multi_index broken on gcc4.7
In code which compiled just fine until yesterday I'm now seeing:
/opt/boost/trunk-release/boost/multi_index/detail/index_base.hpp: In member
function 'std::pair
Hartmut Kaiser
In code which compiled just fine until yesterday I'm now seeing:
OS: Debian Unstable Kernel: Linux 3.2 GCC: 4.7 (C++11, x86-64) Boost: SVN Trunk Build Type: Release
Yes, I'm in the middle of a major update to the lib and this a typo with variadic templates hopegully solved at (I'f be grateful if you could check.) Best regards, Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo
In code which compiled just fine until yesterday I'm now seeing:
OS: Debian Unstable Kernel: Linux 3.2 GCC: 4.7 (C++11, x86-64) Boost: SVN Trunk Build Type: Release
Yes, I'm in the middle of a major update to the lib and this a typo with variadic templates hopegully solved at
(I'f be grateful if you could check.)
Yep, works again. Thanks! Regards Hartmut ---------------
participants (2)
Hartmut Kaiser
Joaquin M Lopez Munoz