I looked up https://github.com/boostorg/boost/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code:-2019 . No project ideas have been added for BGL as of yet, it seems. I hope there is something in BGL in this years GSOC, as I am really passionate about graphs and graph algorithms. Also, will you be mentoring this year? If not, do you have any information on the potential mentors for this BGL project? Thanks.

On Fri, 22 Feb 2019 at 17:05, Siddhartha Sen via Boost
I looked up https://github.com/boostorg/boost/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code:-2019 . No project ideas have been added for BGL as of yet, it seems. I hope there is something in BGL in this years GSOC, as I am really passionate about graphs and graph algorithms.
If you've had read the [1], you'd have found out those are proposal *ideas*, and "Once a potential mentor and project idea is found, the **student** must write a project proposal" IOW, you are more than welcome to propose new ideas for BGL. [1] https://github.com/boostorg/boost/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code%3A-Overview Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
participants (2)
Mateusz Loskot
Siddhartha Sen