The documentation on the Boost.Graph depth_first_visit algorithm indicates that the first argument is a non-const reference to an Incidence Graph. See https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/libs/graph/doc/depth_first_visit.html. However, in contrast the code in boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp only implements the function for a _const_ reference to an Incidence Graph. I can see that changing the graph structure mid-traversal is a problem, but I have use cases in which graph properties (not graph structure) must be changed along the traversal. Thus, it seems that a valid use case is for this algorithm to work as documented, i.e., on a non-const graph. The attached patch implements overloads for the non-const versions of depth_first_{visit|search}, including overloads for the dfs_visitor member functions. Is there some reason not to extend the implemented interface in this way to better agree with the documentation? Cheers, Brook
participants (1)
Brook Milligan