Re: [boost] [release] Boost 1.82.0 Release Candidate 1 is available

On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 9:25 AM Marshall Clow via Boost <> wrote:
Looks good on Windows/Visual Studio. toolset arch compile Link Execute msvc-10.0 32 X X X msvc-10.0 64 X X X msvc-11.0 32 X X X msvc-11.0 64 X X X msvc-12.0 32 X X X msvc-12.0 64 X X X msvc-14.0 32 X X X msvc-14.0 64 X X X msvc-14.1 32 X X X msvc-14.1 64 X X X msvc-14.2 32 X X X msvc-14.2 64 X X X msvc-14.3 32 X X X msvc-14.3 64 X X X Compile means that the b2 command completed without errors Link means that visual studio was able to link a sample executable to a library (libboost_thread-vcXXX-mt[-gd]-1_XX.lib) generated Execute means that the linked program executed without errors. Full build log can be found here: Tom
participants (1)
Tom Kent