert Ramey
Vadim Zeitlin
Vinnie Falco
Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira
Zach Laine