Interested in working on Boost.GIL

Hello, I am Arnav Tiwari, a sophomore year undergraduate student of IIT Kharagpur. I am interested in working on Boost.GIL. I have prior experience in image processing and C++ so I feel I will be able to pick up the project and get to work quickly. I would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction to get started. I hope I'm not spamming the mailing list, apologies if that is the case. -- Regards, Arnav Tiwari

On Fri, 1 Mar 2019 at 21:44, AvZ NaV via Boost
Hello, I am Arnav Tiwari, a sophomore year undergraduate student of IIT Kharagpur. I am interested in working on Boost.GIL. I have prior experience in image processing and C++ so I feel I will be able to pick up the project and get to work quickly. I would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction to get started.
Here are a few references you should find useful while working on your proposal: 1. I suggest you to read through the Boost GSoC overview, especially the "What students should do now" section and pages linked from there 2. Add overview of your proposal to Boost.GIL section here 3. Check GIL's README; you may consider subscribing to boost-gil list and joining the Gitter room 4. Become familar with GIL's development guidelines
I hope I'm not spamming the mailing list, apologies if that is the case.
No, you are not. If you have any specific question related to any of those resources, please, do not hesitate to ask! Good luck! Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot,
participants (2)
Mateusz Loskot