I like the simplicity and flexibility of boost::algorithm::split, but whenever I do some one-off, trivial split with it where performance isn't an issue, I find myself wishing that I didn't have to predeclare the result container. That is, I want a split_copy which returns the result container by value, analogous to the many other *_copy functions in boost::algorithm. This turns the split into an easy to read one-liner. Is there a technical reason that this doesn't exist, or just something the boost::algorithms developer didn't think was sufficiently sweet (syntactic-sugar-wise) to add? Thanks, -Matt

On 13-12-16 21:43, Chambers, Matthew wrote:
I like the simplicity and flexibility of boost::algorithm::split, but whenever I do some one-off, trivial split with it where performance isn't an issue, I find myself wishing that I didn't have to predeclare the result container.
In the interest in avoiding duplication, I'd say a range-adaptor would be in order, so you can just use `copy_range<T>` to achieve the copy you want without predeclaring. In fact, something very similar already exists: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_62_0/libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/ada..., although that is specifically for `regex_token_iterator`

On 12/13/2016 3:41 PM, Seth wrote:
On 13-12-16 21:43, Chambers, Matthew wrote:
I like the simplicity and flexibility of boost::algorithm::split, but whenever I do some one-off, trivial split with it where performance isn't an issue, I find myself wishing that I didn't have to predeclare the result container. In the interest in avoiding duplication, I'd say a range-adaptor would be in order, so you can just use `copy_range<T>` to achieve the copy you want without predeclaring.
In fact, something very similar already exists: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_62_0/libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/ada..., although that is specifically for `regex_token_iterator`
Here is the context I used it today. A simple call to split the PATH environment variable into a vector<string>: bfs::path exePath(args[0]); if (!exePath.has_parent_path()) { vector<string> tokens; algorithm::split(tokens, algorithm::is_any_of(env_path_separator), environment::get("PATH")); exePath = findNameInPath(args[0], tokens); } I'd have loved to have instead written: bfs::path exePath(args[0]); if (!exePath.has_parent_path()) exePath = findNameInPath(args[0], algorithm::split_copy(algorithm::is_any_of(env_path_separator), environment::get("PATH"))); Is there a way to use range adaptors to do that? Thanks, -Matt
participants (2)
Chambers, Matthew