]dynamic_bitset] develop change never merged to master
In going through the CMT libraries for the upcoming release I noticed a longstanding change to dynamic_bitset on the 'develop' branch that added capacity, reserve, and shrink_to_fit functionality which had never been merged to the 'master' branch. The change is purely to add functionality rather than a bug fix, but it has been tested successfully on the 'develop' branch for a long while now. Do we want this functionality in the upcoming release ? If not, this change can be merged to 'master' after the release is out for the next release.
On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 5:22 AM, Edward Diener
In going through the CMT libraries for the upcoming release I noticed a longstanding change to dynamic_bitset on the 'develop' branch that added capacity, reserve, and shrink_to_fit functionality which had never been merged to the 'master' branch. The change is purely to add functionality rather than a bug fix, but it has been tested successfully on the 'develop' branch for a long while now. Do we want this functionality in the upcoming release ? If not, this change can be merged to 'master' after the release is out for the next release.
Edward --
I'm looking at the change logs and the contents of the files, and I'm
pretty sure that those are there.
git branch -l
* master
git log include/boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp | head -12
commit 340822f979371973fe4a84363623a68b984da57d
Author: ricky65
On 8/24/2016 8:32 PM, Marshall Clow wrote:
On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 5:22 AM, Edward Diener
wrote: In going through the CMT libraries for the upcoming release I noticed a longstanding change to dynamic_bitset on the 'develop' branch that added capacity, reserve, and shrink_to_fit functionality which had never been merged to the 'master' branch. The change is purely to add functionality rather than a bug fix, but it has been tested successfully on the 'develop' branch for a long while now. Do we want this functionality in the upcoming release ? If not, this change can be merged to 'master' after the release is out for the next release.
Edward --
I'm looking at the change logs and the contents of the files, and I'm pretty sure that those are there.
git branch -l develop * master git log include/boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp | head -12 commit 340822f979371973fe4a84363623a68b984da57d Author: ricky65
Date: Mon Nov 24 17:09:22 2014 +0000 Add capacity(), reserve(), and shrink_to_fit().
commit 225064d3558ced62db63ce23e108b85af2f09d07 Author: Marshall Clow
Date: Mon Sep 15 08:29:05 2014 -0700 Patch by Riccardo Marcangelo: Added a pop_back() member function which decreases the size of the bitset by one
Yes, you are right. My bad ! I should have done a git pull on 'master' before I posted and I would have seen my error.
participants (2)
Edward Diener
Marshall Clow