Re: [boost] -serialization- segfault on startup

Andrey Thanks for the info. I purged every stray lib I could find - double checked all ld_library_path entries and discovered there was a shared lib from a previous build on my path which was almost certainly the culprit in this case. However, now the filesystem error has gone and I'm left with a very similar one which previously was bothering me from boost.serialization. This one I can't make disappear by cleaning paths because there's nothing bad left that might be a problem. I tried this time with boost_1.54 just to see if anything changed. does this stack trace look familiar to anyone? thanks JB #0 0x00000080a0b272f4 in ._dl_fixup () from /lib64/ #1 0x00000080a0b2fd78 in ._dl_runtime_resolve () from /lib64/ #2 0x00000fffb689869c in ._ZN5boost13serialization9singletonINS_7archive6detail22archive_serializer_mapIN3hpx4util24portable_binary_oarchiveEEEE12get_instanceEv () at /gpfs/ #3 0x00000fffb3a93008 in ._Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii () at /gpfs/ #4 0x00000fffb3a93064 in ._GLOBAL__sub_I_portable_binary_oarchive.cpp () at /gpfs/ #5 0x00000fffb3a969f8 in .__do_global_ctors_aux () from /gpfs/ #6 0x00000fffb3a89ae4 in ._init () from /gpfs/ #7 0x00000080a0b27bf0 in ._dl_init_internal () from /lib64/ #8 0x00000080a0b154dc in ._dl_start_user () from /lib64/
participants (1)
Biddiscombe, John A.