[beast] Request for Discussion

Beast provides low level HTTP and WebSocket interfaces built on
Boost.Asio, the project is here:
The plan is to solicit feedback from the Boost community before
submitting a request for a formal review.
First a brief update: I have attended CppCon 2016 and provided a 15
minute Lightning Talk on the library. There should be a video up at
some point with all the talks, including mine. I spread the word about
Beast and discovered that there are several folks in the wild already
using the library and happy with it. There are also a couple of
commercial products that are using it.
One point brought up during the conference is that Beast does not
offer sufficient higher level HTTP functionality. This omission is
intentional. It is my idea to offer the building blocks (serializing
and deserializing HTTP/1 messages, in synchronous and asynchronous
flavors, and a universal HTTP message model), upon which other
developers more knowledgeable than me could build those interfaces.
The higher level pubic operations requested were:
1. Perform HTTP GET or POST and receive the response. Presumably this
would handle both plain and TLS connections, handle redirects, and
handle HEAD requests. Not sure about traversing proxies.
2. Expose an asynchronous HTTP server class which callers can
instantiate with some sort of handler that returns the HTTP response
given a request. It should be possible, in a minimal number of lines,
to quickly get a server up and running.
The requestor informed me that this functionality did not need to
provide every possible feature or handle every use case. It just
needed to handle the common use-cases.
For the record, I am against this higher level functionality for a
number of reasons. The higher the level of functionality, the more
contentious the feature becomes, and the harder it is to satisfy a
quorum of reviewers. No one would dispute that we need the ability to
read a complete HTTP message from a socket. But not everyone will
agree that a HTTP server needs an option to allow multiple listening
sockets with different level of permissions.
Another problem with offering higher level functionality is that it
could be less likely to be approved for standardization in the C++
standard library. For example, the attributes of ease of use and fully
functional oppose each other. If the functionality offered by a
hypothetical std::http::client is not sufficient, a developer would be
forced to write their own with little possibility to reuse parts of
the implementation from the stdlib. I doubt the committee would
approve of such a thing. I know I wouldn't. Admittedly I have little
experience or knowledge on what would or would not get approved.
A point was raised that a low-level-only HTTP implementation in Boost
has the potential to discourage new users that need to perform simple
operations like HTTP GET from using Boost in the future, given that
robustly handling such operations would require the developer to write
a significant amount of code. I can see some validity here. On the
other hand, if Boost.Asio was submitted for a formal review today,
would those same points be raised? Would Asio get rejected because it
doesn't offer public interfaces for doing simple tasks like requesting
an object from a web server? I wonder if perhaps the Boost formal
review process has become defective.
For reference here is what the current API offers:
Example program that performs HTTP GET, then receives and prints the response:
This is a high performance asynchronous HTTP server that serves local
files as static pages. It is not an official API, it is part of the
examples. Users who want a server need to copy the source code and
modify it to suit their needs:
My initial purpose for requesting this discussion is two-fold:
1. Determine the level of consensus on the issue that Beast needs to
do more for HTTP than the lowest level of functionality (reading and
writing messages). I'm open to hearing all arguments for and against.
2. Get feedback on what official public interfaces to higher level
functionality might look like. Specifically, a client that handles GET
and POST, and a generic asynchronous server. And what features those
interfaces would support. For example, is traversing a proxy a
necessary feature for an official client interface? The best answers
would provide function signatures or class declarations using the
existing Beast HTTP types. In case its not clear, I am asking
stakeholders and reviewers to help design the library.
I'll open a discourse on the HTTP client to illustrate the proposed
style of discussion:
We want to provide a HTTP client implementation that lets users
perform simple tasks like fetch a resource from a remote host. Calling
code should be compact, letting people get their job done without
getting mired in boilerplate. Here's a possible signature with example

-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Vinnie Falco Sent: 23 September 2016 15:58 To: boost@lists.boost.org Subject: [boost] [beast] Request for Discussion
Beast provides low level HTTP and WebSocket interfaces built on Boost.Asio, the project is here: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast The plan is to solicit feedback from the Boost community before submitting a request for a formal review.
First a brief update: I have attended CppCon 2016 and provided a 15 minute Lightning Talk on the library.
One point brought up during the conference is that Beast does not offer sufficient higher level HTTP functionality. This omission is intentional. It is my idea to offer the building blocks (serializing and deserializing HTTP/1 messages, in synchronous and asynchronous flavors, and a universal HTTP message model), upon which other developers more knowledgeable than me could build those interfaces.
<big snip> I'm not an expert on the subject, but I think you are right to be cautious about trying to be everything to all men. I think you should propose what you have now for formal review. And provide as many *examples* as possible of how it can be used. If people decide to ask you to extend the features in future, you (or others) can, but you are persuasive that premature 'standardization' sounds risky. (C++ Standards people really like to have implementation, and widespread usage. Fancier features can be added in later years - provided you have got the basics right!)
This is why I think that offering a HTTP client is a rabbit hole which can only lead to a rejected formal review. Or maybe I am overthinking this? I'd love to hear proposed solutions to the issues (which could be just to say "forget about those features").
Despite my objection I have started work on these features anyway. Here are the beginnings of a HTTP client: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/88b485df7e6216282842f40cf99cc75dee...
Here is some work on a generic server: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/server/extras/beast/http/async_ser...
These may well provide more *examples* of how to use the 'basic' features. HTH Paul --- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 8:49 AM, Paul A. Bristow
I'm not an expert on the subject, but I think you are right to be cautious about trying to be everything to all men. ... I think you should propose what you have now for formal review.
I appreciate the kind words and support for a formal review. I have carefully studied all of the review comments provided during the review of Boost.Http in 2015. In particular, a comment from Robert Ramey: from http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2015/08/224700.php "To me it's very unfortunate that so much effort has had to be expended by a library author to produce a library that is not accepted. It's also unfortunate that so many reviewers need to spend this much time to dig up enough information to reach this consensus. This illustrates my motivation behind the design of the boost library incubator." I think the idea behind the incubator is sound, and I agree with Robert's assessment. Looking over the formal review comments for Boost.Http, about half of the reviewers admitted they did not have enough time to do a deeper dive. I would like to avoid these mistakes. My approach is to get a higher awareness of Beast through discussions on this mailing list, and through face to face meetings with stakeholders and reviewers (for example at CppCon 2016, and C++ Now 2017). In the meanwhile, the number of users continues to grow. The odds of success during a formal review can only go up by collecting and addressing feedback from stakeholders before the review begins. These are the set of individuals who participated in the 2015 review of Boost.Http: Agustin K-ballo Berge Antony Polukhin Bjorn Reese Darren Cook David Sankel Edward Diener Glen Fernandes Lee Clagett Niall Douglas Robert Ramey Rodrigo Madera Roland Bock Tom Kent Vinicius Oliveira Vladimir Prus I would like to hear from as many of these individuals as possible, about their experience looking at Beast and taking it for a test drive, before starting the formal review process. Of special importance is to get feedback from Vinicius Oliveira, the author of Boost.Http. We spent several hours talking about our respective libraries with each other. Beast provides the lowest level interfaces, while Boost.Http tries to offer the higher level functionality that was recently requested. Specifically, Boost.Http attempts to provide a turn-key server solution. I've heard that Vinicius is busy working on a client, and has also implemented his own parser. I think public feedback on Beast from the author of Boost.Http is crucial, since Beast claims to offer uncontroversial low level functionality which Boost.Http would have to use if Beast is accepted to Boost. Perplexingly, I have seen no evidence of any public dialogue from Vinicius about his current client interface goals, or any plan to refactor Boost.Http to use Beast. I'd like to hear his reasoning for why a HTTP library needs to "support multiple backends" (what does that mean?), a theme which came up often in his responses to review feedback. Is this a feature that serves the needs of users? Thanks

On 9/23/16 9:25 AM, Vinnie Falco wrote:
I would like to hear from as many of these individuals as possible, about their experience looking at Beast and taking it for a test drive, before starting the formal review process.
Indeed. One of the big motivations behind the incubator is to permit the gathering of information before the review at a time which is convenient for potential reviewers. That is, I wanted to decouple the review from a narrow two week window. It hasn't worked out that way. But I haven't given up hope. People love the general developer's mailing list. My next idea is to replace the comments implementation with a facade over the developer's mailing list which selects posts regarding a particular library. This is in keeping with the incubator implementation strategy of tailgating on resources maintained by other people. Unfortunately, I haven't found an easy way to do this yet.
I think public feedback on Beast from the author of Boost.Http is crucial, since Beast claims to offer uncontroversial low level functionality which Boost.Http would have to use if Beast is accepted to Boost. Perplexingly, I have seen no evidence of any public dialogue from Vinicius about his current client interface goals, or any plan to refactor Boost.Http to use Beast. I'd like to hear his reasoning for why a HTTP library needs to "support multiple backends" (what does that mean?), a theme which came up often in his responses to review feedback. Is this a feature that serves the needs of users?
"things should be as simple as possible but no simpler" Unfortunately this axiom gets lost from time to time in Boost and other projects which have to satisfy too many people. Bjarne referred to this inadvertently in his keynote - "Boost libraries sometimes needlessly over complicated" (unlike standard library components). BTW - I very much liked your idea of handing out your tiny brochure at CPPCon. I was especially a good idea to make it the size you did - about 3 by 4 inches. This made it easy to stick in one's pocket and kept it from having an accurate subtitle - http access for idiots. Robert Ramey
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On 09/23/2016 06:25 PM, Vinnie Falco wrote:
I would like to hear from as many of these individuals as possible, about their experience looking at Beast and taking it for a test drive, before starting the formal review process.
Apart from usual difficulties, your library is facing an additional complication that as not been brought up yet. Boost is more than a set of high-quality libraries and a review process. We are also trying to nurture promising student developers, mainly through GSoC. Your library happens to coincide with one of those projects: Boost.Http. This project started as a GSoC project about two-three years ago, and this year it was part of the Boost sponsored summer of code (BSoC), which resulted in a HTTP parser. If we had simply wanted a HTTP library, I could easily have written that myself (I am one of the original curl developers), but I chose to support the nuture program and serve as mentor instead. Your library unintentionally puts us in a precarious situation with regards to this nuture program. That is one of the reasons why I initially suggested that you and Vinicius collaborated instead of seeing your respective libraries as competitors.

On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 7:01 AM, Bjorn Reese
...I initially suggested that you and Vinicius collaborated instead of seeing your respective libraries as competitors.
Absolutely, which is why I reached out to you and Vinicius in April. Me and Vinicius spent several hours talking about our respective libraries on Skype. I reported back to the group on this: http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2016/04/229337.php I noted that Boost.Http and Beast had minimal overlap. Beast provides low level HTTP protocol functionality while Boost.Http offers a turn-key HTTP server. From that discussion came some action items, I made changes to the Beast message model. I delivered a header-only parser with no dependencies on the rest of Beast so it could be re-used in Boost.Http, and informed Vinicius. I started a discussion on further refinements to the message model (https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/13). I have seen no evidence of Beast integration in Boost.Http.

On 25 Sep 2016 at 8:26, Vinnie Falco wrote:
On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 7:01 AM, Bjorn Reese
wrote: ...I initially suggested that you and Vinicius collaborated instead of seeing your respective libraries as competitors.
Absolutely, which is why I reached out to you and Vinicius in April. Me and Vinicius spent several hours talking about our respective libraries on Skype. I reported back to the group on this: http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2016/04/229337.php
I noted that Boost.Http and Beast had minimal overlap. Beast provides low level HTTP protocol functionality while Boost.Http offers a turn-key HTTP server. From that discussion came some action items, I made changes to the Beast message model. I delivered a header-only parser with no dependencies on the rest of Beast so it could be re-used in Boost.Http, and informed Vinicius. I started a discussion on further refinements to the message model (https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/13). I have seen no evidence of Beast integration in Boost.Http.
My thanks to Bjorn for raising the GSoC point. I should clarify that whilst a unified library would be preferred by all, in the end there is nothing stopping BOTH libraries entering Boost even if they cover similar ground. By the way, Bjorn is one of those here on boost-dev whose feedback on a HTTP library I would weigh very heavily in any peer review. Bjorn knows his stuff here, and as he mentioned, he would be highly likely to write a very high quality HTTP library on his first attempt had he the time to do so. Regarding persuading Vinicius to use Beast in Http, it's not like anyone can wave a magic wand here. Plenty Boost library authors refuse to use other Boost libraries and instead reinvent the wheel. The deliberate and intentional refusal to reuse existing library code is taken into consideration during any peer review, and I have noted it has generally not been weighed heavily when deciding to accept. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On 09/25/2016 02:26 PM, Vinnie Falco wrote:
I noted that Boost.Http and Beast had minimal overlap. Beast provides low level HTTP protocol functionality while Boost.Http offers a turn-key HTTP server. From that discussion came some action items, I
That is a mischaracterization of the differences between Boost.Http and Beast. Both provide low-level HTTP functionality. Beast uses an Asio socket together with free functions to read/write HTTP messages, whereas Boost.Http uses its own basic_socket that contains the Asio socket. Those are just two different approaches that provide the same functionality. In addition to the low-level basic_socket, Boost.Http also has some adaptors for a lower-level server side. That was done because we recognized that the two main audiences for a C++ HTTP library would be (1) developers writing small embedded HTTP servers, and (2) developers using HTTP to get stuff. The latter are not particularly interested in low level APIs, so we initially focused on the former.
made changes to the Beast message model. I delivered a header-only parser with no dependencies on the rest of Beast so it could be re-used in Boost.Http, and informed Vinicius. I started a discussion
There appears to have been some kind of miscommunication. The BSoC project was already accepted and announced by the time you announced your intension to write a HTTP parser (which escaped my attention.) Looking briefly at your HTTP parser I can see that it is a push parser, which may serve your current purposes, but not those of higher-level use cases. The purpose of the BSoC project was to investigate the more flexible design of pull parsers that extends more easily to higher-level interfaces.

On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Bjorn Reese
Looking briefly at your HTTP parser I can see that it is a push parser, which may serve your current purposes, but not those of higher-level use cases.
Beast offers parsing free functions that are not advertised loudly (because they are more complicated to use, but give callers more control): http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/ref/http__parse.html http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/ref/http__async_parse.html These functions accept any object meeting the Parser type requirements: http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/ref/Parser.html Although, this interface might still have as an unstated requirement, that such a parser must be of the "push" variety. I did some Internet searching about push versus pull parsing, both now and a bit ago when there was chatter about Boost.Http adopting a pull parser. All I could find was push versus pull parsing in the context of processing XML and HTML content. I was unable to find anything having to do with pull parsing and HTTP, with the exception of some Rust code: https://github.com/vinipsmaker/http-pull-parser-rs I'm having a difficult time understanding how a pull parser would be suitable for an algorithm that can operate on a network socket - perhaps you can enlighten me?
The purpose of the BSoC project was to investigate the more flexible design of pull parsers that extends more easily to higher-level interfaces.
I'm very interested in hearing about these higher-level use cases. Is there a discussion or some kind of example that I can study? Or can you provide more details? If there's some sort of design flaw in Beast that prevents users from important implementations, I would like to find out and address it. Regards

On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Bjorn Reese
On 09/25/2016 02:26 PM, Vinnie Falco wrote:
Beast provides low level HTTP protocol functionality while Boost.Http offers a turn-key HTTP server.
Beast originally started with a WebSocket implementation. In the
WebSocket protocol, every session starts out with a HTTP
request/response sequence. The client sends a HTTP Upgrade request and
upon success the server sends a 101 Switching Protocols response. See:
I went looking for a suitable low-level HTTP library to use as a
modular component in building beast::websocket::stream. I wanted users
of Beast to be able to customize the initial handshake, including the
ability to write servers that support not only WebSocket but also HTTP
(features not present in websocketpp). I surveyed these libraries:
I found that all existing libraries were unsuitable for use as a
building block for a WebSocket implementation to use for the HTTP
handshake portion of session establishment. All of them forced callers
to use a particular container concept for storing message bodies. Most
of them did not have a correct separation of concerns (for example, by
declaring the message object to also include the socket or remote IP).
There was missing client functionality (e.g. parsing responses or
sending requests). And incorrect usage of Boost.Asio idioms (for
example std::function<> instead of completion tokens). I can offer to
review those libraries publicly if any parties are interested...
This is just my opinion, but a library that claims to offer low-level
HTTP functionality should offer a good message model that includes
requests and responses, and a clean, well factored interface to send
and receive those messages. I did not find that functionality in any
of the libraries that I reviewed.
On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Bjorn Reese
... That is a mischaracterization of the differences between Boost.Http and Beast. Both provide low-level HTTP functionality.
The description on https://github.com/BoostGSoC14/boost.http reads: "Boost.Http" "Embeddable C++ HTTP server" "This library implements a core HTTP server for Boost that can be used from resource-constrained devices to powerful machines that have plenty of resources to make use of and can speed up the server (such as extra ram available to pools and extra cpus available to multithreaded servers)." It seems we are using different definitions of low-level here. Is there another definition that I should be using instead? Regards

On 23 Sep 2016 at 7:58, Vinnie Falco wrote:
One point brought up during the conference is that Beast does not offer sufficient higher level HTTP functionality. This omission is intentional. It is my idea to offer the building blocks (serializing and deserializing HTTP/1 messages, in synchronous and asynchronous flavors, and a universal HTTP message model), upon which other developers more knowledgeable than me could build those interfaces.
Time to be mildly harsh. I'll repeat my main observation made during the Http review: Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++ (it need not be Python Requests specifically, just some well established highly regarded high level HTTP API battle tested over many years - the key part here is DO NOT try reinventing the wheel over well established practice). We don't care about async, memory copying, performance, use of std::string, parsing, use of ASIO, serialisation or any of that other detail until somebody gets the bloody top end API implemented and stop wasting time on these currently unimportant implementation details. AFTER somebody has implemented a close replica of Requests which is fully functional - and very few here would care how it is internally implemented so long as the public API design is solid - THEN the refinement of implementation can begin. As I was saying to David Sankel and Roland Bock yesterday when we were discussing HTTP and BEAST, I really wouldn't care if you stuck O(N^N) complexity loops into your implementation and throw in a pointless sleep(500ms) for good measure in an initial implementation. *I don't care about the quality of the implementation*. I only care, for now, about the solid design of the top level API. Once we have a working implementation of that which has passed Boost peer review, everything else will follow naturally. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On Sep 23, 2016, at 11:50 AM, Niall Douglas
As I was saying to David Sankel and Roland Bock yesterday when we were discussing HTTP and BEAST, I really wouldn't care if you stuck O(N^N) complexity loops into your implementation and throw in a pointless sleep(500ms) for good measure in an initial implementation. *I don't care about the quality of the implementation*. I only care, for now, about the solid design of the top level API. Once we have a working implementation of that which has passed Boost peer review, everything else will follow naturally.
Fwiw, I have observed many examples of this purely “top-down” design over the decades. I have even seen some of them result in reasonably functional software. All too often, not even that. The result nearly always works, but often the top-level API dictates an inefficient implementation, and the top-level API gets locked-in by issues such as backwards compatibility and/or resource constraints. These are not hypothetical concerns. When a 2GHz 4-core dedicated computer can’t keep up with my wife’s typing speed, something has gone horribly wrong in many places up and down the software stack. I am not alone in recognizing these shortcomings and many people have gravitated towards a “bottom-up” approach: Build a solid low-level foundation first which emphasizes performance. Higher-level software layers can add functionality. I have personally participated in several low-level projects with this “bottom-up” view: unique_ptr, mutex, condition_variable, thread, and more recently low-level date algorithms: http://howardhinnant.github.io/date_algorithms.html I’ve had considerable success with this approach, but it is not perfect. As I add the higher-level API I sometimes find a missing brick in the foundation. There is nothing like real-world testing of low-level foundation software to find missing or poorly specified functionality, and building that higher-level API upon the lower-level *is* that real-world testing. If that higher-level testing can be done prior to setting the lower-level API in stone, one can achieve a valuable feedback loop where the lower-level level API can be improved while the high-level API is under development. I have also found that a high-performance low-level API usually guides the higher-level design. It encourages the high-level API to not do things that are gratuitously inefficient, as long as the low-level API stands its ground on delegating expensive fancy features to the higher-level. In the end, the very most important thing for software to be is correct. However, the next most important thing is run time performance: http://howardhinnant.github.io/coding_guidelines.html Correctness can be achieved with top-down or bottom-up. But bottom-up combined with early feedback from the top-down lends itself towards a software stack that is both fully functional and high performance. <shameless plug> This is the philosophy I have followed for the software stack discussed in this Cppcon 2016 talk: http://schd.ws/hosted_files/cppcon2016/0f/Welcome%20To%20The%20Time%20Zone%2... Howard

On 9/23/16 11:50 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
On 23 Sep 2016 at 7:58, Vinnie Falco wrote:
One point brought up during the conference is that Beast does not offer sufficient higher level HTTP functionality. This omission is intentional. It is my idea to offer the building blocks (serializing and deserializing HTTP/1 messages, in synchronous and asynchronous flavors, and a universal HTTP message model), upon which other developers more knowledgeable than me could build those interfaces.
Time to be mildly harsh.
I'll repeat my main observation made during the Http review:
Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++ (it need not be Python Requests specifically, just some well established highly regarded high level HTTP API battle tested over many years - the key part here is DO NOT try reinventing the wheel over well established practice).
I'm not understanding this point. Vinnie just said that it doesn't currently offer more than a minimal level of functionality. Sounds to me that you're agreeing with him
We don't care about async, memory copying, performance, use of std::string, parsing, use of ASIO, serialisation or any of that other detail until somebody gets the bloody top end API implemented and stop wasting time on these currently unimportant implementation details.
Again - I'm not getting this. What are you objecting to?
*I don't care about the quality of the implementation*. I only care, for now, about the solid design of the top level API. Once we have a working implementation of that which has passed Boost peer review, everything else will follow naturally.
Again, I'm not sure what side you're on here. But I will say that that quality of implementation is the single most important thing. There's two schools of thought here a) Get your library to some advanced stage, post it and ask for feedback before you invest a lot of effort in correctness, documentation, tests, etc. The theory is that interested parties will contribute suggestions, observations and fixes and help you along. b) Make a completely finished but minimal library including tests, good documentation, examples etc. Then hope that users try it, are happy with what it does, then clamber for more features and enhancements. c) Finish the whole damn thing The worst is a) once someone downloads/clones your library and find that it's hard to understand, has bugs or in any way frustrates you, they are lost to you forever. They'll never come back. The best of c) but that's very hard to do b) Is the best most practical approach and that most likely to lead to success. It's strongly supported by the incubator. Robert Ramey

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Robert Ramey
On 9/23/16 11:50 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
... Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++
I'm not understanding this point. Vinnie just said that it doesn't currently offer more than a minimal level of functionality. Sounds to me that you're agreeing with him
He's definitely disagreeing. Beast does these things: * Serialize HTTP/1 messages (sync or async) * Deserialize HTTP/1 messages (sync or async) * Model HTTP messages universally This is the lowest level of functionality a library can offer with respect to HTTP. All higher level operations can be expressed in terms of these primitives. The corollary is all higher level operations are impossible without any of these operations. Niall and others are saying that a library offering the low level building blocks of HTTP is insufficient to become part of Boost. He and others believe that common use cases such as a full features HTTP client or a generic asynchronous threaded HTTP server need to be part of any approved Boost library that claims to solve any HTTP-related problems. I disagree, and I hope a sufficient number of other folks disagree as well. Thanks

Vinnie Falco wrote: ...
This is the lowest level of functionality a library can offer with respect to HTTP. All higher level operations can be expressed in terms of these primitives. The corollary is all higher level operations are impossible without any of these operations.
I'm fairly sure - without even having to look - that the proposed Beast library more than meets Boost's criteria for inclusion. You need to not let these objections frustrate you. The basic problem here is that C++ programmers still, in $current_year, have no standard way of opening a stream to https://whatever.com/archive.tar.gz and reading it. This is incredibly annoying. Yes, you're right that a simple API would mean that I can't pass a client certificate to it. At this point though anything, ANYTHING, is better than what we have, which is nil. So it comes to no surprise that whenever the words "Boost", "HTTP" and "library" occur together in a sentence, everyone (to a first approximation) hopes that we'll finally get that simple API. You don't have to provide something like that, and this is not a prerequisite for accepting the lower-level Beast. But many people will be happy if you do. Plus, there's also the matter that to evaluate the lower-level API, you have to have something built on top of it with which to evaluate it.

On September 23, 2016 5:17:08 PM EDT, Peter Dimov
This is the lowest level of functionality a library can offer with respect to HTTP. All higher level operations can be expressed in terms of
Vinnie Falco wrote: ... these
primitives. The corollary is all higher level operations are impossible without any of these operations.
[snip important points about expectations and focus]
Plus, there's also the matter that to evaluate the lower-level API, you have to have something built on top of it with which to evaluate it.
I don't disagree with the idea of getting a robust, functional lower level API, but you can't know how appropriate that API is until you implement higher level functionality atop it. Consider the OSI model vs. TCP[1]. The layered approach was a good idea from a theoretical perspective, but it failed miserably for real world use cases. That and other experience led to the design decisions in Aeron[2], for example. Thus, your efforts to implement example clients, etc. are more than appropriate. I consider them essential proofs of Beast. -- Rob [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3439#section-3 [2] https://github.com/real-logic/Aeron (Sent from my portable computation device.)

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Niall Douglas
take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++
Hello! I just had a look at this Requests library and it is AMAZING! C++ most definitely needs something like this! Look at these features it has: International Domains and URLs Keep-Alive & Connection Pooling Sessions with Cookie Persistence Browser-style SSL Verification Basic/Digest Authentication Elegant Key/Value Cookies Automatic Decompression Automatic Content Decoding Unicode Response Bodies Multipart File Uploads HTTP(S) Proxy Support Connection Timeouts Streaming Downloads .netrc Support Chunked Requests Thread-safety Custom Body Content Workflow Streaming Uploads POST Multiple Multipart-Encoded Files Event Hooks Custom Authentication Streaming Requests SOCKS proxies Link Headers Transport Adapters Just look at that awesome list of features. The Python Requests library is something we should hold up as a model of how we want a full-featured HTTP client library to look and act. Unfortunately, even a reduced subset of these features goes far beyond my resources to implement. I also do not feel confident in my knowledge of the domain or my abilities to provide a robust C++ interface for all of this. I think that what Niall has done, probably inadvertently, is to demonstrate just how broken the Boost review process has become. We have Beast, which provides a great implementation of the low level HTTP operations (read and write a message, provide a message model). I am sure that someone or some group with expert knowledge in creating robust HTTP clients could come along and build the C++ equivalent of Python Requests on top of Beast. It should not be controversial when I say that Beast offers useful functionality today. And yet, there are strong opinions that Beast as a low level HTTP building block is insufficient to be considered as part of a general purpose library Boost. Once again I must ask, if Boost.Asio were proposed today would it receive the same critique? Would an absence of FTP and HTTP implementations make Christopher Kohlhoff's Asio library get rejected in a formal review? The modern consensus is that C++ libraries need to become more focused and smaller, performing a single task and doing it really well. And that is exactly the design principle of Beast - model the HTTP message, serialize and deserialize HTTP messages synchronously or asynchronously. This might not satisfy the majority of use cases but it gives interested parties something they can work with. Who are the interested parties? Anyone who wants to write a generic web server. Or a full featured HTTP client. You want those features right, and you want them in Boost? Then why would we reject a library that offers the primitives for other people to create such high level implementations? Thanks

Niall Douglas wrote:
Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants [...] Niall Douglas wrote: We don't care [...]
This familiar pattern returns. Vinnie Falco wrote:
I think that what Niall has done, probably inadvertently, is to demonstrate just how broken the Boost review process has become. We have Beast, which provides a great implementation of the low level HTTP operations (read and write a message, provide a message model). It should not be controversial when I say that Beast offers useful functionality today.
I don't believe Niall has demonstrated anything. I also do not think what you have said is controversial. In my opinion (and I speak for myself, not everyone here or the wider C++ community): 1. You have a decent library, both in terms of design and implementation. Like Paul, I suggest you put it up for review whenever you feel comfortable. [1] 2. You should keep the focus in your discussions on your library and not on the Boost review process. If you have interest in improving the latter, do it independently of your effort to have your library reviewed. Glen [1] If you require more discussion about the interface to reach that level of comfort, you've already taken the necessary steps by soliciting feedback here. I would just trust the enthusiasm/interest by others in your library to do the rest. -- View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/beast-Request-for-Discussion-tp4688242p46... Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Glen Fernandes
... 1. You have a decent library, both in terms of design and implementation. Like Paul, I suggest you put it up for review whenever you feel comfortable.
Thank you for the kind words.
2. You should keep the focus in your discussions on your library and not on the Boost review process.
That's good advice. I will table the issue of whether Beast should offer more high level operations such as a full featured HTTP client or general purpose asynchronous server.
[1] If you require more discussion about the interface to reach that level of comfort, you've already taken the necessary steps by soliciting feedback here.
Yes there are a few points that should be addressed: So far there has been a lot of talk of HTTP and not a word about WebSocket. Does this mean that Beast's WebSocket interface is non-controversial? What about the stuff in here: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/tree/master/include/beast/core These currently are official interfaces, and I would like to keep them that way. In fact, I think some of them should be part of the Networking TS (buffer_cat in particular). Is this a problem? What namespace would they go into? e.g. boost::buffer_cat? boost::beast::buffer_cat? boost::asio::buffer_cat (that would probably be the best choice but it injects names into someone else's namespace) What would the library be called in Boost? Not Boost.Http. Would it be Boost.Beast? I do plan on adding more to this library such as SOCKS proxy support (that would be a new protocol). Would we just rename beast to boost, i.e. boost::http::async_read, boost::http::message? What happens if someone else puts together a full feature HTTP client in a new proposed lbrary, what would they call it? boost::http::client? HTTP/2 support came up as a blocker in last years reviews. Beast design does take HTTP/2 into account. Objects which are HTTP/1 only are clearly marked (e.g. beast::http::message_v1) and HTTP/1 specific algorithms are overloaded on those specific types. Are these points obstacles for review? How do I start the formal review process?

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 5:25 PM, Vinnie Falco wrote:
So far there has been a lot of talk of HTTP and not a word about WebSocket. Does this mean that Beast's WebSocket interface is non-controversial?
Not necessarily; I would take away from that only that HTTP is the area of interest enough to evoke initial discussion. i.e. During the review, anticipate/prepare for any portion, be it your WebSocket class template, or even the implementation of types in your detail and impl namespaces to be scrutinized.
What would the library be called in Boost? Not Boost.Http. Would it be Boost.Beast?
My personal vote would be to have the HTTP functionality under something named Boost.Http; e.g. Boost.Http.Core. If WebSockets and Http both live under the same Boost library, which I believe is your intention, then your current organization of Boost.<Library>.Http and Boost.<Library>.WebSocket makes a lot of sense. I'd prefer that <Library> identifier should be something less abstract than "Beast".
I do plan on adding more to this library such as SOCKS proxy support (that would be a new protocol). Would we just rename beast to boost, i.e. boost::http::async_read, boost::http::message?
boost::http::core::message sounds fine if the Boost.Http space will encompass both your lower level functionality, as well as higher level utilities. Good to hear about the desire to provide a SOCKS implementation.
What happens if someone else puts together a full feature HTTP client in a new proposed lbrary, what would they call it? boost::http::client?
HTTP/2 support came up as a blocker in last years reviews. Beast design does take HTTP/2 into account. Objects which are HTTP/1 only are clearly marked (e.g. beast::http::message_v1) and HTTP/1 specific algorithms are overloaded on those specific types. Are these points obstacles for review?
Obstacles for getting a review, certainly not. If you meant that during review it would be a point raised against acceptance, or conditional-acceptance, I wouldn't want to make that prediction. You've already done the right thing by designing the library for users, not designing the library to pass the Boost formal review process, so the review will just give you an opportunity to: - Determine whether there is interest in the library as it is for inclusion into Boost - If conditionally, or if not, identify what the community that participates does want in your library - Decide whether you feel it is in the best interest of the library to accommodate those requests (either now, or over time)
How do I start the formal review process?
1. Get it listed on the Boost review schedule page. Ron will be able to help you with this. 2. Find a someone from the community (e.g. Boost developers) interested in managing the review Then just work with the review manager to schedule the review. Glen

On 09/23/16 23:22, Vinnie Falco wrote:
Just look at that awesome list of features. The Python Requests library is something we should hold up as a model of how we want a full-featured HTTP client library to look and act.
Unfortunately, even a reduced subset of these features goes far beyond my resources to implement. I also do not feel confident in my knowledge of the domain or my abilities to provide a robust C++ interface for all of this.
I think that what Niall has done, probably inadvertently, is to demonstrate just how broken the Boost review process has become. We have Beast, which provides a great implementation of the low level HTTP operations (read and write a message, provide a message model). I am sure that someone or some group with expert knowledge in creating robust HTTP clients could come along and build the C++ equivalent of Python Requests on top of Beast. It should not be controversial when I say that Beast offers useful functionality today.
And yet, there are strong opinions that Beast as a low level HTTP building block is insufficient to be considered as part of a general purpose library Boost. Once again I must ask, if Boost.Asio were proposed today would it receive the same critique? Would an absence of FTP and HTTP implementations make Christopher Kohlhoff's Asio library get rejected in a formal review?
The modern consensus is that C++ libraries need to become more focused and smaller, performing a single task and doing it really well. And that is exactly the design principle of Beast - model the HTTP message, serialize and deserialize HTTP messages synchronously or asynchronously. This might not satisfy the majority of use cases but it gives interested parties something they can work with. Who are the interested parties? Anyone who wants to write a generic web server. Or a full featured HTTP client. You want those features right, and you want them in Boost? Then why would we reject a library that offers the primitives for other people to create such high level implementations?
Please, don't let Niall's message discourage you from proceeding with your submission (or underestimate the positive effect of community review). I'm sure some people, myself included, think that designing HTTP/FTP/whatever protocol from bottom up is a totally reasonable approach. It may be difficult during the review to show the immediate practical gain from a lower layer component, but if you can demonstrate how a higher level layer could benefit from your library, you should be fine. If you can show that porting a library like Boost.HTTP to Beast is possible and beneficial, that would be even better. I hope you and Vinicius Oliveira will be able to talk and cooperate on this matter.

On 9/23/2016 4:22 PM, Vinnie Falco wrote:
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Niall Douglas
wrote: ]> Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++
Hello! I just had a look at this Requests library and it is AMAZING! C++ most definitely needs something like this! Look at these features it has:
International Domains and URLs Keep-Alive & Connection Pooling Sessions with Cookie Persistence Browser-style SSL Verification Basic/Digest Authentication Elegant Key/Value Cookies Automatic Decompression Automatic Content Decoding Unicode Response Bodies Multipart File Uploads HTTP(S) Proxy Support Connection Timeouts Streaming Downloads .netrc Support Chunked Requests Thread-safety Custom Body Content Workflow Streaming Uploads POST Multiple Multipart-Encoded Files Event Hooks Custom Authentication Streaming Requests SOCKS proxies Link Headers Transport Adapters
Just look at that awesome list of features. The Python Requests library is something we should hold up as a model of how we want a full-featured HTTP client library to look and act.
Unfortunately, even a reduced subset of these features goes far beyond my resources to implement. I also do not feel confident in my knowledge of the domain or my abilities to provide a robust C++ interface for all of this.
I think that what Niall has done, probably inadvertently, is to demonstrate just how broken the Boost review process has become. We have Beast, which provides a great implementation of the low level HTTP operations (read and write a message, provide a message model). I am sure that someone or some group with expert knowledge in creating robust HTTP clients could come along and build the C++ equivalent of Python Requests on top of Beast. It should not be controversial when I say that Beast offers useful functionality today.
And yet, there are strong opinions that Beast as a low level HTTP building block is insufficient to be considered as part of a general purpose library Boost. Once again I must ask, if Boost.Asio were proposed today would it receive the same critique? Would an absence of FTP and HTTP implementations make Christopher Kohlhoff's Asio library get rejected in a formal review?
I really object to your characterization of "how broken the Boost review process has become". There are numerous Boost libraries which serve as building blocks for higher level libraries and these low-level libraries are just as important for Boost as a higher-level library which might appeal more to end-users in application development.
The modern consensus is that C++ libraries need to become more focused and smaller, performing a single task and doing it really well. And that is exactly the design principle of Beast - model the HTTP message, serialize and deserialize HTTP messages synchronously or asynchronously. This might not satisfy the majority of use cases but it gives interested parties something they can work with. Who are the interested parties? Anyone who wants to write a generic web server. Or a full featured HTTP client. You want those features right, and you want them in Boost? Then why would we reject a library that offers the primitives for other people to create such high level implementations?
We don't reject such a library if we find it useful as a low-level library. Niall's opinion about your library is his own. Don't push that opinion on other Boost developers who may feel differently.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Edward Diener
I really object to your characterization of "how broken the Boost review process has become". ... Niall's opinion about your library is his own. Don't push that opinion on other Boost developers who may feel differently.
Yup, and my apologies for misreading the situation. When I first announced Beast, there were months of radio silence. But the great support and advice that I've received in this thread has been very helpful.
We don't reject such a library if we find it useful as a low-level library.
This is great news! Have you had a chance to give Beast a try? As I recall, you participated in last year's review of Boost.Http. Thanks

On 23 Sep 2016 at 13:22, Vinnie Falco wrote:
]> Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to
take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++ [snip] Unfortunately, even a reduced subset of these features goes far beyond my resources to implement. I also do not feel confident in my knowledge of the domain or my abilities to provide a robust C++ interface for all of this.
As I mentioned to you yesterday, wrapping the Python implementation in Boost.Python and exporting it as C++ solves the cost of implementation problem. I'd even consider a more exciting method of transducing implementation say via static conversion of Python to C or C++ via adapting one of the Python compilers. Most Boost library authors want to build cathedrals their own way, and that's fine, it gets you up in the morning to write code you're not getting paid for. However from an end user's perspective, they *really do not care* how a library is implemented so long as it works, has reasonable documentation and has reasonable performance. Naval gazing or "purity" by library authors is fairly unimportant to almost all of them. Given the very high popularity of Python Requests, I do not doubt a very similar C++ library would be immensely popular in the C++ world, even if its implementation is actually the Python code itself.
I think that what Niall has done, probably inadvertently, is to demonstrate just how broken the Boost review process has become. We have Beast, which provides a great implementation of the low level HTTP operations (read and write a message, provide a message model). I am sure that someone or some group with expert knowledge in creating robust HTTP clients could come along and build the C++ equivalent of Python Requests on top of Beast. It should not be controversial when I say that Beast offers useful functionality today.
All libraries, even terrible ones, offer useful functionality by definition. I also don't think it controversial that a HTTP utilities library would be a valuable addition to Boost. What I did say to you, and others strongly agreed with me at CppCon if you remember, is that it's very hard to get something like a HTTP low level library usefully past a Boost peer review. There are umpteen ways of implementing it, everyone has their own opinion, and a lot of people otherwise intelligent will argue and comment from a profoundly ignorant base of understanding. It'll be hard to decide between the really valuable feedback from those who really understand this niche domain from the rest who really don't know what they're talking about. I don't think this means the Boost peer review is broken, just that it fits badly to really niche libraries, and a well designed low level HTTP client library is a very niche domain very few will ever use. We've already seen some reviews having only three or four reviewers because the topic is such a niche domain that most of us here can't usefully comment. For the heavy maths libraries, most here realise their opinions are close to worthless and they stay away. For low level multi purpose libraries like HTTP ones, that tends to not happen because people think themselves competent which makes the review process not as valuable nor work as well as one would wish for.
The modern consensus is that C++ libraries need to become more focused and smaller, performing a single task and doing it really well. And that is exactly the design principle of Beast - model the HTTP message, serialize and deserialize HTTP messages synchronously or asynchronously. This might not satisfy the majority of use cases but it gives interested parties something they can work with. Who are the interested parties? Anyone who wants to write a generic web server. Or a full featured HTTP client. You want those features right, and you want them in Boost? Then why would we reject a library that offers the primitives for other people to create such high level implementations?
As I mentioned above, I've no problem with people building their own cathedrals. It's what most of us are here to do. However you have to be realistic. If it seems to take as long for an end user to learn off your low level HTTP framework as to quickly hack something bespoke together, they are going to choose the latter. That outcome is *extremely* likely for any low level HTTP framework. End users are simply not going to invest the effort to master the framework you've invested years of your life into unless they are highly and immediately convinced it will save them a lot of time and effort. A high level HTTP client library has a very visible and clear cost benefit ratio. Any semi decent implementation is going to see rapid and very widespread adoption because most people just want to go fetch the bloody HTTP page already. A low level HTTP client, or server library is always going to have to fight the not-invented-here syndrome and the hard reality that the majority of end users will roll their own half baked solution rather than take the time to master your inevitably complex and brain hurting framework. Again, that's fine. Plenty of Boost libraries have been usefully inspirational rather than actually used. The biggest contribution Boost made to the C++ community past the standardised facilities was a source code implementation study reference manual. Your cathedral won't necessarily be used much, but a lot of people will derive benefit from it once it's into Boost by studying it when writing their own code. In the end you'll need to decide, as all of us have done, whether you want to write a library end users really want to use and will adopt in droves and will really solve a big pressing problem for the C++ community, or whether you want to write a library which is a beautiful and pure cathedral stunning and inspirational to all who behold it, but rarely enter nor use it. That's absolutely a personal decision. I'll support you whichever you choose to the best of my capabilities. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/

On 9/24/2016 11:22 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
On 23 Sep 2016 at 13:22, Vinnie Falco wrote:
]> Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to
take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++ [snip] Unfortunately, even a reduced subset of these features goes far beyond my resources to implement. I also do not feel confident in my knowledge of the domain or my abilities to provide a robust C++ interface for all of this.
As I mentioned to you yesterday, wrapping the Python implementation in Boost.Python and exporting it as C++ solves the cost of implementation problem. I'd even consider a more exciting method of transducing implementation say via static conversion of Python to C or C++ via adapting one of the Python compilers.
Most Boost library authors want to build cathedrals their own way, and that's fine, it gets you up in the morning to write code you're not getting paid for. However from an end user's perspective, they *really do not care* how a library is implemented so long as it works, has reasonable documentation and has reasonable performance.
I agree with this but there is nothing which prevents a low-level library from fulfilling another programmer's needs. In other words it is just as important that a low-level library provides a good design for others to build upon as it is for a higher-level library to provide a good design for end-user's to use in their applications.
Naval gazing or "purity" by library authors is fairly unimportant to almost all of them. Given the very high popularity of Python Requests, I do not doubt a very similar C++ library would be immensely popular in the C++ world, even if its implementation is actually the Python code itself.
I think that what Niall has done, probably inadvertently, is to demonstrate just how broken the Boost review process has become. We have Beast, which provides a great implementation of the low level HTTP operations (read and write a message, provide a message model). I am sure that someone or some group with expert knowledge in creating robust HTTP clients could come along and build the C++ equivalent of Python Requests on top of Beast. It should not be controversial when I say that Beast offers useful functionality today.
All libraries, even terrible ones, offer useful functionality by definition.
I also don't think it controversial that a HTTP utilities library would be a valuable addition to Boost. What I did say to you, and others strongly agreed with me at CppCon if you remember, is that it's very hard to get something like a HTTP low level library usefully past a Boost peer review. There are umpteen ways of implementing it, everyone has their own opinion, and a lot of people otherwise intelligent will argue and comment from a profoundly ignorant base of understanding. It'll be hard to decide between the really valuable feedback from those who really understand this niche domain from the rest who really don't know what they're talking about.
I don't think this means the Boost peer review is broken, just that it fits badly to really niche libraries, and a well designed low level HTTP client library is a very niche domain very few will ever use. We've already seen some reviews having only three or four reviewers because the topic is such a niche domain that most of us here can't usefully comment. For the heavy maths libraries, most here realise their opinions are close to worthless and they stay away. For low level multi purpose libraries like HTTP ones, that tends to not happen because people think themselves competent which makes the review process not as valuable nor work as well as one would wish for.
The modern consensus is that C++ libraries need to become more focused and smaller, performing a single task and doing it really well. And that is exactly the design principle of Beast - model the HTTP message, serialize and deserialize HTTP messages synchronously or asynchronously. This might not satisfy the majority of use cases but it gives interested parties something they can work with. Who are the interested parties? Anyone who wants to write a generic web server. Or a full featured HTTP client. You want those features right, and you want them in Boost? Then why would we reject a library that offers the primitives for other people to create such high level implementations?
As I mentioned above, I've no problem with people building their own cathedrals. It's what most of us are here to do.
However you have to be realistic. If it seems to take as long for an end user to learn off your low level HTTP framework as to quickly hack something bespoke together, they are going to choose the latter. That outcome is *extremely* likely for any low level HTTP framework. End users are simply not going to invest the effort to master the framework you've invested years of your life into unless they are highly and immediately convinced it will save them a lot of time and effort.
A high level HTTP client library has a very visible and clear cost benefit ratio. Any semi decent implementation is going to see rapid and very widespread adoption because most people just want to go fetch the bloody HTTP page already.
A low level HTTP client, or server library is always going to have to fight the not-invented-here syndrome and the hard reality that the majority of end users will roll their own half baked solution rather than take the time to master your inevitably complex and brain hurting framework.
Again, that's fine. Plenty of Boost libraries have been usefully inspirational rather than actually used. The biggest contribution Boost made to the C++ community past the standardised facilities was a source code implementation study reference manual. Your cathedral won't necessarily be used much, but a lot of people will derive benefit from it once it's into Boost by studying it when writing their own code.
I think you are forgetting that some of those "cathedrals" have also been immensely used by other Boost developers. MPL is the most obvious candidate for that, but many developers use other low-level Boost libraries in their own library.
In the end you'll need to decide, as all of us have done, whether you want to write a library end users really want to use and will adopt in droves and will really solve a big pressing problem for the C++ community, or whether you want to write a library which is a beautiful and pure cathedral stunning and inspirational to all who behold it, but rarely enter nor use it. That's absolutely a personal decision. I'll support you whichever you choose to the best of my capabilities.
Your cathdral metaphor is one-sided. Mere beauty in a low-level library may be enough for that library to interest others but if the low-level library is not seen as practically useful as something other developers can build upon it will probably not become part of Boost.

On 9/23/16 13:22, Vinnie Falco wrote:
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Niall Douglas
wrote: ]> Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++
<snip python requests stuff>
I think that what Niall has done, probably inadvertently, is to demonstrate just how broken the Boost review process has become. We have Beast, which provides a great implementation of the low level HTTP operations (read and write a message, provide a message model). I am sure that someone or some group with expert knowledge in creating robust HTTP clients could come along and build the C++ equivalent of Python Requests on top of Beast. It should not be controversial when I say that Beast offers useful functionality today.
And yet, there are strong opinions that Beast as a low level HTTP building block is insufficient to be considered as part of a general purpose library Boost. Once again I must ask, if Boost.Asio were proposed today would it receive the same critique? Would an absence of FTP and HTTP implementations make Christopher Kohlhoff's Asio library get rejected in a formal review?
Don't let a few distractors get you down. That isn't how the boost review process works. Focused libraries that do something well and can be used as building blocks for other libraries and applications is exactly what we need more. michael -- Michael Caisse Ciere Consulting ciere.com

-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Michael Caisse Sent: 24 September 2016 19:18 To: boost@lists.boost.org Subject: Re: [boost] [beast] Request for Discussion
Don't let a few distractors get you down. That isn't how the boost review process works. Focused libraries that do something well and can be used as building blocks for other libraries and applications is exactly what we need more.
+1 Paul --- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830

2016-09-23 22:22 GMT+02:00 Vinnie Falco
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Niall Douglas
wrote: ]> Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++
Hello! I just had a look at this Requests library and it is AMAZING! C++ most definitely needs something like this! Look at these features it has:
International Domains and URLs Keep-Alive & Connection Pooling Sessions with Cookie Persistence Browser-style SSL Verification Basic/Digest Authentication Elegant Key/Value Cookies Automatic Decompression Automatic Content Decoding Unicode Response Bodies Multipart File Uploads HTTP(S) Proxy Support Connection Timeouts Streaming Downloads .netrc Support Chunked Requests Thread-safety Custom Body Content Workflow Streaming Uploads POST Multiple Multipart-Encoded Files Event Hooks Custom Authentication Streaming Requests SOCKS proxies Link Headers Transport Adapters
Hi Vinnie, I am not well familiar with details of http, and I have not even read all the responses to this thread, so what I say may not fully apply, but...
Just look at that awesome list of features. The Python Requests library is something we should hold up as a model of how we want a full-featured HTTP client library to look and act.
I believe you when you say that the Python library is amazing.
Unfortunately, even a reduced subset of these features goes far beyond my resources to implement. I also do not feel confident in my knowledge of the domain or my abilities to provide a robust C++ interface for all of this.
That's ok. You do not have to do all of this. It does not have to be one man's, one-time effort.
I think that what Niall has done, probably inadvertently, is to demonstrate just how broken the Boost review process has become. We have Beast, which provides a great implementation of the low level HTTP operations (read and write a message, provide a message model). I am sure that someone or some group with expert knowledge in creating robust HTTP clients could come along and build the C++ equivalent of Python Requests on top of Beast. It should not be controversial when I say that Beast offers useful functionality today.
Exactly. If I ever get to write some of these features, I would like to have your low-level components, tested and ready. I am apparently missing something. You are saying as though Boost community were already against your low-level design. To me this is the correct approach: start with building block, let someone else write the high level API. I did not record much objections to this approach. Some potential users might be disappointed they do not get more, but this does not imply they are against your http building blocks.
And yet, there are strong opinions that Beast as a low level HTTP building block is insufficient to be considered as part of a general purpose library Boost.
Really? Can anybody confirm that they strongly object to having a well designed http building blocks library in Boost? Maybe this is just about the name? Maybe if this was called "Http building blocks", it would get a consensus?
Once again I must ask, if Boost.Asio were proposed today would it receive the same critique? Would an absence of FTP and HTTP implementations make Christopher Kohlhoff's Asio library get rejected in a formal review?
To me both ASIO and having a low-level http is fine. In fact, I had problems using Boost.HTTP because it is so coupled with ASIO. In my project we are using a custom asynchronous task framework, and I would really appreciate something that does not impose on me any particular framework or programming model.
The modern consensus is that C++ libraries need to become more focused and smaller, performing a single task and doing it really well. And that is exactly the design principle of Beast - model the HTTP message, serialize and deserialize HTTP messages synchronously or asynchronously. This might not satisfy the majority of use cases but it gives interested parties something they can work with. Who are the interested parties? Anyone who wants to write a generic web server. Or a full featured HTTP client. You want those features right, and you want them in Boost? Then why would we reject a library that offers the primitives for other people to create such high level implementations?
I agree with you. I just cannot see with whom you are arguing. You need low-level libraries in order to build higher-level libraries. Is anyone questioning this? Does anyone think that accepting Http building blocks library into Boost prevents adding a Python-like library in the future? Regards, &rzej;

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 8:04 AM, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost
I agree with you. I just cannot see with whom you are arguing. You need low-level libraries in order to build higher-level libraries. Is anyone questioning this?
There were some people who objected (I won't say their names) but I gave their opinions too much weight. I continued to develop my library anyway. And now, Beast is done, in the review queue, and has its review starting July 1st (18 days).
In my project we are using a custom asynchronous task framework, and I would really appreciate something that does not impose on me any particular framework or programming model.
See: http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/http/serializer_buffers.html http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/http/parser_buffers.html Thanks

On 09/23/16 21:50, Niall Douglas wrote:
Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++
I'd like to ask you to not speak for others.

On 2016-09-24 04:50, Niall Douglas wrote:
... Time to be mildly harsh. ... ... and very few here would care how it is internally implemented so long as the public API design is solid - THEN the refinement of implementation can begin.
... the solid design of the top level API. Once we have a working implementation of that which has passed Boost peer review, everything else will follow naturally.
Niall might have expressed his view in a somewhat extreme and confronting way but I have to certainly agree with his main point... Most likely not in as blunt as Nial made it sound manner but nevertheless. From my experience Boost reviews indeed often put the cart before the horse and get into fierce irreconcilable fights and ultimatums over implementation minutia while totally losing sight or even ignoring the design and API -- the two fundamental components essential for lib acceptance and longevity. The design allows the lib to evolve and grow; and the API... well, it's obvious. Indeed, other posters indicated that that approach taken to the extreme may lead to inefficient implementation, etc. However, such criticism can be applied to probably anything. The "extreme" argument appears to be a simple/quick/dirty trick to misrepresent and then to discredit an idea... any idea. So, nobody is (or should be) expecting a complete, fully working, fully tested, exhaustively documented proposal on a plate. However, that is where the wisdom and experience (IMO) of the Boost community must come in -- to see the potential of a proposal, to see if the proposal has the right building blocks in the right places and has the room to grow in the right direction, i.e. that the proposal shows the right design (as, I think, Nial tried to convey) to eventually grow and to satisfy user expectations. Indeed, such an evaluation is hard. It is so much more "fun" to behave like a spoiled child -- I want the proposal to do X for me, I do not like/accept how Y is implemented/called. IMO such a reception, attitude and expectations are what drives people away from contributing to or participating in Boost. IMO in that regard the experience of Boost.Convert was quite positive when we somehow managed to stay focused on the design (or so I perceived), the proposal was accepted in principle and then a group of enthusiasts made sure the proposal addressed criticism, implemented/accommodated (or had room for) the requested functionality. Now back to the actual HTTP-lib proposal. I am merely a user. However, I do want very much such a functionality in Boost. If Boosters more knowledgeable in the field might get together, evaluate the proposal in a realistic and mature manner and, ultimately, manage to plant a seed in Boost from which a good Boost HTTP lib. might start growing, that be delightful. Again, let's avoid "I want a full-grown tree or nothing". Let's evaluate (and accept) if that's a good seed that something good might grow from... and make sure it does... Or alternatively we might try to realistically evaluate the situation and, maybe, to accept that Boost is somewhat late to the HTTP "party" and not to go down that HTTP road due to existing, say, Poco HTTP library.

On 23 Sep 2016, at 20:50, Niall Douglas
wrote: Almost everyone here and in the wider C++ community wants somebody to take the HTTP client API from the Python Requests module (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) and very closely replicate it in C++ (it need not be Python Requests specifically, just some well established highly regarded high level HTTP API battle tested over many years - the key part here is DO NOT try reinventing the wheel over well established practice).
I don’t know if this is true but such a thing actually exists already: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_D-wD1EmWk - https://github.com/whoshuu/cpr Thomas

Hi Vinnie!
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Vinnie Falco
Beast provides low level HTTP and WebSocket interfaces built on Boost.Asio, the project is here: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast The plan is to solicit feedback from the Boost community before submitting a request for a formal review.
One point brought up during the conference is that Beast does not offer sufficient higher level HTTP functionality. This omission is intentional. The requestor informed me that this functionality did not need to provide every possible feature or handle every use case. It just needed to handle the common use-cases.
For the record, I am against this higher level functionality for a number of reasons. Despite my objection I have started work on these features anyway. Here are the beginnings of a HTTP client: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/88b485df7e6216282842f40cf99cc7 5dee1b82d4/test/http/get.cpp#L123
Here is some work on a generic server: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/server/extras/beast/http/async_ server.hpp#L84
Your investigation into creating a higher level interface, despite your own reluctance to do so, is very much appreciated. I have a few ideas wrt. what a good higher level interface would look like building off your work. First, I think that the io_service object should not be hidden with a higher-level interface. Asynchronous applications, once the Networking TS becomes available, are generally going to start with the creation of an io_service (executor), followed by the creation of some objects (or calling of functions) which use it, and then complete with a 'ioService.run()' call. Folks who want to do something more sophisticated with a thread pool will have facilities to do so, but this will be the "Hello World" for asynchronous applications. Related to this, I don't think a synchronous interface is necessary. The 'get' function should take in a URL and a callback which has 'error_code' and 'response' parameters. The callback would have the ability to query the response's headers and body (as a string). Streaming the result of a get, I would say, is out-of-scope for the high level interface. A slightly lower-level interface (which may be good enough to replace a special 'get' function) would take in a URL and a requeststd::string. We could include some helpers, like 'buildSimpleGetRequest', that make this easy to use for common scenarios where users don't want to mess around with setting 'User-Agent' headers and such. I'd be happy to work with you on creating a proposed higher level interface that I think would stand a chance at WG21. It may improve consensus for the Boost review, but if it has the opposite effect we could just rip it out. What do you think? -- David Sankel

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 8:39 PM, David Sankel
Your investigation into creating a higher level interface, despite your own reluctance to do so, is very much appreciated.
I think that the io_service object should not be hidden with a higher-level interface.
Yep, and that's a mistake that websocketpp made. For both a client and a server, it should be possible for: 1. The caller to provide an io_service with its own threads if they want 2. A choice of using an implicit strand: just one thread in the io_service pool), or an explicit strand (e.g. io_service::strand wrapper equivalent). 3.Some struct tag or construction option that provides an io_service with some reasonable default threading policy, so the caller doesn't have to bother with it at all.
I don't think a synchronous interface is necessary.
Probably true. A synchronous interface would require a redundant code path.
I'd be happy to work with you on creating a proposed higher level interface that I think would stand a chance at WG21. It may improve consensus for the Boost review, but if it has the opposite effect we could just rip it out. What do you think?
There's a lot of merit to a team effort for building a good design.
However, I'm not sure that I want to broaden the scope of Beast's
current interfaces. Other individuals have tried to create these high
level interfaces, and they have all failed review. There was a recent
claim in the mailing list that some individual could have written a
high quality HTTP client if they wanted to - then why didn't they?
We've certainly gone long enough without basic HTTP functionality
available with a sensible interface. I think Beast has a better chance
if it keeps its scope limited to just the low level protocol. Despite
this limited scope, it still provides a useful building block - and
one that we need.
With respect to a high level client interface, I have to be honest,
reading the Python Requests documentation really spoiled me. In a way,
its a good thing because I now realize that my own individual effort
and resources at producing a client would fall far short of Python
Requests - so I'm not wasting any of my energy on that anymore. When I
imagine what the most awesome C++ HTTP client library could look like,
it looks like Python Requests.
I don't think we should reinvent the wheel here, when some folks have
already done most of the heavy lifting for us. A C++, full featured
HTTP client implementation should be closely modeled after Python
Requests. The cool thing about this, is that someone has already
created such an interface. It is Huu Nguyen, the author of "C++
Requests: Curl for People". And the repository is here:
I reached out to the author and he related to me that his ambition is
to iterate on this library to produce a version that does not have
curl as a dependency. I think the most productive use of development
energies with respect to building a high level HTTP client would go
towards supporting the refinement of this library, or if the author
does not have the resources then to examine his interface and use it
as a model for creating such a library (using Beast for the protocol
level support).
On the subject of a turn-key generic HTTP server I think there are
more possibilities that I could put something together. We have a use
case for it at Ripple, and the amount of work to write a server is far
less than writing a full featured client. One caveat, when I talk
about writing a server I am talking about a low level server. I don't
have the knowledge or resources to include features like server side
multi-part encoding, cookie jars, redirection, caching of local
content, authentication, etc... I am talking about a server class
template which lets you write something like this:
struct handler

Hi, Am 29.09.2016 03:06, schrieb Vinnie Falco:
I don't think a synchronous interface is necessary.
Probably true. A synchronous interface would require a redundant code path.
I second that.
I'd be happy to work with you on creating a proposed higher level interface that I think would stand a chance at WG21. It may improve consensus for the Boost review, but if it has the opposite effect we could just rip it out. What do you think?
There's a lot of merit to a team effort for building a good design. However, I'm not sure that I want to broaden the scope of Beast's current interfaces.
I agree, that there is much value in having one library for the low level stuff, which beast is very well suited. I also agree, that higher level APIs should be built on top of that instead of putting everything in the same project.
With respect to a high level client interface, [...] The cool thing about this, is that someone has already created such an interface. It is Huu Nguyen, the author of "C++ Requests: Curl for People". And the repository is here: https://github.com/whoshuu/cpr [...] I reached out to the author and he related to me that his ambition is to iterate on this library to produce a version that does not have curl as a dependency. I think the most productive use of development energies with respect to building a high level HTTP client would go towards supporting the refinement of this library, or if the author does not have the resources then to examine his interface and use it as a model for creating such a library (using Beast for the protocol level support).
Really great.
On the subject of a turn-key generic HTTP server I think there are more possibilities that I could put something together. [...]
I think frameworks for HTTP Servers should be separated in various parts: 1. Low Level HTTP stuff - that is what beast is perfect for 2. A Request Router 3. A Database Access Layer - most Web applications are good off to use a database 4. A way to create the HTML output without mixing it with the code For 3 and 4 I'd propose Roland Bocks sqlpp11 (https://github.com/rbock/sqlpp11) and kiss-templates (https://github.com/rbock/kiss-templates) So some weeks ago I started a request router as hobby project based on beast v1. It does not even remotely work yet and of course the interface is not at all fixed now. As usuall hobby projects might get a lot of love, but never enough time, so the advance is very slow at the moment. The routing looks like this: auto appRoute = route_url(route("^/foo/([0-9]+)"s, app::foo{url_match_cast<int>{"$1"s}}), route("^/bar/([a-fA-F0-9]*)"s, app::bar{url_match_caststd::string{"$1"s}}), route("^/baz/([0-9]*([.][0-9]+)?)", app::baz{url_match_cast<double>{"$1"}})); auto r = route_url(route("^/oldAppBase(.*)$"s, redirect("/newAppBase$1"s)), route("^/newAppBase(.*)$"s, appRoute("$1"s)), route("^/webSockets(.*)$"s, sockHandler{"$1"s}), route("^/otherWebSockets(.*)$"s, otherSockHandler{"$1"s}), route("^/static(.*)$"s, static_file_handler{boost::filesystem::current_path(), "$1"s})); The idea here is, that you can create independent components, like "appRoute", and mount them together to build a complete application. The Components themself can be build with multiple handlers, that can be components themselves as well. This is inspired by Django. The handlers might look like this: namespace app { class foo: public base_http_handler<foo> { using base_http_handler<foo>::operator(); url_match_cast<int> get_foo_; public: foo(const url_match_cast<int>& get_foo): get_foo_{get_foo} {}; template<typename Request> beast::http::response_v1beast::http::string_body operator () (const std::smatch& match, const Request& req) { auto resp = beast::http::response_v1beast::http::string_body{}; resp.status = 200; resp.reason = beast::http::reason_string(200); resp.headers.replace("Content-Type", "text/html"); auto foo_text = boost::lexical_caststd::string(get_foo_(match)); resp.body = "<html><head><title>foo: "s + foo_text + "</title></head><body>foo: "s + foo_text + "</body></html>"s; resp.headers.replace("Content-Length", resp.body.size()); return resp; }; }; } But they can also just be lambdas with the signature like this call operator. With generalized captures, this could also be writen as: route("^/foo/([0-9]+)"s, [get_foo_=url_match_cast<int>{"$1"s}] (const std::smatch& match, const Request& req) -> beast::http::response_v1beast::http::string_body operator () { // ... auto foo = get_foo_(match); // ... }) The parameter match is the match of the regular expression on the path. With get_foo_(match) we get the first parameter ("$1") from that match as an integer (url_match_cast<int>). I think, the main loop should not be part of the framework. My current idea would look like to use std::futureboost::system::error_code as return type for the call operator of a rout_url: std::futureboost::system::error_code success_async = r(url, req, my_socket); What do you think about such an interface? Christof

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 5:23 AM, Christof Donat
I think frameworks for HTTP Servers should be separated in various parts:
1. Low Level HTTP stuff - that is what beast is perfect for 2. A Request Router 3. A Database Access Layer - most Web applications are good off to use a database 4. A way to create the HTML output without mixing it with the code
I'm proposing that there is a server layer that is even lower than the items listed above. Specifically a generic server with these features: 1. An object modeling the entire server 2. An object to model an acceptor (listening port) 3. Server methods to add and remove acceptors dynamically 4. For acceptors supporting TLS, control over certificates 5. Acceptor supports plain, TLS, or auto-detected plain/TLS 6. An object to model a session (active connection) 7. Customization of the server with caller-provided behavior and state 8. Customization of the acceptor with caller-provided behavior and state 9. Customization of the session with caller-provided behavior and state 10. Control over the associated io_service and its threads Explanation of each of these items: 1. A type that represents the server, its acceptors, its active sessions, and caller provided state. This allows the caller to declare one or more variables of server type. 2. Each listening port is represented by an object with its own settings such as the address to bind to, port number, and whether it supports plain, TLS, or auto-detect. By auto-detect, I mean that the acceptor can detect whether the remote is attempting to perform a TLS handshake or not, and allow either type of connection on the active socket. 3. Allow callers to modify the listening ports on the fly. For example, to stop allowing new connections, remove the port, or add a new port. 4. For a port that supports TLS, an interface giving control of certificates. It should also be possible to require client certificates thus permitting development of a middleware server. 6. The active connection is represented by an object in memory with suitable member functions. 7. The caller can associate the server with state. One example, is the root directory from which to serve files. This could be done using CRTP, or a caller supplied template argument. Acceptor and session objects need access to this state so they can make decisions. For example, the server could have an IP whitelist that each acceptor can look at. 8. The caller can associate the acceptor with state. For example, the domain specific permissions to give sessions associated with that acceptor. 9. The caller can associate the session with state, access the state of the associated acceptor from which the connection was established, and access the state of the owning server. 10. Handling of the io_service should not constrain users' choice of design patterns.
For 3 and 4 I'd propose Roland Bocks sqlpp11 (https://github.com/rbock/sqlpp11) and kiss-templates (https://github.com/rbock/kiss-templates)
So some weeks ago I started a request router as hobby project based on beast v1. It does not even remotely work yet and of course the interface is not at all fixed now. As usuall hobby projects might get a lot of love, but never enough time, so the advance is very slow at the moment.
Well, I think that is great!
The handlers might look like this:
namespace app { class foo: public base_http_handler<foo> { ...
What you have done here, and what you should be congratulated for, is to become the first stakeholder to provide an example of code (I think). Code samples are a universally understood way to get your point across regarding design decisions. The interface to the router is a bit high level for me. I would be interested to see your ideas about how your class base_http_handler is instantiated. Is it created when the socket is created? How does the handler gain access to session specific information, such as the remote IP address? Or caller provided state such as the filesystem root or permissions? Did you start with Beast's http_async_server and modify it? Or do you have your own implementation that manages connections?
template<typename Request> beast::http::response_v1beast::http::string_body operator ()(const std::smatch& match, const Request& req); ... What do you think about such an interface?
I love that you have provided a function signature for everyone to
consider, I wish more people did this.
With respect to your signature, I think there a problem with using the
return type in that fashion. What if different routers want to use
different types for the HTTP body? A key feature of Beast is that
callers can get control over the algorithms used to parse and
serialize the body. For a server, this ability is critical - its the
intention that streaming from a coroutine, progressive
download/upload, handling of the Content-Encoding, are all done using
user-defined body customizations. C++ only allows for one return type
so this would complicate things.
A robust server will almost never use beast::http::string_body or
beast::http::streambuf_body except for error messages like 404 Not
Found. More likely, someone will develop a rich Body type that
supports a wide variety of features such as the encoding as I
mentioned above, multi-part/mime extensions, and the like.
Another approach, instead of using the return type, is to give the
handler an object which when invoked with a message, queues or sends
the message. This allows the caller to use any choices of body type
(or headers type) depending on what the router selects. A modified
version of your handler might look like this:
struct http_handler
/** Provides the HTTP response given a request.
SendFunction will have this equivalent signature:

Hi, Am 29.09.2016 15:34, schrieb Vinnie Falco:
On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 5:23 AM, Christof Donat
wrote: I think frameworks for HTTP Servers should be separated in various parts:
1. Low Level HTTP stuff - that is what beast is perfect for 2. A Request Router 3. A Database Access Layer - most Web applications are good off to use a database 4. A way to create the HTML output without mixing it with the code
I'm proposing that there is a server layer that is even lower than the items listed above. Specifically a generic server with these features: [...]
So that would be between the low level HTTP stuff and the request router. Looks like a good idea and probably will make the request router simpler.
6. The active connection is represented by an object in memory with suitable member functions.
We could try define a kind of concept for the session store and the session objects, so that the session could also be persistent on disk, or in e.g. memcached. The session handling code then should be a template that is instantiated with these types. You'll probably like to be able to define the session objects class anyway. One important thing, I think is, that we should also be able to have no session tracking at all without having to pay for that, e.g. we don't want a session cookie then. So maybe we define a session object class, that triggers the corresponding meta program to cut out all the session management code all together.
7. The caller can associate the server with state. One example, is the root directory from which to serve files.
When you look back at my examples, my approach to serve static files was to use a special handler: static_file_handler{boost::filesystem::current_path(), "$1"s} That will instantiate a handler that works on the directory, the application has been started in (why-ever you might want that). It will take the first sub-expression of the match as path to find the file to serve in that directory. I don't think, that serving static files should be implemented on a lower level. You'd have to twiddle around with the routing system on a lower level then in order to know, which URLs are served by the application and which should be served by files.
The handlers might look like this:
namespace app { class foo: public base_http_handler<foo> { ...
What you have done here, and what you should be congratulated for, is to become the first stakeholder to provide an example of code (I think). Code samples are a universally understood way to get your point across regarding design decisions.
:-) that was the idea.
The interface to the router is a bit high level for me. I would be interested to see your ideas about how your class base_http_handler is instantiated.
Base_http_handler is a service class for other http handlers. Handlers don't have to be derived from base_http_handler, it just provides some stuff, that many handlers will probably need.
Is it created when the socket is created?
The handlers are only instantiated, when the route is defined. So in a typical application, there will be only one instance of each handler. The constructor parameters are global to all requests to that handler. E.g. url_match_cast<int>{"$1"s} will simply provide a type, that can be used to extract the first parameter of any regular expression match as int. The default implementation uses boost::lexical_cast<>, but of course you can create specializations for your own types. When the request is processed, I only call the call operator of that handler. That is, why it can also be a lambda.
How does the handler gain access to session specific information, such as the remote IP address?
The current idea is, to get that from the request object in future. There might be better options, of course.
Or caller provided state such as the filesystem root or permissions?
Those should be passed in as constructor parameters, like I did with the base path for the static_file_handler.
Did you start with Beast's http_async_server and modify it? Or do you have your own implementation that manages connections?
I tried using the code in http_async_server, but at the moment I'd be happy to get the unit tests running, before I even hope to soon have a working example server.
With respect to your signature, I think there a problem with using the return type in that fashion. What if different routers want to use different types for the HTTP body? A key feature of Beast is that callers can get control over the algorithms used to parse and serialize the body. For a server, this ability is critical - its the intention that streaming from a coroutine, progressive download/upload, handling of the Content-Encoding, are all done using user-defined body customizations. C++ only allows for one return type so this would complicate things.
A robust server will almost never use beast::http::string_body or beast::http::streambuf_body except for error messages like 404 Not Found. More likely, someone will develop a rich Body type that supports a wide variety of features such as the encoding as I mentioned above, multi-part/mime extensions, and the like.
Actually I obviously misunderstood that part of beast then. I guess, that is the reason, why I have searched for a reasonable body object and then resorted to beast::http::string_body. I thought, having different body types would be for some rare cornercases, that we usually will not have in a high level framework. So am I correct to assume, that the idea is to have a more or less arbitrary body object. In the end that will have to serialized to a string of bytes. Did you intend to have that implemented in the body object? If so, that would be a great place to plug in e.g. kiss templates. My current idea was to call the template inside the handler and write the result to the body. I think, the router can be made to handle different return types, as long as they implement a yet to define concept. I also have some thoughts to make it more flexible on the parameters. For some handlers you'll be happy to just get the URL match, others will maybe need a stream for websocket interaction. I think, that can be achieved using boost call traits, std::result_of, std::is_callable, or similar things, and a little bit of not too difficult meta programming magic. I hope to get some time this weekend to look into that.
Another approach, instead of using the return type, is to give the handler an object which when invoked with a message, queues or sends the message.
I also thought about that. For the time being, I chose to return the response object for semantic reasons. For me that is the result of the operation. With the approach of passing in a kind of response object, the operation would, as a side effect, respond to the request, and return something else, like an error code, or even void.
Thank you for sharing your ideas, I think this is going to really help the community make forward progress on HTTP.
I hope so :-) Christof

On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Christof Donat
I'm proposing that there is a server layer that is even lower than the items listed above.
So that would be between the low level HTTP stuff and the request router.
Right. My approach is to work from the bottom up, since the number of degrees of freedom with respect to designing an interface increases as you go to higher levels (some would disagree with that statement). No one can dispute that an HTTP application needs to send and receive HTTP messages (the lowest level). But there would be debate on how to handle cookies or how they should be persisted (high level functions). Once you have read/write HTTP message primitives available, then on the server side the next logical step up is to have a low-level server framework.
We could try define a kind of concept for the session store and the session objects, so that the session could also be persistent on disk
Oops, I think perhaps I miscommunicated. When I say session, I mean it in the lowest level sense. Pretty much the boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket and a few state variables (such as a reference to the server, and a reference to the acceptor). I wasn't talking about a high level HTTP session such as persistent data that survives an individual TCP/IP connection. If it seems that I'm trying to steer the discussion towards more low-level concepts, well... I am :) For me to get from point A (Beast's interfaces) to point B (what real users want, such as a robust client or server template) I think of small steps that build on what's already there.
One important thing, I think is, that we should also be able to have no session tracking at all without having to pay for that
I agree with the general principle of "pay for what you use."
So am I correct to assume, that the idea is to have a more or less arbitrary body object.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by an arbitrary body object.
In the end that will have to serialized to a string of bytes.
Yes, in order for an HTTP message instantiated with a specified Body type to be Serializable, the Body must provide the nested type which meets the requirements of Writer: http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/ref/Writer.html
Did you intend to have that implemented in the body object?
If I understand your question correctly, yes the Body type provides both the container used to represent the body (this becomes a data member in the message object) and the algorithms used to serialize and parse the body. The choice of container is entirely up to you and doesn't need to actually hold the data. In the Beast HTTP server example, the file_body uses a std::string representing the path to the file: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/70b8555cdca69b9c5777db02115d30d1c1... https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/70b8555cdca69b9c5777db02115d30d1c1...
My current idea was to call the template inside the handler and write the result to the body.
If you're serving a static file and anticipate that there will be large files, I think you will get better results if you implement your own custom Body type. Remember that the calculation of HTTP responses happens on an io_service thread. Things work better if you block on O(1) instead of O(n). So rather than reading in the entire file into memory when building the response, its better to just send fixed size pieces of the file from a custom writer. This also consumes less memory, allowing the server to scale to more connections with the same amount of resources. The Beast file_body sends in chunks of 4K: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/70b8555cdca69b9c5777db02115d30d1c1...
I think, the router can be made to handle different return types
I don't know about that...I wouldn't use the return value.
I also have some thoughts to make it more flexible on the parameters. For some handlers you'll be happy to just get the URL match, others will maybe need a stream for websocket interaction. I think, that can be achieved using boost call traits, std::result_of, std::is_callable, or similar things, and a little bit of not too difficult meta programming magic.
A code sample would greatly help in visualizing these ideas!
Another approach, instead of using the return type, is to give the handler an object which when invoked with a message, queues or sends the message. ... I also thought about that. For the time being, I chose to return the response object for semantic reasons. For me that is the result of the operation. With the approach of passing in a kind of response object, the operation would, as a side effect, respond to the request, and return something else, like an error code, or even void.
Adhering to language "purity" certainly has its merits but when building general purpose code I think we need to consider all the possibilities. For returning the http::response_v1, using the indirect interface I described above will result in smaller, easier to understand code. Creating a system where functions return response objects of different types (varying by their Body parameter) only creates complexity for calling code. And the only advantage is that it is emotionally satisfying - this will be hard to justify to users of the library. For error_code, passing it as a non-const reference is a clear winner. If you use error_code as the return value you are paying for a default construction in every function on the call chain.

Reanimating an old topic about Beast HTTP
On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 5:39 PM, David Sankel
I don't think a synchronous interface is necessary.
I disagree. Synchronous interface used with the non-blocking setting, and a reactor style wait operation (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_64_0/doc/html/boost_asio/overview/core/react...) present a strong alternative to the traditional proactor model. Specifically, using the reactor style wait operation means that no memory buffers need to be allocated while a connection is idle / waiting for bytes to become available. A robust reactor style implementation can service tens of thousands of connections using memory proportional to the number of threads rather than the number of connections. The technique is overlooked because of the assumption that the asynchronous interfaces should be preferred, and the synchronous interfaces deprecated. This impressive performance feat is not theoretical, it is already happening in the wild, for example, this library uses the reactor model and gets impressive performance figures: https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets I will be investigating these techniques in Beast, most likely as an example server for resource-constrained devices, you can follow the progress here: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/445

I've followed a little the discussion here. I've got your cool little brochure from CPPCon I've browsed the documentation I don't really know anything about networking I like what I've seen. I think one thing the would help me a lot would be if the documentation included one or two simple examples. Ideally that would be something simple from the python request library. Hopefully this would illustrate how your library can be of help in creating functionality we don't yet have. Given the work you've obviously already invested, I think adding two examples with good narrative would be well worth the effort. Robert Ramey

On Sep 23, 2016, at 9:58 AM, Vinnie Falco
wrote: Beast provides low level HTTP and WebSocket interfaces built on Boost.Asio, the project is here: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast The plan is to solicit feedback from the Boost community before submitting a request for a formal review.
The library looks nice, I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed. Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines. I would prefer not to have an HTTP library that depends on Boost.Context due to portability issues(the author refuses to support mingw). Thanks, Paul

Am 02.10.2016 um 02:20 schrieb Paul Fultz II:
On Sep 23, 2016, at 9:58 AM, Vinnie Falco
wrote: Beast provides low level HTTP and WebSocket interfaces built on Boost.Asio, the project is here: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast The plan is to solicit feedback from the Boost community before submitting a request for a formal review. The library looks nice, I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed.
Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines. I would prefer not to have an HTTP library that depends on Boost.Context due to portability issues(the author refuses to support mingw).
Thanks, Paul I'm using boost.coroutine through boost.asio in a mingw project, which would then be dependent on boost.context. So either I'm doing something unsupported or you're wrong here. Works fine anyway.
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On Oct 1, 2016, at 7:24 PM, Klemens Morgenstern
wrote: I'm using boost.coroutine through boost.asio in a mingw project, which would then be dependent on boost.context. So either I'm doing something unsupported or you're wrong here. Works fine anyway.
Boost.Context only builds for mingw if you have a MSVC assembler. Now, RedHat patches it, so Boost.Context can be built on RedHat(or CentOS). However, the author has refused to accept those patches unfortunately. When I build boost on ubuntu for mingw, I disable Boost.Context, which would mean disabling Boost.Beast as well. Also, Boost.Asio works fine as it doesn’t use Boost.Coroutine nor Boost.Context. I think it provides its own stackless-based coroutines. Paul

On Oct 1, 2016, at 7:24 PM, Klemens Morgenstern
wrote: I'm using boost.coroutine through boost.asio in a mingw project, which would then be dependent on boost.context. So either I'm doing something unsupported or you're wrong here. Works fine anyway. Boost.Context only builds for mingw if you have a MSVC assembler. Now, RedHat patches it, so Boost.Context can be built on RedHat(or CentOS). However, the author has refused to accept those patches unfortunately. When I build boost on ubuntu for mingw, I disable Boost.Context, which would mean disabling Boost.Beast as well.
Also, Boost.Asio works fine as it doesn’t use Boost.Coroutine nor Boost.Context. I think it provides its own stackless-based coroutines.
Paul Oh, I didn't know that, thanks for the info - but since I'm not cross-compiling I didn't notive that. I'm using stackful coroutines, and
Am 02.10.2016 um 02:45 schrieb Paul Fultz II: those are implemented with boost.coroutine.
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2016-10-02 2:45 GMT+02:00 Paul Fultz II
Boost.Context only builds for mingw if you have a MSVC assembler.
no - if you build boost.context on Windows you can use MSCV or MinGW. The library selects the assembler tool provided by the compiler, e.g. MSVC -> MASM, MinGW -> GNU as please take a look at boost's regression tests - maybe your informations are up-to-date
However, the author has refused to accept those patches unfortunately.
the patches were incorrect
When I build boost on ubuntu for mingw, I disable Boost.Context, which would mean disabling Boost.Beast as well.
should not be a problem as long as you provide the correct properties at b2 command line (architecture, address-model, binary-format, abi ...) for cross compiling. it is nearly impossible to provide assembler implementations for all combinations of architecture + address-model + abi + binary format + compiler/assembler (especially to have those systems to develop on)? but you are welcome to provide a correct/valid support for your combination/needs
Also, Boost.Asio works fine as it doesn’t use Boost.Coroutine nor Boost.Context.
boost.asio's spawn/yield uses boost.coroutine and works well too

On Oct 2, 2016, at 6:21 AM, Oliver Kowalke
wrote: 2016-10-02 2:45 GMT+02:00 Paul Fultz II
: Boost.Context only builds for mingw if you have a MSVC assembler.
no - if you build boost.context on Windows you can use MSCV or MinGW. The library selects the assembler tool provided by the compiler, e.g. MSVC -> MASM, MinGW -> GNU as please take a look at boost's regression tests - maybe your informations are up-to-date
I did look at the assembly files. As there was only x86 `.S` files for elf and mach-o, I assumed they were missing, but the windows assembler are named like `*_gas.asm`. The different extension through me off. Sorry for the confusion.
However, the author has refused to accept those patches unfortunately.
the patches were incorrect
When I build boost on ubuntu for mingw, I disable Boost.Context, which would mean disabling Boost.Beast as well.
should not be a problem as long as you provide the correct properties at b2 command line (architecture, address-model, binary-format, abi ...) for cross compiling.
it is nearly impossible to provide assembler implementations for all combinations of architecture + address-model + abi + binary format + compiler/assembler (especially to have those systems to develop on)? but you are welcome to provide a correct/valid support for your combination/needs
Yes, I understand. I don’t expect it to support every combination out there, but mingw on linux is common. I do wonder, if on C++11, it could have an option to fallback on threads when its on an unsupported platform. It would work, just not efficiently.
Also, Boost.Asio works fine as it doesn’t use Boost.Coroutine nor Boost.Context.
boost.asio's spawn/yield uses boost.coroutine and works well too
I was unaware of this. I guess being header-only it depends on what features are used. Thanks, Paul

On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Paul Fultz II
The library looks nice
I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed.
If you could please be so kind as to create an issue on the Beast GitHub repository page with the details, I will try to address it right away: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues
Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines.
Beast is header-only, the Jamfile and CMakeLists.txt are only for building the unit tests and the examples. As far as linking goes, you should only need Boost.System (for error_code). Some of the unit tests use coroutines, to make sure that they work and also as a tool to assist reaching a high level of code coverage. You shouldn't need either the Jamfile or the CMakeLists.txt found in the repository in order to use Beast.
I would prefer not to have an HTTP library that depends on Boost.Context due to portability issues(the author refuses to support mingw).
I have no plans to add Boost.Context as a dependency, Beast uses the Universal Asynchronous Model which abstracts the completion token (see http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3747.pdf). There is at least one mingw Beast user, they kindly provided minor fixes to make Beast work there: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/commit/38f0d950b06059f5c671b3e381344fc7... If you have any other problems or questions please don't hesitate to open a GitHub issue, that's the best way to get things fixed or answered. Hope you enjoy Beast!

On Oct 1, 2016, at 7:39 PM, Vinnie Falco
wrote: On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Paul Fultz II
wrote: The library looks nice
I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed.
If you could please be so kind as to create an issue on the Beast GitHub repository page with the details, I will try to address it right away: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues
Ok, will do.
Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines.
Beast is header-only, the Jamfile and CMakeLists.txt are only for building the unit tests and the examples.
Well, cmake should install the library, even its header-only. It should also provide cmake packaging and/or pkg-config to help with linking against the library and its dependencies. I do this in my libraries and could send you a pull request. But I do wonder if it should be header-only. Is it that heavily templated that `.cpp` files don’t make sense?
As far as linking goes, you should only need Boost.System (for error_code).
Oh, so it doesn’t use Boost.Asio either?
Some of the unit tests use coroutines, to make sure that they work and also as a tool to assist reaching a high level of code coverage.
You shouldn't need either the Jamfile or the CMakeLists.txt found in the repository in order to use Beast.
I would prefer not to have an HTTP library that depends on Boost.Context due to portability issues(the author refuses to support mingw).
I have no plans to add Boost.Context as a dependency, Beast uses the Universal Asynchronous Model which abstracts the completion token (see http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3747.pdf).
Ok awesome.
There is at least one mingw Beast user, they kindly provided minor fixes to make Beast work there: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/commit/38f0d950b06059f5c671b3e381344fc7...
If you have any other problems or questions please don't hesitate to open a GitHub issue, that's the best way to get things fixed or answered.
Hope you enjoy Beast!
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On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Paul Fultz II
Well, cmake should install the library, even its header-only. It should also provide cmake packaging and/or pkg-config to help with linking against the library and its dependencies. I do this in my libraries and could send you a pull request.
Uhh...err... okay, I have to admit - I've been a Windows user for quite a long time. And Windows was born with a handicap - there's no well defined place to put libraries and header files. So I'm behind the curve on having CMake "install" the library (what would that even mean for Windows?) But, its an interesting coincidence, someone already raised this point: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/pull/98 If you want to submit a pull request for the install functionality, I think that would be great.
But I do wonder if it should be header-only. Is it that heavily templated that `.cpp` files don’t make sense?
Well, yes. The algorithms for serializing and parsing messages are generic, accepting any object that meets the type requirements. The WebSocket stream can wrap any object that meets the requirements. This lets the same code work both for plain connections and SSL connections. Or use your own socket class if you want. On a related point, header-only libraries are more convenient. They require less configuration and mostly "just work." The first thing people ask about non-header only libraries in a formal review is "Why isn't this header-only?"
As far as linking goes, you should only need Boost.System (for error_code).
Oh, so it doesn’t use Boost.Asio either?
It "uses" Boost.Asio, but since Asio is also header-only, there is nothing to link with. However, Boost.Asio also requires Boost.System for error_code (unless you fiddle with some macros). Thanks

On 10/1/2016 8:58 PM, Paul Fultz II wrote:
On Oct 1, 2016, at 7:39 PM, Vinnie Falco
wrote: On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Paul Fultz II
wrote: The library looks nice
I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed.
If you could please be so kind as to create an issue on the Beast GitHub repository page with the details, I will try to address it right away: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues
Ok, will do.
Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines.
Beast is header-only, the Jamfile and CMakeLists.txt are only for building the unit tests and the examples.
Well, cmake should install the library, even its header-only.
Why should CMake "install" a header-only library ? Boost does not use CMake and header-only libraries do not need to be "installed".

Hi, On 2016-10-02 19:01, Edward Diener wrote:
On 10/1/2016 8:58 PM, Paul Fultz II wrote:
On Oct 1, 2016, at 7:39 PM, Vinnie Falco
wrote: On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Paul Fultz II
wrote: The library looks nice
I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed.
If you could please be so kind as to create an issue on the Beast GitHub repository page with the details, I will try to address it right away: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues
Ok, will do.
Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines.
Beast is header-only, the Jamfile and CMakeLists.txt are only for building the unit tests and the examples.
Well, cmake should install the library, even its header-only.
Why should CMake "install" a header-only library ? Boost does not use CMake and header-only libraries do not need to be "installed".
to install the header files into the final location of the boost libraries

On 10/2/2016 3:24 PM, Oswin Krause wrote:
On 2016-10-02 19:01, Edward Diener wrote:
On 10/1/2016 8:58 PM, Paul Fultz II wrote:
On Oct 1, 2016, at 7:39 PM, Vinnie Falco
wrote: On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Paul Fultz II
wrote: The library looks nice
I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed.
If you could please be so kind as to create an issue on the Beast GitHub repository page with the details, I will try to address it right away: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues
Ok, will do.
Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines.
Beast is header-only, the Jamfile and CMakeLists.txt are only for building the unit tests and the examples.
Well, cmake should install the library, even its header-only.
Why should CMake "install" a header-only library ? Boost does not use CMake and header-only libraries do not need to be "installed".
to install the header files into the final location of the boost libraries
If you follow the Boost directory structure your header files are in the right place as soon as you unzip your library beneath the Boost libs subdirectory. Afterward running 'b2 headers' from the Boost top-level directory creates the links to your header files under the Boost boost subdirectory. There is absolutely no need for anything else for a header-only library, nor is there a need to make things more complicated than they need to be. Of course if you are not going to follow the Boost directory structure you will make things needlessly complicated.
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to install the header files into the final location of the boost libraries
If you follow the Boost directory structure your header files are in the right place as soon as you unzip your library beneath the Boost libs subdirectory. Afterward running 'b2 headers' from the Boost top-level directory creates the links to your header files under the Boost boost subdirectory. There is absolutely no need for anything else for a header-only library, nor is there a need to make things more complicated than they need to be. Of course if you are not going to follow the Boost directory structure you will make things needlessly complicated.
Does it matter what bjam would correctly be doing when "cmake install" would not move your library to the final ${prefix}/include/*? I would find it confusing having a library that supposedly "builds" with cmake as well as bjam but does only install with one of them.

It seems that we've gone a bit off-topic. The CMake discussion certainly has value, but if I could kindly ask for that conversation to take place in a new thread, it would be greatly appreciated.

On Oct 2, 2016, at 12:01 PM, Edward Diener
wrote: On 10/1/2016 8:58 PM, Paul Fultz II wrote:
On Oct 1, 2016, at 7:39 PM, Vinnie Falco
wrote: On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Paul Fultz II
wrote: The library looks nice
I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed.
If you could please be so kind as to create an issue on the Beast GitHub repository page with the details, I will try to address it right away: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues
Ok, will do.
Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines.
Beast is header-only, the Jamfile and CMakeLists.txt are only for building the unit tests and the examples.
Well, cmake should install the library, even its header-only.
Why should CMake "install" a header-only library ?
There are a lot of reasons for this: 1) Cmake can install configured headers in the library(such as a version or config header). 2) Cmake can install packaging information to make it easier to use and link the library. Just because it is header-only doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to link against other libraries.
Boost does not use CMake and header-only libraries do not need to be "installed”.
Boost.Hana does use cmake and is header-only that is installed with cmake. Paul

On 10/2/2016 7:55 PM, Paul Fultz II wrote:
On Oct 2, 2016, at 12:01 PM, Edward Diener
wrote: On 10/1/2016 8:58 PM, Paul Fultz II wrote:
On Oct 1, 2016, at 7:39 PM, Vinnie Falco
wrote: On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Paul Fultz II
wrote: The library looks nice
I tried to run the tests and install it using cmake and it both failed.
If you could please be so kind as to create an issue on the Beast GitHub repository page with the details, I will try to address it right away: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues
Ok, will do.
Also, looking at the cmake, it looks like you use coroutines.
Beast is header-only, the Jamfile and CMakeLists.txt are only for building the unit tests and the examples.
Well, cmake should install the library, even its header-only.
Why should CMake "install" a header-only library ?
There are a lot of reasons for this:
1) Cmake can install configured headers in the library(such as a version or config header).
2) Cmake can install packaging information to make it easier to use and link the library. Just because it is header-only doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to link against other libraries.
Whatever CMake can or cannot do, Boost should not require its use for anything right now since their is no official support for it.
Boost does not use CMake and header-only libraries do not need to be "installed”.
Boost.Hana does use cmake and is header-only that is installed with cmake.
Boost.Hana is part of Boost now and is "installed" when you install Boost. In Github Boost Hana is installed when I get the Hana submodule. If Boost Hana needs CMake in order to be installed or in order to work that is news to me, and I am sure it would also be news to other Boost developers. I have no official stake in whatever debate may exist regarding Boost Build and CMake but I think that, even if you favor CMake, you should not be saying that CMake is necessary for Boost when it is not.

On Oct 2, 2016, at 7:38 PM, Edward Diener
wrote: Whatever CMake can or cannot do, Boost should not require its use for anything right now since their is no official support for it.
But it would be nice for it to support it now, as it will make it easier to use the library(especially before its accepted in boost).
Boost does not use CMake and header-only libraries do not need to be "installed”.
Boost.Hana does use cmake and is header-only that is installed with cmake.
Boost.Hana is part of Boost now and is "installed" when you install Boost.
Its also installed with cmake.
In Github Boost Hana is installed when I get the Hana submodule. If Boost Hana needs CMake in order to be installed or in order to work that is news to me, and I am sure it would also be news to other Boost developers.
I have no official stake in whatever debate may exist regarding Boost Build and CMake but I think that, even if you favor CMake, you should not be saying that CMake is necessary for Boost when it is not.
I am not saying its required, but by having Boost.Beast support cmake makes it easier to use, and give real feedback for the review. Paul

2016-10-02 2:20 GMT+02:00 Paul Fultz II
I would prefer not to have an HTTP library that depends on Boost.Context due to portability issues(the author refuses to support mingw).
boost.context (and boost.coroutine) support mingw - you should take a look at boost's regression tests

Recently I've added a container "class message_headers" to model the HTTP message excluding the body. This provides more flexibility for callers to handle the body themselves, or for more complex scenarios such as initiating or responding to Expect: 100-continue. Now that we have message_headers to refer to a HTTP message without the body, the term "headers" has become ambiguous. Specifically class basic_headers, and the Headers template argument name can be confused with message_headers. I am strongly considering the following changes: * Define "fields" to mean to a collection of HTTP field name / value pairs * Define "headers" to mean a container holding "fields" plus the request or response line specific items (method, uri, status code, and reason phrase) * Rename class template basic_headers to basic_fields * Rename class template alias headers to fields * Rename Headers in template parameter lists to Fields * Change documentation to be consistent with these terms This is a fairly big API change and I'm interested in hearing from any/all stakeholders with feedback. Very happy to hear from anyone here, or if you want please comment on the corresponding GitHub issue: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/171 Thanks
participants (21)
Andrey Semashev
Andrzej Krzemienski
Bjorn Reese
Christof Donat
David Sankel
Edward Diener
Glen Fernandes
Howard Hinnant
Klemens Morgenstern
Michael Caisse
Niall Douglas
Oliver Kowalke
Oswin Krause
Paul A. Bristow
Paul Fultz II
Peter Dimov
Rob Stewart
Robert Ramey
Thomas Trummer
Vinnie Falco
Vladimir Batov