queries regarding usage of boost 1.76.0 .

Hi, I have below queries regarding boost 1.76.0. I have been faced these below queries. 1.how to check boost is statically binded or dynamically binded with my code? is this binding related to virtual concept? 2.how boost interacts with any software? 3. does boost takes our data for any use? ex: when we use sql servers they take our data for testing purpose. Like that does boost take?

-----Original Message----- From: Boost
On Behalf Of mahesh pramod via Boost Sent: 4 October 2021 10:41 To: boost@lists.boost.org Cc: mahesh pramod Subject: [boost] queries regarding usage of boost 1.76.0 . Hi, I have below queries regarding boost 1.76.0.
I have been faced these below queries.
1.how to check boost is statically binded or dynamically binded with my code? is this binding related to virtual concept?
2.how boost interacts with any software? 3. does boost takes our data for any use? ex: when we use sql servers they take our data for testing purpose. Like that does boost take?
These seem 'non-questions' for Boost libraries 😉 Bost is not an 'App'. 1 Linking static or dynamic is entirely under your control. But most of Boost is not linked at all because it is (or can be if you chose) header-only. 2 Boost is mainly header-only code that your software compiles and uses, so any interaction is entirely by *your* software. 3 No data can ever be taken by Boost.org or any software release. HTH Paul Bristow
participants (2)
mahesh pramod
pbristowï¼ hetp.u-net.com