I've been using Boost.Compute for some tests in the last couple of days.
So far, it has proven very useful and I came to like it quite a bit. One
thing I would add to it, though, is support for arrays when adapting
your own classes for OpenCl through the Macro
BOOST_COMPUTE_ADAPT_STRUCT. A simple overload would do the trick in my
namespace boost {
namespace compute {
namespace detail {

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 7:05 AM, Fabian Bösch
I've been using Boost.Compute for some tests in the last couple of days. So far, it has proven very useful and I came to like it quite a bit. One thing I would add to it, though, is support for arrays when adapting your own classes for OpenCl through the Macro BOOST_COMPUTE_ADAPT_STRUCT. A simple overload would do the trick in my opinion:
namespace boost { namespace compute { namespace detail {
inline std::string adapt_struct_insert_member(T Struct::*, const char *name) { std::stringstream s; s << " " << type_name<T>() << " " << name << ";\n"; return s.str(); } template
inline std::string adapt_struct_insert_member(T (Struct::*)[N], const char *name) { std::stringstream s; s << " " << type_name<T>() << " " << name << "[" << N << "]" << ";\n"; return s.str(); } } // end detail namespace } // end compute namespace } // end boost namespace
Hope something along this lines can be added, thanks,
That should be doable, I've opened an issue for this: https://github.com/boostorg/compute/issues/515. -kyle
participants (2)
Fabian Bösch
Kyle Lutz