[test] I want my core dumped

Hi, I have assert in my library code, but when the assert fire in a test, the main function in minimal.hpp intercept the signal and explains that, yes, you asked for an abort, but no: [...] ../../../boost/test/minimal.hpp(136): exception "signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested)" caught in function: 'int main(int, char **)' Is there a way to avoid that behavior ? I need that core file. Thanks Alain

On 22/08/2018 20:58, Alain Miniussi wrote:
I have assert in my library code, but when the assert fire in a test, the main function in minimal.hpp intercept the signal and explains that, yes, you asked for an abort, but no:
[...] ../../../boost/test/minimal.hpp(136): exception "signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested)" caught in function: 'int main(int, char **)'
Is there a way to avoid that behavior ? I need that core file.
Can't you just run it in the debugger and have it first-chance-catch any signals? Or breakpoint on abort?

AMDG On 08/22/2018 02:58 AM, Alain Miniussi via Boost wrote:
I have assert in my library code, but when the assert fire in a test, the main function in minimal.hpp intercept the signal and explains that, yes, you asked for an abort, but no:
[...] ../../../boost/test/minimal.hpp(136): exception "signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested)" caught in function: 'int main(int, char **)'
Is there a way to avoid that behavior ? I need that core file.
For the full UTF this is controlled by: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_68_0/libs/test/doc/html/boost_test/utf_refe... but the minimal test framework is much less configurable. In Christ, Steven Watanabe
participants (3)
Alain Miniussi
Gavin Lambert
Steven Watanabe