[outcome v2] Pre-review feedback

Outcome v2's review starts on Friday 19th January, after which I can't fix even obvious problems. The documentation is by far the newest and most experimental part using bleeding edge tooling, so getting a few rounds of fixes in now before locking everything down for the review would be great. Can those who are super keen have a look at the reference API docs and find problems that me and Jonathan can fix before the review begins? You can find the reference API docs at: https://ned14.github.io/outcome/reference/ And issues can be logged to https://github.com/ned14/outcome/issues or https://github.com/foonathan/standardese/issues if you're sure of the source of the problem. Potential problems to look out for (not a complete list): - Lack of documentation summary string - Confusing or meaningless documentation - Incomplete or mangled documentation for some entity (e.g. sentences missing sections, lines reordered) - Leakage of "detail" namespace or of types or macros clearly of internal implementation detail - Stray or missing commas, angle brackets, brackets - Missing or insufficient requirements, effects or throws clauses - Appearance of any `std::enable_if`, these are supposed to be suppressed into requirements, but I know `outcome.hpp` is particularly bad on that (tracked by https://github.com/ned14/outcome/issues/76). - Lack of hyperlinking to other parts of the reference docs where that was clearly intended. To expand on the "bleeding edge tooling" part, these reference API docs are generated using https://github.com/foonathan/standardese which is based on clang libtooling. Some of the problems are caused by clang libtooling, some by standardese, some by me. I don't doubt that these reference API docs are an enormous improvement over those from doxygen - especially the ability to search semantically for stuff related to search term - but there are a lot of very small problems I'd love to clean up before the formal review begins. Thanks in advance. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/
participants (1)
Niall Douglas